KERISUS 22 (11 Elul) - Dedicated by Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld and family l'Iluy Nishmas Rabbi Kornfeld's father, Reb Aharon David ben Mordechai Kornfeld, a model of dedication to Torah and love for his fellow Jew and for all of Hashem's creations. His Yahrzeit is 11 Elul.



úåñ' ã"ä àåöéà ãí ùøöéí ùàéï áäï èåîàä çîåøä

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement and elaborates.)

åàó òì âá ãîèîà áîâò ...


Question: Although it is Metamei be'Maga ...

áîùà îéäà ìà îèîà åìà áâãéí.


Answer: It is not however, Metamei either be'Masa or Begadim (See Shitah Mekubetzes 27).



úåñ' ã"ä àåöéà ãí áéöéí ùì òåó ùàéðå îéï áùø

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the format of the suggestion.)

úéîä ìøáéðå áøåê, ãìà îééøé äëì áçã öã, åéù áäï àéñåø åäéúø?


Question #2: Rabeinu Baruch asks (See Shitah Mekubetzes 28) why it does not preclude them all in one Tzad; namely, that they (Of and Beheimah) subject to Isur and Heter (See Olas Shlomoh)?

åãí áéöéí åçâáéí äåä îöé ìîòè ùàéï áäï èåîàä çîåøä?


Question #2: And the blood of eggs and locusts it could have precluded in that they are not subject to Tum'ah Chamurah?

àìà äàé ôùåè éåúø ìäí ìäéúø ùàåîø äù"ñ.


Answer: Because the Heter mentioned in the Gemara is more obvious.



úåñ' ã"ä ëåé áøéä áôðé òöîä

(Summary: Tosfos draws a distinction between 'Beryah bi'Fenei Atzmah' here and 'Beryah bi'Fenei Atzmah' in Chulin.)

áôø÷ àåúå åàú áðå (çåìéï ô.) ã÷úðé 'ëåé áøéä áôðé òöîä äéà, åìà äëøéòå çëîéí àé îéï çéä àå îéï áäîä äéà' ...


Distinction: When the Mishnah in Perek Oso ve'es B'no (Chulin, Daf 80a) states that 'A Coy is an independent Beryah (species) and the Chachamim did not decide whether it is a type of Chayah or a type of Beheimah ...

åääéà 'áøéä' ìà äåé ëîå áøéä ãäëà- ùäøé áøéä ãäúí äåé àå îéï áäîä àå îéï çéä ...


Distinction (cont.): That 'Beryah' is not the same as the Beryah here ...

îã÷àîø 'åìà äëøéòå áå çëîéí ...' ...


Reason: Since it says 'And the Chachamim did not decide' ...

àáì äëà øåöä ìåîø 'áøéä áôðé òöîä' -ùàéðä ìà çéä åìà áäîä ....


Distinction (concl.): Whereas here 'Beryah bi'Fenei Atzmah' means that it is neither a Chayah nor a Beheimah.

ãàé äåé àå áäîä àå çéä, ìà àéöèøéê ìøáåéé ãîå.


Proof: Because if it was one or the other, it would not be necessary to include its blood.

åëï ääéà (éåîà ãó òã.) "ëì çìá" ' ,ìøáåú ëåé åçöé ùéòåø' , å÷àîø 'ëåé áøéä áôðé òöîä' -àéðå àåîø ùéäà ñô÷ àå çéä àå áäîä...


Precedent: Similarly, in the case in Yoma (Daf 74a) "Kol Cheilev", 'to include a Coy and Chatzi Shi'ur', and it says there that 'A Coy is a Beryah bi'Fenei Atzmah', it does not mean that it is a Safek Chayah or Beheimah ...

ãàí ëï ìà öøéê ÷øà ìàñåø çìáå.


Reason: Because then it would not need a Pasuk to declare its Cheilev Asur (See marginal note and Shitah Mekubetzes 28).



