[5a - 50 lines; 5b - 56 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
[1] Gemara 5a [line 3]:
The word "d'Milsa" ãîéìúà
should be "Milsa" îéìúà (as it appears on 56a and elsewhere)
[2] Rashi 5a DH l'Olam ã"ä ìòåìí:
The words "she'Higi'u l'Me'ah ka'Chashiv bi'Chlalei" ùäâéòå ìîàä ÷çùéá áëììé
should be "she'Higi'u l'Me'ah ka'Chashiv b'Kikarei"ùäâéòå ìîàä ÷çùéá áëëøé (as Rashi repeats later)
1)[line 3]ø' éåçðï çæàé áçéìîà ãîéìúà îòìéúà àîéðàREBBI YOCHANAN CHAZA'I BE'CHELMA (D')MILSA MA'ALYASA AMINA- I saw Rebbi Yochanan appear to me in my dream last night, which is an omen that today I will say something with good reasoning
2)[line 4]"ìé éäéå""LI YIHEYU"- "they shall be Mine" (Bamidbar 3:13)
3)[line 21]áâéáåé ëñóB'GIVUY KESEF ...- See Chart.
4)[line 27]÷åáéåñèåñKOVYUSTUS- a gambler (who incurs debts and steals money to pay them back) (TOSFOS); kidnapper (RASHI) (See Insights.)
5)[line 28]åîçöä ùìí ìà äçæéøU'MECHTZAH SHALEM LO HICHZIR- and he did not give over for the Mishkan even half of what he received
6)[line 30]åîðä ùì ÷åãù ëôåì äéäMANEH SHEL KODESH KAFUL HAYAH- the Maneh used for the Mishkan was double the size of the Maneh used for ordinary purposes; i.e. it was the equivalent of 200 Dinar
7)[line 33]áé âæàBEI GAZA- (for the) treasury
8)[line 37]åìà îðàï äëúåá àìà áôøåèøåèV'LO MENA'AN HA'KASUV ELA BI'FROTROT- and the verse only counted them in units, not in Kikars
9)[line 43]ôøèé ìà ÷à çùéá áëëøéPERATEI LO KA CHASHIV B'KIKAREI- units were not counted as Kikars; i.e. if the value of the coins added up to less than 100 Kikars they were counted in denominations of lesser value
10)[line 48]ôøèà æåèà ìà ÷çùéá áëëøéPERATA ZUTA LO KA'CHASHIV B'KIKAREI- small units were not counted as Kikars; i.e. if the value of the coins added up to less than ten Kikars they were counted in denominations of lesser value
11)[line 2]îåñéôéï òì äîãåúMOSIFIN AL HA'MIDOS- we may increase weights and measures
12)[line 4]ùúåúà îìáøSHESUSA MIL'VAR- the sixth part that is added is from the resultant total; i.e. to each five portions one is added, an addition of twenty percent
13)[line 5]ááéú îåúáà øáàB'VEIS MOSVA RABA- in the great Yeshiva
14)[line 9]çîåøéí ìåáéíCHAMORIM LUBIM- exceptionally high-quality donkeys from Libya (a district in Egypt)
15)[line 13]ùøéôå òöîïSHE'RIPU ATZMAN- they became lax in learning and performing the Mitzvos of the Torah
16)[line 14]"[î÷åì ùòèú ôøñåú àáéøéå, îøòù ìøëáå, äîåï âìâìéå; ìà äôðå àáåú àì áðéí] îøôéåï éãéí""[MI'KOL SHA'ATAS PARSOS ABIRAV, ME'RA'ASH L'RICHBO, HAMON GALGILAV; LO HIFNU AVOS EL BANIM] ME'RIFYON YADAYIM" - "[Due to the sound of galloping hooves of his horses, due to the noise of his chariots and of his numerous wheels; fathers will not attend to their sons] on account of the feebleness of their hands" (Yirmeyahu 47:3) (NEVUCHADNETZAR'S IMMINENT ATTACK AGAINST THE PELISHTIM)
This prophecy refers to Pharaoh's coming to the assistance of Tzidkiyahu during the tenth year of his reign, during the siege of Nevuchadnetzar. When Pharaoh arrived with his army, Nevuchadnetzar had already raised the siege, so Pharaoh attacked Azah, the main city of the Pelishtim, and ransacked it, before returning home. That was when HaSh-m appeared to Yirmeyahu and informed him that, in a short while, Nevuchadnetzar would destroy the Pelishtim.
17a)[line 42]á÷ãåùú ãîéíB'KEDUSHAS DAMIM- with an animal whose value is consecrated; i.e. Peter Chamor whose value is given to a Kohen
b)[line 43]á÷ãåùú äâåóB'KEDUSHAS HA'GUF- with an animal whose body is consecrated; i.e. Bechor Behemah Tehorah which is offered on the Mizbe'ach
18)[line 48]ùåø... ðúøáä áðñëéíSHOR... NISRABEH BI'NESACHIM- an ox, for which the Nesachim (wine libations poured on the Mizbe'ach) that were offered were greater (half of a Hin) than the Nesachim offered with a sheep or young goat (a quarter of a Hin)
19)[line 48]ëùá... ðúøáä áàìéäKESEV... NISRABEH B'ALYAH- a sheep, for which the fatty tail is offered with the rest of the Eimurim
20)[line 48]áòæ... ðúøáä àöì òáåãú ëåëáéí áéçéãB'EZ... NISRABEH ETZEL AVODAS KOCHAVIM B'YACHID- with a goat, which is brought by an individual who inadvertently sinned through idol worship; if the congregation sinned through idol-worship, they bring a cow and a goat
21)[line 52]öã øáåé àöì äîæáçTZAD RIBUY ETZEL HA'MIZBE'ACH- they have in common the point that when they are offered on the Mizbe'ach, a greater proportion is offered; i.e. the fatty tail or more wine