More Discussions for this daf
1. Intentionally not reciting Birkat ha'Mazon where one eats 2. Two questions 3. Havdalah and Women
4. Mekor in Rashi 5. Berachos 053: Amen 6. Machlokes Tana'im
7. Customs for concluding the meal 8. Mayim Acharonim 9. Transferring a Flame on Shabbos
10. Answering Amen to a child's blessing 11. Making blessing on flame of gentiles 12. Gezundheit
13. Scents of AZ, Alef & Ayin, the Havdalah flame 14. "They" give him reward 15. The color of a flame
16. Rabba bar bar Chana forgetting to say Birkas Hamazon

Y. Gesser asked:

Dear Rabbi Kornfeld:

Thank you for your last reply and your help with this perek.

On Ber. 53b, (just after lines widen towards bottom of amud) the Gem. explains the statement made earlier that in a situation of Zimun, one should strive to be the Mevoreich who leads the Zimun and in the time of the Gem. also was motzei the others in Birkas Hamazon, rather than one who merely responds. The Gem. says that ''M'maharin l'mevoreich yosair min haoneh'' which Rashi clarifies that ''They hurry to give reward more quickly to the Mevoreich," and therefore one should try to serve in that special capacity.

I am wondering why the term "They'' in used in terms of reward coming to a person from Shomayim for a mitzva. Doesn't this ''loshon rabim'' border on the prohibition against implying "Shtei Reshuyos"?

Thank you

Y. Gesser

The Kollel replies:

"They" refers to Beis Din Shel Ma'alah. We find this in a number of places (see, for example, Shabbos 118b, "Even a Gezer Din of 70 years... they tear it up"). So writes the VILNA GA'ON concerning the Gemara in Berachos (34b), " Mazkirin Avonosav Shel Adam."

M. Kornfeld