úåñ' ã"ä áçåúëå ìëìá

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara did not give a different answer.)

äåà äãéï ãäåä îöé ìùðåéé áçåúëå ìøôåàä ...


Implied Question: It could just as well have answered - that he cut it off for a cure ...

àìà äà ÷à îùîò ìï ãàôéìå áçåúëå ìëìá áòé îçùáä ,ìàôå÷é îãòú äî÷ùä.


Answer: Only it is coming to teach us that even if he cuts it off to give to a dog it requires Machshavah, to preclude from the opinion of the questioner.



úåñ' ã"ä ëâåï ãàéëà ôçåú îëæéú ðáéìä åöéøôä

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara says specifically less than a k'Zayis.)

àáì ëæéú åöéøôä ìéëà ìîéîø ...


Clarification: It could not have said a k'Zayis which he combined ...

åîäðéà îçùáä ùéèîà äàé ëáéöä àåëìéï àçøéí, àôéìå ìà éâòå äàåëìéï ø÷ áöéøåó ,åìà öøéê ùéâòå áðáéìä ...


Clarification (cont.): In which the Machshavah would be effective for that k'Beitzah to render Tamei other food, even if it only touched it (the pice of Neveilah only via the combination, and it do not need to touch the piece of Neveilah itself ...

ãà"ë, ìà îééùá 'îä áäîä ùéù ìä èåîàä ÷ìä' -ãîùîò ùéù ðáéìä ùàéï òìéä ø÷ èåîàú àåëìéï...


Reason #1: Because then when the Gemara says 'Just as a Beheimah has only Tum'ah Kalah' - implying that there is such a thing as Neveilah that is only Tum'as Ochlin ...

åàé äåä áä ëæéú, äåä áéä èåîàä çîåøä.


Reason #1 (cont.): Whereas if it was a k'Zayis, it would be subject to Tum'ah Chamurah (as well).

åòåã éù ìåîø, ãîùîò ãð÷è áîúðéúéï ãîééúé òìä 'áäîä èîàä áë"î åðáìú òåó èäåø ...' ...


Reason #2: Moreover, when the Mishnah that the Gemara cited in connection with it - says 'Beheimah Teme'ah be'Chol Makom ve'Nivlas Of Tahor ... ' ...

îùîò ðáìú áäîä ãåîéà ãðáìú òåó èäåø -ëìåîø ãöøéëä îçùáä ëîå òì òåó .


Reason #2 (cont.): It implies that the Neveilah of a Beheimah is compared to that of a Tahor bird (See Olas Shlomoh) - in that it requires Machshavah, like it.

åìëê ð÷è ôçåú îëæéú.


Conclusion: That explains why it says less than a k'Zayis.




úåñ' ã"ä øá çððéà àîø àôéìå úéîà ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos explains why Rav Chananya disagrees with Rebbi Chiya.)

ìà ðéçà ìéä ìàå÷îé ëãàå÷îà øáé çééà...


Clarification: He declines to establish the case like Rebbi Chiya established it ...

ããåç÷ äåà ìåîø ëéåï ãàéìå îöøó ìéä ìëæéú, îùåí äëé ìà áòé äëùø ...


Reason #1: Since it is a Dochek to say that if he would have combined it with a k'Zayis, it would not have required Hechsher ...

ãä"ð îöé ìîéîø òúä -ëéåï ãàé ìà îçôä ááö÷, ìà áòé äëùø ...


Reason #1 (cont.): Because then, by the same token, one can say that if he would not have covered it with dough, it would not require a Hechsher.

åìà øöä ìúøõ ëãø' çééà, àìà îùðé - 'äùúà ðîé îèîà áîùà' .


Clarification (cont.): And he did not want to answer like Rebbi Chiya, but that 'Now too, it is Metamei be'Masa'.

