The gamora seems to imply there is a machloches if the person making the bracha or the person answering amen, which is greater. it seems to me, being m'diak in loshon of the gm. that there is no machloches; the mavorech gets answered first, but the person answering amen is greater. What do you think?
s.l., israel
If the Gemara says 'Tanai Hi' (it is a Machlokes Tana'im), what makes you say that it is not?
See also Rashi at the end of Maseches Nazir, who specifically says that it is a Machlokes as to which one is more praiseworthy.
Be'Virchas Kol Tuv,
Eliezer Chrysler
May you be written and sealed in the Book of good health and success in the forthcoming year.
The Mishnah B'rurah, following the opinion of the Shulchan Aruch, explains that we Pasken 'Chatof u'Berich' (in keeping with the second Beraisa), and not 'Gadol ha'Oneh ... ' (like R. Yossi and R. Nehora'i in the first). Whereas the P'rishah, following the opinion of the Tur, cites many reasons in support of the
Ruling 'Gadol ha'Oneh ... '.
I don't see the point you are making.
May you be written and inscribed in the Book of good life in the forthcoming year.
Be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler