[7a - 52 lines; 7b - 48 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
[1] Gemara 7b [line 20]:
"Alma Ba'i Machshavah" àìîà áòé îçùáä
[2] Gemara 7b [line 31]:
"Lo, Bein Hu Chai v'Imo Mesah" ìà áéï äåà çé åàîå îúä
The Girsa of Rashi is
"Lo, Bein Hu Chai v'Imo Chayah" ìà áéï äåà çé åàîå çéä
(Tosfos DH Lo explains the meaning of the printed Girsa)
[3] Gemara 7b [line 40]:
The words "Amrei Hai I'akla" àîøé äàé àéòëìà
should read "Eimar Hai I'akla" àéîø äàé àéòëìà
[3] Gemara 7b [line 45]:
"Rov Dagim b'Minan Mashritzim" øåá ãâéí áîéðï îùøéöéí
1)[line 13]æä àé àúä àåëìZEH IY ATAH OCHEL- this one (an animal which is identical to a camel that was born from a Kosher animal) you may not eat
2)[line 13]àáì àúä àåëì äáà áñéîï àçãAVAL ATAH OCHEL HA'BA B'SIMAN ECHAD- but you may eat it if it resembles its Kosher mother in some respect (for example, it has a similar foot, hand, or hair)
3)[line 15]èîà äðåìã îï äèäåø åòáåøå îï äèäåøTAMEI HA'NOLAD MIN HA'TAHOR V'IBURO MIN HA'TAHOR- an animal similar in appearance to a non-Kosher animal that was born from a Kosher animal which had been impregnated from a Kosher animal; i.e. both its mother and father were Kosher
4)[line 33]÷ìåè áï ôøäKALUT BEN PARAH- an animal with closed-hooves which was born from a Kosher animal (which, according to Rebbi Shimon, is forbidden to be eaten)
5)[line 39]åìã èøéôäVLAD TEREIFAH- the offspring of a mother that is a Tereifah and a father that is not a Tereifah (or vice versa)
6)[line 49]ãìà òëéøéD'LO ACHIREI- which are not turbid
7)[line 51]?îâåôéä ÷à îéîööé åàñéøéMI'GUFEI KA MIMTZATZEI VA'ASIREI?- are they extracted from its body and therefore forbidden?
8)[line 51]äáìà ãáéùøà äåàHAVLA D'BISRA HU- it is the heat of the body (that makes the urine thick)
9)[line 4]åîòìå ìéø÷åðàU'MA'ALU L'YARKONA- and they may be used to heal for jaundice
10)[line 8]åàéï îîöåú àåúå îâåôïV'EIN MEMATZOS OSO MI'GUFAN- and they do not produce it by extracting it from their body
11)[line 9]ãåáùà øçîðà ùøééäDUVSHA RACHAMANA SHARYEI- honey was specifically permitted by a Gezeras ha'Kasuv (but any substance which is produced in a similar manner is prohibited)
12)[line 11]ùøõ òåó èîàSHERETZ OF TAMEI- the offspring that non-Kosher flying insects breed
13)[line 13]îä ùòåó èîà îùøéõMAH SHE'OF TAMEI MASHRITZ- that which a non-Kosher flying insect secretes
14)[line 15]äâæéïHA'GAZIN- a type of locust (RASHI); a type of flying insect (TOSFOS)
15)[line 15]åäöéøòéïVEHA'TZIR'IN- and the hornets
16)[line 22]çìé ãéçîåøúàCHALEI D'YACHMURTA- ball-like formations found in the womb (RASHI) or dung (RABEINU GERSHOM) of the female Yachmur (white-rumped antelope; alternatively, a large white goat or buffalo)
17)[line 23]áéòé ðéðäåBEI'EI NINHU- they are testicles
18)[line 24]æøòà ãàéìàZAR'A D'AYALA HU- it is the coalesced semen of the Ayal (gazelle; alternatively, the roe deer or red deer)
19)[line 25]ìà îæã÷÷àLO MIZDAKEKAH- she refuses to have relations
20)[line 26]ðúøéNASRI- it pours out (see Rabeinu Gershom) in abundance
21)[line 26]òåø äáà ëðâã ôðéå ùì çîåøOR HA'BA KENEGED PANAV SHEL CHAMOR- the fetal-sac of a donkey
22)[line 27]ôéøùà áòìîà äåàPIRSHA B'ALMA HU- it is merely waste
23)[line 38]àùøåöé àùøéõASHRUTZEI ASHRITZ- the non-Kosher fish bred the Kosher-style fish
24)[line 39]ãâ èîà îùøéõDAG TAMEI MASHRITZ- a non-Kosher fish breeds live young within its body
25)[line 40]ëé çæéðà ãáìò àîøé' äàé àéòëìàKI CHAZINA D'VALA AMRINAN HAI I'AKLA...- even when we see that a non-Kosher fish swallows a Kosher fish, we should say that the Kosher fish was digested and the Kosher-looking fish found inside was bred by the non-Kosher fish