[28a - 48 lines; 28b - 44 lines]

1)[line 1]מבטלMEVATEL- he nullifies [the board to the house, in which case it is clearly prohibited unless it was previously attached]

2)[line 9]הזקקתוני לומר דבר שלא שמעתי מפי רבותיHIZKAKTUNI LOMAR ...- a) you have forced me [to reveal the standards to which I hold myself, one of which is that I will not state] that which I never heard from my Rebbi (RASHI); b) are you trying to force me [into saying that which I never heard from my Rebbi? (MAHARSHA)

3)[line 13]לא הנחתיLO HINACHTI- I did not leave behind

4)[line 13]שיחת חוליןSICHAS CHULIN- idle chatter

5a)[line 17]לא הרהרLO HIRHER- he did not think [Torah thoughts]

b)[line 17]במבואות המטונפותB'MEVO'OS HA'METUNAFOS- in dirty alleyways

6a)[line 18]דומםDOMEM- [learning] silently

b)[line 18]שונהSHONEH- [learning] aloud

7)[line 20]הגיע עתHIGI'A ES- the time has arrived

8a)[line 20]חוץ מערבי פסחיםCHUTZ ME'ARVEI PESACHIM- with the exception of Erev Pesach [when it was necessary to prepare the Korban Pesach and insure that the children took naps in order to remain awake for the Seder (Pesachim 109a)]

b)[line 21]וערבי יום הכפוריםV'ARVEI YOM HA'KIPURIM- and Erev Yom ha'Kipurim [when one must eat]

9)[line 22]תשרה עליהן שכינהTISHREH ALEIHEM SHECHINAH- the Divine Presence should dwell upon them

10)[line 23]תעמוד להם חמה כיהושע בן נוןTA'AMOD LA'HEM CHAMAH K'YEHOSHUA BIN NUN- the sun should stand still for them, as it did for Yehoshua Bin Nun [at Giv'on during the conquest of Eretz Yisrael (Yehoshua 10:12-14)]

11a)[line 25]מקראMIKRA- the twenty four books of the Torah

b)[line 25]הלכותHALACHOS- Halachos l'Moshe mi'Sinai

c)[line 25]אגדותAGADOS- the homiletic discussions of the Gemara

12a)[line 26]דקדוקי תורהDIKDUKEI TORAH- the derivation of Halachos from seemingly extraneous letters in the Torah

b)[line 26]דקדוקי סופריםDIKDUKEI SOFRIM- Rabbinic decrees [intended to keep one from sinning]

13a)[line 26]קלים וחמוריםKALIM V'CHAMURIM- logical means of exegesis; more than one Kal va'Chomer

b)[line 27]גזרות שוותGEZEIROS SHAVOS- Halachos derived from other unrelated topics in which a like word appears; these cannot be applied without a tradition

14)[line 27]תקופותTEKUFOS- calculations of the orbits of the sun and the moon

15a)[line 27]שיחת מלאכי השרתSICHAS MAL'ACHEI HA'SHARES- the ability to enlist the help of angels (MAHARSHAL)

b)[line 27]שיחת שדיםSICHAS SHEDIM- the ability to enlist the help of demons (MAHARSHAL)

c)[line 28]שיחת דקליםSICHAS DEKALIM- the ability to portend secrets and wonders based upon the way in which date palm branches and leaves move (see Aruch Erech Sach #1)

16a)[line 28]משלות כובסיןMISHLOS KOVSIN- parables [through which earlier generations delivered messages of self-improvement] involving launderers

b)[line 28]משלות שועליםMISHLOS SHU'ALIM- parables [through which earlier generations delivered messages of self-improvement] involving foxes

17)[line 29]מעשה מרכבהMA'ASEI MERKAVAH- a) metaphysics (RAMBAM, Hilchos Yesodei ha'Torah 2:11, 4:13); b) the workings of the Divine Chariot (RITVA; see Background to 5:24)

18)[line 29]הויותHAVAYOS- questions of

19)[line 30]"לְהַנְחִיל אֹהֲבַי יֵשׁ, וְאֹצְרֹתֵיהֶם אֲמַלֵּא.""L'HANCHIL OHAVAI YESH, V'OTZROSEIHEM AMALEI."- "I have what to bequeath to those who love me, and to fill their storehouses" (Mishlei 8:21).

20)[line 32]פורחPORE'ACH- fly

21)[line 32]מיד נשרףMIYAD NISRAF- would be immediately consumed by fire a) due to the fiery angels gathered round to hear his Torah (RASHI); b) due to the fiery Shechinah (Presence of Hash-m) that rested upon him as he learned Torah, just as it rested upon Har Sinai (RABEINU CHANANEL, TOSFOS); c) This is a metaphor, meaning that he would immediately debunk any unsound reasoning presented to him. (introduction to SEFER YUCHASIN)

22)[line 32]ראשו ורובוROSHO V'RUBO- his head and most of his body. During the times of the Mishnah and Gemara people ate while reclining; it was therefore appropriate to speak of a Sukah that held only the front of one's body. This is defined as a Sukah of six Tefachim square.

23)[line 34]לא כך היה מעשה?LO KACH HAYAH MAISEH?- did the [following] story not happen as follows?