åòåã, ããåç÷ äåà áîéìúéä ãø' çééà -ãèåîàä çîåøä åèåîàä ÷ìä áúøé ãåëúé ,èåîàä çîåøä áëæéú åèåîàä ÷ìä ôçåú îëæéú.


Reason #2: Moreover, Rebbi Chiya's explanation is a Dochek inasmuch as Tum'ah Chamurah and Tum'ah Kalah are speaking in two different cases, Tum'ah Chamurah by a k'Zayis and Tum'ah Kalah, by less than a k'Zayis.

àáì øá çððéà îùëç ìéä áçã ãåëúà áëæéú -åáçéôäå ááö÷, ãçîåøä áîùà å÷ìä áîâòå.


Reason #2 (cont.): Whereas Rav Chananya is able to establish them both by a k'Zayis - and where he covered it with dough, in which case it is Chamurah regarding Masa, and Kalah, regarding Maga.

åäà ã÷àîø 'àôéìå úéîà ãäåé ëæéú' àéï äìùåï îëååï, ãîùîò ãîåãä ùôéø áôçåú îëæéú...


La'av Davka: And when he says that 'It can be speaking even a k'Zayis', the Lashon is not accurate, since it implies that he concedes by less than a k'Zayis

åìéúà, ëãôéøùðå.


La'av Davka (Reason): And this is not correct, as Tosfos just explained.



úåñ' ã"ä ãëååúä âáé ãí îäìëé ùúéí áùìà ëéðñå

(Summary: Tosfos explains the Gemara's Kashya and elaborates.)

ôéøåù ãáääéà áøééúà ããí ãâéí ÷úðé 'ãí îäìëé ùúéí àñåø' - åîé àñåø áùìà áòéï? ...


Clarification: Because in the Beraisa of the blood of fish it also mentions that the blood of human beings is Asur, and since when is it Asur if it is not 'loose'?

åäà úðéà ... 'ãí ùáéï äùéðéí îåööå åàéðå çåùù'?


Clarification (cont.): Seeing as we learned in a Beraisa 'The blood between the teeth one may suck without any problem'?

åôéøù ä÷åðèøñ àôéìå îöåú ôøåù àéï áå...


Rashi : Rashi explains that there is not even a Mitzvah to separate from it ...

åìëê ôéøù ä÷åðèøñ, ãàí ìà ëï, îàé ôøéê...


Reason: Because otherwise, how can the Gemara query Rav ...

äëé ðîé áãí ùáéï äùéðéí îùåí ãàéðå ðøàä åìà ôéøù, àáì äúí ùôéøù, àñåø àôéìå ìà ëéðñå- ëã÷àîø 'ãí ùòì âáé äëëø âåøøå' ?


Reason (cont.): Granted, blood between the teeth is permitted, because it cannot be seen and because it has not come out, whereas there, where it has come out, it is Asur even though it has not gathered - as the Tana says 'Blood that is on a loaf, one must scrape off'?

ìëê ôé' ä÷åðèøñ 'ãí ùòì äëëø âåøøå ...' àó òì âá ãìéëà àéñåø, îöåú ôøåù éù áå.


Conclusion: Hence Rashi explains 'Blood that is on a loaf, one must scrape off' - because although there is no Isur, there is a Mitzvah to separate from it.

åîéäà ôøéê ...


Implied Question: Nevertheless the Gemara asks ...

ã÷àîø øá 'àñåø' åäëà îùîò ãìéëà ø÷ îöåú ôøåù, àó òì âá ãðøàä åôéøù.


Answer: That Rav says Asur, whereas it implies here that there that there is only a Mitzvah of separation, even where it can be seen and it has come out.

àáì ÷ùä, ùäøé îöåú ôøåù àéñåø îòìéà äåà, åàí ëï ìà ôøéê ø÷ îñéôà...


Introduction to Question: The Mitzvah to separate is a proer Isur, in which case the Kashya is from the Seifa ...

