[34a - 31 lines; 34b - 49 lines]

1)[line 4]ùìà ðúðä ðæéøåú àìà ìäôìàäSHE'LO NITNAH NEZIRUS ELA L'HAFLA'AH - Nezirus can only take effect through an unequivocal acceptance of Nezirus

Rebbi Yehudah, in the name of Rebbi Tarfon, rules that the statement with which a person makes himself a Nazir may not be conditional. He must realize from the moment he utters it that this statement is making him a Nazir. He learns this from the word "Ki Yafli," which implies that the statement of Nezirus requires "Hafla'ah" (certainty and clarity; lack of ambiguity). This requirement applies not only to Nezirus, but to Nedarim and Shevu'os as well (see Insights to Nedarim 19:1).

2)[line 13]äëåéKOY

(a)There is a Machlokes Tana'im as to which animal Chazal (Mishnah Chulin 83b, et al) refer to as a "Koy." Some Tana'im rule that it is a crossbreed between certain species of goats and deer, while others rule that it is an independent species (Chulin 80a). The Koy shows signs of being both a Behemah (a domesticated animal) and a Chayah (a non-domesticated animal). The Chelev (forbidden fat — see Background to Nazir 28:1) of a Behemah is prohibited and its blood does not need Kisuy ha'Dam (covering after ritual slaughter — see Background to Beitzah 7:29), while the Chelev of a Chayah is not prohibited but its blood does need Kisuy ha'Dam.

(b)As a result, still other Tana'im rule that the status of a Koy is always in doubt (a Safek). This is usually the context in which the Gemara refers to a Koy, as an animal about which the Halachic status is uncertain. Because of this doubt, the Chelev of a Koy is prohibited and its blood requires Kisuy ha'Dam. (For additional Halachos regarding the Koy, see Bikurim 2:8-11.)


3)[last line]ëæéúK'ZAYIS - an amount that is the size of an olive (DRY MEASURES)

(a)The following is a list of measures of volume used in the Mishnah and Gemara:

1.1 Kor (= 1 Chomer) = 30 Se'in

2.1 Lesech = 15 Se'in

3.1 Eifah = 3 Se'in

4.1 Se'ah = 6 Kabin

5.1 Tarkav (= Trei v'Kav, or 3 Kabin) = 12 Lugin

6.1 Kav = 4 Lugin

7.1 Log (= 1 Rova) = 4 Revi'iyos = 6 Beitzim

8.1 Beitzah = 2 or 3 k'Zeisim, according to the varying opinions

(b)In modern-day measures, the k'Zayis is approximately 0.025, 0.0288 or 0.05 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions.


4)[line 2]øáéòéúREVI'IS- an amount that is three times the size of a k'Zayis (see previous entry)

5a)[line 9]äçéöåðéíHA'CHITZONIM- the outer peels of the grapes

b)[line 9]äôðéîéíHA'PENIMIM- the inner seeds

6)[line 10]ëæåâ ùì áäîäK'ZOG SHEL BEHEMAH- like the bell of an animal (that is hung around its neck)

7a)[line 11]äçéöåï æåâHA'CHITZON ZOG- the outer part of the bell is called "Zog"

b)[line 11]åäôðéîé òéðáìVEHA'PENIMI INBAL- and the inner part (the clapper) is called "Inbal"

8a)[line 15]òìéïALIN- leaves

b)[line 15]åìåìáéïLULAVIN- (O.F. vedile) tendrils; thin branches (i.e. edible young sprouts) of the grapevine (RASHI to Berachos 55a)

9)[line 20]øéáåé åîéòåèé/ ëììé åôøèéRIBUYEI U'MI'UTEI / KELALEI U'FERATEI

(a)In order to extract the Halachah from the verses of the Torah, many Tana'im interpret the verses on the basis of Kelalim (generalizations) and Peratim (specifications). Others interpret the verses on the basis of Ribuyim (inclusions, i.e. qualifications that enlarge the scope of the law) and Mi'utim (exclusions).

(b)According to the approach that learns Ribuyei u'Mi'utei, when a Mi'ut is followed by a Ribuy, then everything is included except for one item that is totally dissimilar to the limiting Mi'ut. According to the approach that learns Kelalei u'Feratei, when a Kelal is followed by a Perat, which is followed in turn by another Kelal, then everything belonging to the general category that is similar to the Perat is included. Anything that is not in the general category of the limiting Perat is not included. (This means that the verse will include less instances than the first opinion assumed.)

10)[line 25]ùáéùúàSHEVISHTA- branches

11)[line 38]åìãåðå ëòéï äôøèV'L'DUNO K'EIN HA'PERAT- (lit. and to judge it like the specification) to rule that everything belonging to the general category that is similar to the Perat is included and anything that is not in the general category of the limiting Perat is not included.

12)[line 39]ðòùä ëìì îåñó òì äôøèNA'ASEH KELAL MOSIF AL HA'PERAT

(a)In the Introduction to the Sifra (the Halachic Midrash to Vayikra), Rebbi Yishmael, who is Doresh Kelalei and Peratei, lists thirteen methods that Chazal use for extracting the Halachah from the verses of the Torah. One of them is Perat u'Chelal, Na'aseh Kelal Mosif Al ha'Perat.

(b)When a Perat (specification) is followed by a Kelal (general term), then the Halachah of the verse is all-inclusive and applies to all of the cases of the general category.

13)[line 42]âåäø÷éGUHARKEI- (a) unripe grapes at the beginning of their development (TOSFOS, ROSH); (b) small underdeveloped grapes that are not fit to eat that are found between large grapes (MEFARESH)

14)[line 43]òéðáé ãëøéïINVEI DI'CHERIN- wormy grapes

15)[line 44]ãáéï äáéðéíD'BEIN HA'BEINAYIM- (a) that the meat of the grape that is located between the seed and the peel (TOSFOS, MEFARESH); (b) small underdeveloped grapes that are not fit to eat that are found between large grapes (RABBEINU TAM, cited by TOSFOS and the ROSH)