24)[line 34]לבקרL'VAKER- to visit

25)[line 39]כלתוKALASO- his daughter-in-law

26)[line 39]פיחת את המעזיבהPICHES ES HA'MA'AZIVAH- he removed the plaster

27)[line 40]זה אזרחZEH EZRACH- this refers to men and women alike

28)[line 40]"... [כָּל-]הָאֶזְרָח [בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל יֵשְׁבוּ בַּסֻּכֹּת.]""... [KOL] HA'EZRACH [B'YISRAEL YESHVU BA'SUKOS.]"- "... [all of] the members [of Klal Yisrael should dwell in Sukos]" (Vayikra 23:42).

29)[line 42]"[בַּחֹדֶשׁ הַשְּׁבִיעִי בֶּעָשׂוֹר לַחֹדֶשׁ תְּעַנּוּ אֶת-נַפְשֹׁתֵיכֶם; וְכָל-מְלָאכָה לֹא תַעֲשׂוּ,] הָאֶזְרָח [וְהַגֵּר הַגָּר בְּתוֹכְכֶם.]""[... V'CHOL MELACHAH LO SA'ASU,] HA'EZRACH [VEHA'GER HA'GAR B'SOCHECHEM.]"- "[... on the tenth of the seventh month, afflict yourselves; do not perform any Melachah, neither] the member (of Klal Yisrael) [nor the convert who dwells in your midst]" (Vayikra 16:29).

30)[line 44]הלכתא נינהוHILCHESA NINHU- they are [both] Halachos l'Moshe mi'Sinai

31)[line 44]הי קרא והי הלכתא?HEI KRA V'HEI HILCHESA?- [of the two verses, in which one the added "Hei" includes and in the other it excludes,] which one is the verse [interpreted as it should be], and which one is [interpreted differently due to] the Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai?


(a)Mitzvos that must be performed at a specific time, such as of the day (e.g. daytime only, such as Tzitzis) or year (e.g. Sukah, Lulav, and Shofar) are called Mitzvos Aseh sheha'Zman Geramah. Women are exempt from these Mitzvos, with the exception of Kidush on Friday night, Matzah on Pesach night, the Korban Pesach, Hakhel, and Simchah on Pesach, Shavu'os and Sukos.

33)[line]"אִישׁ אוֹ-אִשָּׁה [כִּי יַעֲשׂוּ מִכָּל-חַטֹּאת הָאָדָם ... וְאָשְׁמָה הַנֶּפֶשׁ הַהִוא.]""ISH O ISHA [KI YA'ASU MI'KOL CHAT'OS HA'ADAM ... V'ASHMAH HA'NEFESH HA'HI.]"- "Any man or woman [who transgresses any of the sins of a person ... and that soul shall be found guilty.] (Bamidbar 5:6).


34)[line 6]מה להלן נשים חייבותMAH L'HALAN NASHIM CHAYAVOS- just as women are obligated to eat Matzah, even though it is a time-bound Mitzvah. This is because the Gemara (Pesachim 43b) derives that anyone who may not consume Chametz must eat Matzah on the first night of Pesach.

35)[line 12]תוספת עינויTOSEFES INUY- that which the afflictions of Yom ha'Kipurim must begin a bit before nightfall

36)[line 17]קטן שהגיע לחינוךKATAN SHE'HIGI'A L'CHINUCH- a child old enough to be educated (this is the same age described in the Mishnah as a child who no longer needs his mother)

37)[line 22]שנפנהSHE'NIFNEH- who defecates

38)[line 22]מקנחתוMEKANCHASO- wipe him

39)[line 23]שנעורSHE'NEI'OR- who awakens

40)[line 23][אמא] גדולים נמי קרו!["IMA"] GEDOLIM NAMI KARU!- even those older than thirteen call [for their mother when they awaken]!

41)[line 24]ואינו קורא "אמא אמא"V'EINO KOREI "IMA IMA"- and does not call for his mother [repeatedly until she arrives to soothe him]

42)[line 30]קבעKEVA- his main dwelling place

43)[line 31]לפנותL'FANOS- to clear out [of the Sukah]

44)[line 31]משתסרח המקפהMISHE'TISRACH HA'MIKPEH- when [food] the [consistency of] porridge is ruined [by the rain]

45)[line 33]למזוגLI'MZOG- to pour

46a)[line 34]קיתוןKITON- the pitcher

b)[line 34]על פניוAL PANAV- a) on his face; (b) on its face; i.e., its contents were spilled on the ground

47)[line 36]מצעותMATZA'OS- beds upon which one reclines while dining

48)[line 37]מטיילMETAYEIL- relax

49)[line 42]משנןMESHANEN- to learn

50a)[line 43]מקרא ומתנא במטללתאMIKRA U'MASNA B'METALALTA- one should learn the verses of the Torah and Mishnayos in the Sukah

b)[line 43]תנוי בר ממטללתאV'TANUY BAR MI'METALALTA- and Gemara (i.e., to delve deeply into the logic and reasoning of the Mishnayos) outside of the Sukah

51)[last line]מגרסMIGRAS- review

52)[last line]עיוניIYUNEI- intense learning