åîàé ôøéê? ùàðé äúí á'ãí ùáéï äùéðéí' -îùåí ãí ãìà ôéøù, àáì 'ãí îäìëé ùúéí' ùôéøù àñåø àôéìå ìà ëéðñå? ...


Question: What is then the Kashya? It is different there, by blood between the teeth - because it is blood that has not come out, whereas the blood of human-beings' that came out is forbidden even if he did not gather it? ...

åãëååúä ãí ùòì äãâ ãîåúø àôéìå ôéøù...


Question (cont.): And the equivalent by the blood of a fish is permitted even if it came out ...

àå ùîà äà ã÷àîø 'îåööå åáåìòå' äééðå îùåí ùäåà ðåãò ãîäúí àúå, åäà ã÷àîø áãí îäìëé ùúéí ùäåà àñåø îééøé áùìà ðåãò îäéëà àúé ...


Alternative Question: Or perhaps when the Tana says that 'He may suck it and swallow it - it is because he knows that it came from there, whereas when it forbids the blood of humans, it speaks where he does not know where it came from ...

àáì àöáòå îèôèó ãí ùøé, îùåí ãîäúí ÷àúé, åìéëà ìñôå÷é ìà áãí áäîä åìà áãí çéä?


Alternative Question (cont.): But where one's finger is dripping blood it is permitted, since it comes from there, and there is no Safek that it might be the blood of a Beheimah or of a Chayah?

åúéøõ øáéðå áøåê, ãäëé ôøéê- ' ãëååúä âáé ãí îäìëé ùúéí áùìà ëéðñå îé àñåø'? ôéøåù ...


Answer: Rabeinu Baruch therefore explains the Gemara's Kashya - 'In the equivalent case by humans where one did not gather it, is it forbidden?' as follows ...

àé àîøú áùìîà ããí ãâéí ùøé àó áëéðñå, åãëååúä îäìëé ùúéí àñåø ðéðäå...


Introduction to Gemara's Question: It would be fine if the blood of fish was permitted even if one gathered it, and the equivalent by humans would be forbidden ...

åà"ë çéãåùà ãîäìëé ùúéí àñåø àó áëéðñå -ëìåîø ãáëéðñå ðîé àéöèøéê ìàùîåòéðï àéñåø ãîäìëé ùúéí ...


Introduction to Question (cont.): In which case, the Chidush would be that human blood is Asur even where it has been gathered - meaning that even if it has been gathered, it needs to teach us the Isur by human-beings ...

ðéçà ãìà úðé äéúø îîäìëé ùúéí- ëâåï ìà ôéøù, ùäøé òé÷ø îéìúéä äåé îëéðñå ...


Introduction to Question (cont.): It would then be in order not to mention the Heter by humans - such as where it has not come out, since the main statement is with regard to where it is gathered ...

àìà ëéåï ãàîø ãëéðñå àñåø áãí ãâéí, åàí ëï, äà ãúðé 'ãí îäìëé ùúéí àñåø' îééøé áìà ëéðñå, ãáäà àééøé -îã÷àîø ããí ãâéí îåúø- ãáëéðñå àñåø...


Introduction to Question (concl.): But since the Tana rules that the blood of fish that is gathered is Asur, when he forbids the blood of humans, it must be speaking where it is not gathered, which must be the case, seeing as the blood of fish is permitted - and if it is gathered it is forbidden ...

åëéåï ãäà ãúðé àéñåø ãí îäìëé ùúéí áùìà ëéðñå ,äåä ìéä ìîéúðé öã äéúø ùáå, ëîå ãúðà ãí ãâéí ãð÷è ääéúø -àí àéúà ãéù áå äéúø áãí îäìëé ùúéí...


Question: And since the Isur of human blood mentioned by the Tana is where it is not gathered, he ought to have rather taught us the Tzad Heter of human blood, in the same way as he teaches us the Heter of fish blood - if there would be such a Heter ...

àìà ù"î ãàéï áå äéúø ëìì åàôéìå ìà ôéøù.


