KERISUS 21 - This Daf has been dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Rochel Rivkah bas Mattisyahu HaCohen, by her son-in-law, Ari Rosenstein of Ramat Beit Shemesh in honor of her Yahrzeit, on 11 Elul.


YEDI'AH THAT ENABLES BITUL (Yerushalmi Orlah Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 11a)

ôùéèà ùéãéòúå îúøúå éãéòú çáéøå îäå ùúúéøå.


Question: Obviously, his Yedi'ah (knowledge that one Isur fell in before the second fell in) permits (it is not as if both Isurim fell at once). Does his friend's Yedi'ah permit?

äéàê òáéãà äåà ìà éãò áä çáéøå éãò áä.


What is the case? He did not know, and his friend knew.

éãéòú ñô÷ îäå ùúúéø ëéãéòú åãàé.


Question: Does Safek Yedi'ah (perhaps one Isur fell in) permit?

äéàê òáéãà


Question: What is the case?

äéå ìôðéå ùúé ÷åôåú àçú éù áä îàúéí åàçú àéï áä îàúéí ðôìä ñàä (úøåîä) [ö"ì òøìä - ø"ù ñéøéìéå, äâø"à] ìúåê àçú îäï åàéï éãåò ìàéæä îäï ðôìä åàçø ëê ðôìä áùðéé' îããä åîöà áä îàúéí åùúéí


Answer #1: There were two boxes in front of him. One has 200 [Sa'im], and one does not have 200. A Se'ah of Orlah fell into one of them, and it is not known into which it fell. Afterwards a second [Se'ah of Orlah] fell into one of them, and he measured it and found in it 202. (Now we know that also the first fell into it.)

àéï [úéîø] éãéòú ñô÷ ëéãéòú åãàé òåìä àéï úéîø àéï éãéòú ñô÷ ëéãéòú åãàé àéðä òåìä.


If you will say that Safek Yedi'ah is like Vadai Yedi'ah, [the first became Batel, and now also the second] is Batel (in 201). If you will say that Safek Yedi'ah is not like Vadai Yedi'ah, (it is as if two Sa'im fell into 200), and they are not Batel.

[ãó éà òîåã á] äéúä ÷åôä àçú ñô÷ éù áä îàúéí ñô÷ àéï áä [ãó ëá òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ðôìä ñàä (úøåîä) [ö"ì òøìä - ø"ù ñéøéìéå, äâø"à] (ìúåëä åàéï éãåò àí ðôìä) [ö"ì åàéï éãåò àí ðôìä ìúåëä - ôðé îùä] àí ìà ðôìä åàçø ëê ðôìä äùðééä [ö"ì åîããä åîöà áä îàúéí åùúéí - äâø"à]


Answer #2: There was one box. It is a Safek whether it has 200 [Sa'im], or it does not. A Se'ah of Orlah fell, and it is not known whether it fell into it or did not fall [into it]. Afterwards a second [Se'ah of Orlah] fell into it, and he measured it and found in it 202. (Now we know that also the first fell into it.)

àéï úéîø éãéòú ñô÷ ëéãéòú åãàé òåìä àéï úéîø àéï éãéòú ñô÷ ëéãéòú åãàé àéðä òåìä:


If you will say that Safek Yedi'ah is like Vadai Yedi'ah, it is Batel (like above). If you will say that Safek Yedi'ah is not like Vadai Yedi'ah, it is not Batel.