More Discussions for this daf
1. Intentionally not reciting Birkat ha'Mazon where one eats 2. Two questions 3. Havdalah and Women
4. Mekor in Rashi 5. Berachos 053: Amen 6. Machlokes Tana'im
7. Customs for concluding the meal 8. Mayim Acharonim 9. Transferring a Flame on Shabbos
10. Answering Amen to a child's blessing 11. Making blessing on flame of gentiles 12. Gezundheit
13. Scents of AZ, Alef & Ayin, the Havdalah flame 14. "They" give him reward 15. The color of a flame
16. Rabba bar bar Chana forgetting to say Birkas Hamazon

Jeff Ram wrote:

Dear Rabbi Kornfeld,

On your Insights page for Berachos 53, paragraph 1, titled "Gesundheit!", you wrote and quoted Anaf Yosef: "the academy of Raban Gamliel, in which no one used to respond "Merapei" ("Gezundheit!") when someone sneezed, because of Bitul Torah, even though this, too, is only one word."

I would like to clarify your words as they apply to our behavior today. When I first learned this Gemara many years ago, I took the literal words of the Gemara as "good advice", and while learning in the beis midrash, I stopped saying "Gesuntheit!" when someone sneezed. However, I found that the Shach in Shulchan Aruch says that in the days of Raban Gamliel, the talmidim never interrupted their learning, even to look up from their s'forim. Today however, he says, is different, and we should say "Gesundheit!" as a matter of 'menshlachkeit'. (Shach on Yoreh Dayoh 246:17)

I just wanted to try to be sure that no one took the literal words of the Gemara and added it to your explanation, and "decided" to change their behavior, contrary to the Shach.

Jeff Ram,


The Kollel replies:

Thank you very much for pointing out the Shach to the readers. Many people indeed are Noheg to say "Gezundheit" while learning, contrary to the advice of the Gemara, based on the Sevara of the Shach that you mention. Of course, at least we won't look askance at those who don't say Gezundheit when we sneeze, because we know that they are merely following the advice of the Gemara.

Best of health,

Y. Shaw

Yosef M Nussbaum asks:

Jeff Ramm wrote-

"I found that the Shach in Shulchan Aruch says that in the days of Raban Gamliel, the talmidim never interrupted their learning, even to look up from their s'forim. Today however, he says, is different, and we should say "Gesundheit!" as a matter of 'menshlachkeit'. (Shach on Yoreh Dayoh 246:17)"

The Shach that Jeff Ram sent you is actually quoting a Prisha on the Tur.

The TAZ incidentally quotes that Prisha as well and paskens against it.

There are many that I know that today are still makpid not to say

Gesundheit in the middle of learning.

Isaac comments:




The Kollel replies:

Thank you for sharing those comments with us!

Yes, Isaac, the Vilna Gaon indeed writes exactly the opposite of the Shach -- even when not in a Beis Midrash it is prohibited to say Gezundheit because of Darkei ha'Emori according to the Chachamim of Raban Gamliel!