Question (cont.): This is a proof that human blood has no Heter whatsoever, even if it has not come out.

åìëê ôøéê 'åäà úðéà ... åùáéï äùéðéí îåööå åàéðå çåùù' ,åà"ë ù"î ãîåúø... ,


Question (concl.): That is why the Gemara asks from the Beraisa that permits sucking the blood between the teeth without any problem' ...

åà"ë, äå"ì ìàéôìåâé âáé ãí îäìëé ùúéí?


Question (concl.): In that case, why did the Tana not draw a distinction by human blood?

åîùðé 'àìà ëé úðéà îúðéúà ãàéú áéä ÷ù÷ùéï ... ' -åðéçà ãìà úðé äéúø âáé îäìëé ùúéí, ãìà ùééê áéä ÷ù÷ùéï.


Answer: And the Gemara answers that 'The Beraisa is speaking where there are scales with the blood ... ' - and the Tana is justified in not mentioning the Heter by human blood, by which there are no scales,

åîäëà îùîò ãáãí ãâéí ìéëà àéñåøà ø÷ áëéðñå åáìà ÷ù÷ùéï.


Halachah: From here we can imply that there is no Isur by the blood of fish unless it is gathered and there are no scales.



úåñ' ã"ä îéúéáé ãí äèçåì ëå' äøé àìå áìà úòùä

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the Kashya.)

åîéäà ôøéê àáì ëøú ìéëà.


Clarification: The Gemara is asking that there is no Kareis.


TOSFOS DH LO K'RA'O EINO OVER ALAV (This Dibur belongs on Daf 22a).

úåñ' ã"ä ìà ÷øòå àéðå òåáø òìéå

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.)

îå÷îà ìéä áìá òåó ãìéëà ëæéú, åîëì î÷åí àéëà àéñåøà ìî"ã (éåîà òâ:) 'çöé ùéòåø àñåø îï äúåøä' ...


Clarification: The Gemara establishes it by the heart of a bird which does not measure k'Zayis, but which is nevertheless Asur, according to the opinion in Yoma (Daf 73b) that holds 'Chatzi Shi'ur is Asur min ha'Torah' ...

åîùåí äëé àñåø, àáì àéðå ìå÷ä ëéåï ãìéú áéä ëæéú.


Clarification (cont.): Consequently it is Asur but there is no Malkos, since it does not measure a k'Zayis.



úåñ' ã"ä ëé ÷úðé áãí ãéìéä

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the text and elaborates.)

åìà âøñéðï 'ëé ÷úðé àéï çééáéï òìéå' ...


Refuted Text: We do not have the text 'Ki kKatani Ein Chayavin alav' ...

ãäà âáé ìá ìà ÷úðé ìéä.


Refutation: Because the Tana does not say that in connection with the heart,

åàí úàîø, àîàé ìà ôøéê îîúðéúéï, åôøéê îáøééúà, ùäøé áäãéà ÷úðé îúðé' 'ãí äèçåì ãí äìá àéï çééáéï òìéå' ?


Question: Why does the Gemara ask from the Beraisa and not from the Mishnah, which specifically states 'Dam ha'Techol Dam ha'Leiv Ein Chayavin alav

åéù ìåîø, ãàéëà ìàå÷åîé áìá òåó ãàéï áå ëæéú, àáì áäê áøééúà ìéëà ìàå÷îé áäëé ...


Answer: Because it is possible to establish it by the heart of a bird, which one cannot do with the Beraisa ...

ùäøé ÷úðé 'äøé àìå áìà úòùä' ...


Reason: Where it says 'Harei Eilu be'Lo Sa'aseh' ...

îùîò ãááäîä àééøé...


Answer (cont.): Implying that it is referring to an animal ...

ãáòåó ìéëà îì÷åú àçöé ùùéòåø.


Reason: Because by a bird Chatzi Shi'ur is not subject to Malkos.