DO ORLAH AND KIL'AI HA'KEREM JOIN TO FORBID? (Yerushalmi Orlah Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 10b)
[דף כ עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] מצטרפין זה עם זה בין לאסור בין להתיר כדי ליתן טעם דברי רבי מאיר.
[Orlah and Kil'ai ha'Kerem] join with each other both to forbid (Min b'Mino, so there is more than one part in 200 Isur) and [Min b'Eino Mino] to give taste. R. Meir says so;
רבי שמעון אומר אינן מצטרפין.
R. Shimon says, they do not join.
רבי לעזר אומר מצטרפין בנותן טעם [לא] לאסור.
R. Lazar says, they join to give taste, but not to forbid [Min b'Mino].
מה פליגין
Question: What do they argue about?
[דף כא עמוד א (עוז והדר)] שנפלו שלשת קבין ערלה (ושלשת) [צ''ל או שלשת - ר''ש סיריליו] [דף יא עמוד א] קבין של כלאי הכרם.
Answer: They argue about three Kavim (a half-Se'ah) of Orlah or three Kavim of Kil'ai ha'Kerem [that fell into a mixture of one Se'ah of Terumah and 99 of Chulin. R. Meir holds that Terumah is Batel in 100 v'Od (an addition, even if there are not 101 in all, like R. Yehoshua). The Orlah or Kil'ayim is the v'Od needed to be Mevatel the Terumah, and the Terumah helps to the Shi'ur of 201 to be Mevatel the Orlah or Kil'ayim.]
אבל אם נפלו שלשת קבין (ועוד ערלה ושלשת קבין) [צ''ל ערלה ושלשת קבין ועוד - ר''ש סיריליו] של כלאי הכרם הותר הכרי.
However, if three Kavim of Orlah fell [into 100 Chulin, so it was Batel immediately and becomes Heter], and afterwards three Kavim v'Od of Kil'ai ha'Kerem fell, [all agree that] the stack is permitted;
Question: What is the reason?
ועוד בטל בשלשת קבין שלשת קבין בטילין במאה.
Answer: V'Od (the excess Kil'ayim above three Kavim) is Batel in the three Kavim [of Orlah], and the three Kavim [of Kil'ayim] are Batel in 100 [Sa'im of Chulin. We explained this like R. SHLOMO SIRILIYO, SEDEI YEHOSHUA.)
נפלו שלשת קבין של ערלה ושלשת קבין של כלאי הכרם כאחת מהו
Question: If three Kavim of Orlah and three Kavim of Kil'ai ha'Kerem fell [in 100 Sa'im of Chulin] at once (without Yedi'ah, i.e. knowledge in between), what is the law?
כמו שנפלו שלשת קבין ועוד ערלה ושלשת קבין של כלאי הכרם
Is it as if three Kavim v'Od of Orlah and three Kavim of Kil'ai ha'Kerem fell? (The Orlah is not Batel, therefore the Isurim join, and are Mevatel each other);
[דף כא עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] או כמו שנפלו שלשת קבין של כלאי הכרם ואחר כך נפלו שלשת קבין ערלה:
Or, is it as if three Kavim of Kil'ai ha'Kerem fell, and afterwards three Kavim of Orlah? (The Kil'ai ha'Kerem is immediately Batel, so it helps to be Mevatel the Orlah later.)
Note: It seems that R. SHIMSHON on Mishnah 3 explains like this. He compares this to Terumos 5:8, in which a Se'ah of Terumah fell into 100 Chulin, and another Se'ah fell in. R. Shimon holds that Yedi'ah in between permits, for it is as if he separated the Se'ah that must be given to Kohanim, and the Meduma becomes like Chulin. Chachamim permit only if he separated. For Orlah and Kil'ai ha'Kerem, no separation is needed. It seems that we ask according to both Tana'im (PF).