[6a - 53 lines; 6b - 48 lines]
1)[line 4]ãáø ùäéä áëìì åéöà îï äëìì ììîãDAVAR SHE'HAYAH BI'CHLAL, V'YATZA MIN HA'KLAL L'LAMED - a law included in the generalization, and then singled out in order to teach
(a)In the Introduction to the Sifra (the Halachic Midrash to Vayikra), Rebbi Yishmael lists thirteen methods that Chazal use for extracting the Halachah from the verses of the Torah. One of them is "Kol Davar she'Hayah bi'Chlal v'Yatza Min ha'Klal l'Lamed, Lo l'Lamed Al Atzmo Yatza Ela l'Lamed Al ha'Klal Kulo Yatza." Accordingly, if an action or object was included in a general category of Halachah and was then singled out by the verse in order to tell us that certain Halachos apply to it, the Halachos that apply to that object are applicable to everything in the general category. There are three applications of this rule:
1.When a new Halachah is explicitly written in the Parshah discussing the object that was singled out.
2.When there is no new Halachah written there, then we look for some new law that the Torah may be teaching us by the fact that it singled it out (for example, l'Chalek - to differentiate all of the actions so that each one will be Mechayav a separate Korban or a separate set of Malkus).
3.If we cannot say that the object was singled out to teach us l'Chalek, we say that it comes to limit the general category only to those members that are similar to and share the characteristics of the object that was singled out (this is similar to the rule of "Klal u'Frat u'Chlal; see Background to Shevuos 4:13). (This rule should not be confused with "Davar she'Hayah bi'Chlal v'Yatza li'Don b'Davar he'Chadash" (see Background to Yevamos 7:12), which refers to a case where the new law that is mentioned with regard to the object that was singled out is in contradiction to the general rule of the Klal.)
2)[line 16]ëìì åôøè, àéï áëìì àìà îä ùáôøèKLAL U'FRAT, EIN B'CHLAL ELA MAH SHEB'PRAT
(a)In the Introduction to the Sifra (the Halachic Midrash to Vayikra), Rebbi Yishmael, who is Doresh Klalei and Pratei (see Background to Menachos 28:31), lists thirteen methods that Chazal use for extracting the Halachah from the verses of the Torah. One of them is "Klal u'Frat, Ein ba'Klal Ela Mah sheba'Prat."
(b)When a Klal (general term) is followed by a Prat (specification), without teaching any new Halachos that pertain to that Prat, then the Halachah of the verse is limited and applies only to the Prat.
3)[line 36]ñéîðéï îéìúà äéàSIMANIN MILSA HI- resembling marks are something substantial (i.e. they suffice to obligate the offspring in Bechorah)
4)[line 50]ôøñåúéä ñãå÷åúPARSOSEHA SEDUKOS- its hooves are cloven
5)[line 50]ôøñåúéä ÷ìåèåúPARSOSEHA KELUTOS- its hooves are closed
6)[line 7]çã ìàñåø çìáåCHAD LE'ESOR CHALAVO- one verse forbids its milk
7)[line 20]ìàñåø öéøïLE'ESOR TZIRAN- to forbid their brine
8)[line 20]øåèáïROTVAN- their [jellied] sauce
9)[line 20]÷éôä ùìäïKIPAH SHELAHEN- and the sediments that fall to the bottom of the pot when the Sheratzim are cooked. (These sediments are so overcooked that they cannot be classified as "Sheratzim"; Rabeinu Gershom, Chulin 112b)
10)[line 22]ãí ðòëø åðòùä çìáDAM NE'EKAR V'NA'ASEH CHALAV- the blood (of a pregnant woman) becomes turbid and turns into milk (when she enters a stage of lactation and simultaneously ceases to menstruate)
11)[line 26]àéáøéä îúôø÷éï äéîðäEIVAREHA MISPARKIN HEIMENAH- she feels as though her limbs are falling off
12)[line 28]"åãé çìá òæéí, ììçîê ììçí áéúê, åçééí ìðòøåúê""V'DEI CHALEV IZIM, L'LACHMECHA L'LECHEM BEISECHA, V'CHAYIM L'NA'AROSECHA"- "and you shall have enough goats' milk for your food, for the food of your household, and for the sustenance of your maidens" (Mishlei 27:27).
13)[line 29]"åàú òùøú çøéöé äçìá [äàìä úáéà ìùø äàìó]""V'ES ASERES CHARITZEI HE'CHALAV [HA'ELEH TAVI L'SAR HA'ALEF]"- "and these ten cheeses [take to the captain of the thousand]" (Shmuel I 17:18).
14)[line 42]ùôïSHAFAN- hyrax, a small mammal, around twenty inches long that lives in the mountains of the Negev. It has a flexible tail-less body, and short feet, covered with elastic pads. It nests in the clefts of rocks, and lives in small groups. Since it has a maw like a ruminant, it is considered to bring up its cud. Others translate it as coney or Jerboa. (See Insights to Chulin 59:5.)
15)[line 42]àøðáúARNEVES- hare - the angora rabbit whose wool is prized. It is considered a ruminant by the Torah since it regurgitates its food in the early morning hours and then eats it again. (See Insights to Chulin 59:5.)
16)[line 43]ùñåòäSHESU'AH- an animal with two backs and two spines. The Malbim (Vayikra 11:4) and the ha'Kesav veha'Kabalah identify this as the Tayasau, Pekari; a pig-like animal in South America. It has four stomachs, chews its cud, and has split hooves. In the middle of its back is a split the depth of a finger-width, so that it appears as if the back and spine are separated into two parts. (See Insights to Chulin 60:4.)
17)[line 44]øàäRA'AH- a species of Ayah - a bird like the vulture or buzzard (an opinion in the Gemara (Chulin 63b) asserts that it is the same as the Da'ah, or "kite" - a hawk-like bird that eats mice, hares, and carrion; alternatively, the vulture). (See Insights to Chulin 63:4.)