[11a - 50 lines; 11b - 41 lines]
1)[line 1]שםSHAM- there [in the Beis ha'Mikdash]
2)[line 2]שער ניקנורSHA'AR NIKANOR- a) the eastern gate of the Azarah, named after he who donated its brass doors (see Yoma 38a); b) the Girsa of the Vilna Ga'on is SHA'AR HA'MAYIM - The Gate of Water, opposite the Mizbe'ach, through which the water for the Nisuch ha'Mayim (see Background to Pesachim 34:25) on Sukos is carried. The Amah - the channel of water that runs through the Azarah of the Beis ha'Mikdash - flows out through this gate.
3)[line 6]"בשעריך""BI'SHE'ARECHA"- This is a quote from the verse quoted in full on line 9 of the Gemara.
4)[line 8]שערי מדינותSHA'AREI MEDINOS- the gates of countries [otherwise bordered by mountains and woods]
5)[line 9]למקוםLA'MAKOM- to HaSh-m
6)[line 11]אבולי דמחוזאIBULEI D'MECHOZA- gates of Mechoza (a large, mostly Jewish trading town that was located on the Tigris River)
7)[line 12]חזוק לאקרא דכובי הוא דעבידיCHIZUK L'AKRA D'KUBEI HU D'AVIDI- they are intended as a support [and entranceway] for the fort of Kubei (the name of the fort; alt., the fort of turrets)
8)[line 16]חזן הכנסתCHAZAN HA'KENESES- the Shamash of the synagogue
9)[line 17]סכנהSAKANAH- the danger [of a Nochri, suspecting the Mezuzah of containing an enchantment, starting a libel]
10a)[line 18]פעמים בשבועPA'AMAYIM B'SHAVU'A- twice in a seven-year Shemitah (see Background to Shekalim 8:46) cycle
b)[line 19]פעמים ביובלPA'AMAYIM B'YOVEL- twice in a fifty-year Yovel (see Background to Nedarim 61:2) cycle
11)[line 19]ארטביןARTAVIN- a) a certain kind of artisan; b) the name of a person
12)[line 21]קסדורKASDOR- a police officer (this is the root of the English word quaestor [alt. questor] - a state official, specifically a prosecutor or judge in certain criminal cases)
13)[line 23]קביע היזקאKEVI'A HEZEIKA- damage is likely to result
14)[line 24]"וַיֹּאמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל, אֵיךְ אֵלֵךְ וְשָׁמַע שָׁאוּל וַהֲרָגָנִי; וַיֹּאמֶר ה', עֶגְלַת בָּקָר תִּקַּח בְּיָדֶךָ, וְאָמַרְתָּ לִזְבֹּחַ לַה' בָּאתִי""VAYOMER SHMUEL, EICH ELECH V'SHAMA SHAUL VA'HARAGANI; VAYOMER HASH-M, EGLAS BAKAR TIKACH B'YADCHA ..." - "And Shmuel said, 'how can I go? Shaul may hear and kill me!' And HaSh-m said, 'Take a calf with you, and say, "I have come to offer a sacrifice to HaSh-m!"'" (Shmuel I 16:2-3) (SHMUEL'S DANGEROUS MISSION)
(a)HaSh-m commanded Shmuel ha'Navi to go to the house of Yishai and anoint one of his sons as the next king of Yisrael. Shmuel was afraid to do so, however.
(b)HaSh-m agreed that the mission presented a risk. He therefore gave Shmuel another charge as well. As there was no Mishkan standing at the time, it was permitted to offer Korbanos on private alters. This gave Shmuel a pretext for which to visit Yishai that would not arouse the suspicions of Shaul.
15)[line 28]בית האוצרותBEIS HA'OTZAROS- storehouses [of wine, oil, and grain]
16)[line 29]נאותותNE'OSOS- benefit
17)[line 31]רפת בקרREFES BAKAR- a stable [which is not used by women as a bathhouse, since animals live there on a permanent basis and it is full of manure (TOSFOS DH veha'Tanya; see also Tosfos Yeshanim)]
18)[line 32]מתקשטותMISKASHTOS- they adorn themselves
19)[line 37]"ביתך"BESECHA- This is a quote from the verse quoted in full on line 9 of the Gemara
20)[line 39]בית הבורסקיBEIS HA'BURSEKI- a tannery
21)[line 45]זוהמיהZUHAMEI- its foul air
22)[last line]לוליןLULIN- chicken coops
23)[last line]מתבןMASBEN- a shed for straw
24a)[line 1]בית שערBEIS SHA'AR- a gatehouse
b)[line 1]אכסדרהACHSADRAH- a covered porch (open on at least one side)
c)[line 1]מרפסתMIRPESES- (O.F. aledoir) a common balcony from which the residents of a second story go down by way of a ladder to the courtyard, and from there to a Reshus ha'Rabim
25)[line 5]העשוי לכבודHA'ASUY L'KAVOD- that which is intended for a respectable usage
26a)[line 7]הר הביתHAR HA'BAYIS- the Beis ha'Mikdash
b)[line 7]הלשכותLISHKOS- the rooms located off of the Azaros
c)[line 8]העזרותAZAROS- the large rooms of which the Beis ha'Mikdash is comprised of
27)[line 13]שער המדיSHA'AR HA'MADI- a Median gate; an archway
28)[line 13]שער שאינו מקורהSHA'AR SHE'EINO MEKURAH- a doorway with no crosspiece
29)[line 14]שאינו גבוה י'SHE'EINO GAVOHA ASARAH- that is not ten [Tefachim] tall
30)[line 15]סלקתSALKAT- lit. you went up; you finished
31)[line 16]כיפהKIPAH- an archway
32)[line 17]רגלהRAGLAH- [an opening in] the lower part of the archway (that is at least four Tefachim wide)
33)[line 22]ויש בה לחוקV'YESH BAH LA'CHUK- and there is enough surrounding material to carve out
34)[line 23]חוקקין להשליםCHOKEKIN L'HASHLIM
(a)Chokekin l'Hashlim (excavating to complete [a required measurement]) is a Halachic device by which a small space may be judged to be larger if there is sufficient volume in the surrounding walls to make up for the additional required size.
(b)For example, the Gemara records an argument between Rebbi Meir and Chachamim as to whether or not we apply Chokekin l'Hashlim to an archway that begins to curve at too low of a point for the doorway to require a Mezuzah (i.e., it is not four Tefachim wide for a height of ten Tefachim). If the surrounding walls are thick enough that were they to be excavated, the doorway could be made four Tefachim wide for a height of ten Tefachim, Rebbi Meir asserts that the doorway requires a Mezuzah.
(c)The Machlokes regarding Chokekin l'Hashlim is only applicable to part of an opening. For example, in the above situation Rebbi Meir applies Chokekin l'Hashlim only when the lower three Tefachim of the doorway are four Tefachim wide, but the doorway narrows before it reaches a height of ten Tefachim. Chokekin can complete the doorway by making the top as if it, too, were four Tefachim wide, though in reality it is narrower than that.
35)[line 30]דרך ביאתךDERECH BI'ASCHA- [view the doorway from] the way in which you enter the house [when it comes to determining where to place the Mezuzah]
36)[line 31]וכי עקר איניש כרעיהV'CHI AKAR INISH KAR'EI- and when a person moves his foot [to begin walking]
37)[line 32]מטמאין בנגעיםMETAM'IN B'NEGA'IM (NIG'EI BATIM )
(a)If a streak or spot that is a stark green or red color is found upon the stones of a house, it may be Tzara'as (a spiritual malady). A Kohen is called to determine the status of the marks; if they are found to indeed have the status of Tzara'as, the house is placed into quarantine for a week. Since any utensil or clothing that is in the house when it is pronounced Tamei with Nega'im become Tamei as well, they are all removed before the Kohen checks the house.
(b)The Kohen returns after seven days to review the markings. If the Tzara'as has spread, one must remove the stones (Choletz) that have the Tzara'as, scrape off the surrounding plaster (Tach), insert new stones, and re-plaster the entire house. The house is then placed into quarantine for a second week. Should the Tzara'as return to the house during that week, then the owner is required to dismantle his house (Notetz). The stones from the house must be removed to a place outside of the city; they remain Asur b'Hana'ah forever (Vayikra 14:45).
(c)If, on the other hand, the Tzara'as remained unchanged after the first week, then the Kohen leaves the house in quarantine for an additional week. If after the second week the Tzara'as has spread - or even if it has remained as is - then one must remove the stones (Choletz) that have the Tzara'as, scrape off the surrounding plaster (Tach), insert new stones, and re-plaster the entire house. The house is then placed into quarantine for an additional week (Vayikra 14:40). Should the Tzara'as return to the house during that week, then the procedure for dismantling the house described above must be followed.
38)[line 35]כשמפנהKESHE'MEFANEH- when he empties
39)[line 39]ר"מ מחייבREBBI MEIR MECHAYEV- From that which Rebbi Meir requires a synagogue to have a Mezuzah, it is apparent that his opinion is that it is classified as a "Bayis". This classification is one that includes a synagogue among those buildings that can become infected with Tzara'as as well.