

çã èòéï ãöîå÷éï òàì ìèáøéà ùàì âîìéàì æåâà ìøáé áà áø ëäðä àîø ìå àéï ëì àøõ éùøàì òùåé îùàåé àçã ùì öîå÷éï.


A merchant once came to Tiveria with a load of raisins. Gamliel Zuga asked R. Ba bar Kahana as to their status. R. Ba answered - the whole of Eretz Yisrael doesn't produce this load of raisins (so they must be from Chutz LaAretz).

åàéï ëì àøõ éùøàì òùåé îùàåé àçã ùì öîå÷éï. àìà ëï àîø ìéä àéï î÷åí áàøõ éùøàì òåùä îùàåé àçã ùì öîå÷éï.


Question: The whole of Eretz Yisrael doesn't produce this load of raisins?! Rather, he told him, "There's no one place in Eretz Yisrael that produces such a load of raisins, (so it must have come from Chutz LaAretz)."

çã áø ðù àééúé çãà àùôìä ã÷ôìåèéï ìøáé éöç÷ áø èáìéé ùàì ìøáé éåçðï.


In Sheviis, a person once brought a box of leeks to sell to R. Yitzchak bar Tavlai. He asked R. Yochanan whether he should be concerned for Sefichin brought from Eretz Yisrael proper.

à"ì ôå÷ ùàì ìçððéä áï ùîåàì ãúðééúà ðô÷


(R. Yochanan to R. Yitzchak bar Tavlai): Go and ask Chananya ben Shmuel, as I learned with him a Baraisa about this.

åùàì ìé' à"ì îúðéé' ìà éçîé ìé ùîåòä àîø ìé ãàîø øáé ééñà áùí øáé éåçðï àéúôìâéï øáé åø"à áø"ù çã àîø àçø î÷åîå. çøðä àîø àçø îòîãå.


He asked Chananya, who responded that R. Yochanan did not show him the Baraisa; he merely reviewed it with him - as R. Yasa cited R. Yochanan as saying that Rebbi and R. Elazar b'R. Shimon disagreed - one said that we assume that the merchant brought them from his place of residence. The other said that we assume that they came from where he is currently located when he sells them.

øáé àáäå àîø. øáé àîø àçø î÷åîå åäåøé ìéä ëäãà ãø"à á"ø ùîòåï àçø îòîãå äãà ãúéîà áàéìéï àùôìúà. áøí áàéìéï èåòðééà ëì òîà îåãéé àçø î÷åîå.


(R. Abahu explains): Rebbi said that it follows his place of residence and R. Yochanan ruled like R. Elazar b'R. Shimon, that it follows his current location. But R. Yochanan only rules this way when he sells from one box (as such a small amount can be assumed to have been bought in the same place), but when there is a large container, all agree that we follow the place of the merchant's residence.

äéä î÷åîå åîòîãå äéúø åäåà òúéã ìäòáéøå ãøê àéñåø àåúå äàéñåø ëîé ùìà äòáéøå.


Question: Even if his place of residence and his current location are places where tithing does not need to be done, but perhaps if it was to be taken through a place where tithing is done, he actually bought it there and didn't tithe it? No, this is not a concern.

øáé áà áø ëäï áòé ÷åîé øáé éåñé ìà ëï àîø øáé çééà áùí øáé éåçðï øáé åçáéøå äìëä ëøáé åàîø øáé éåðä åàôéìå øáé àöì ø"à áø"ù.


Question (R. Ba bar Kohen to R. Yosi): Didn't R. Chiya say in the name of R. Yochanan that when Rebbi disagrees with one of his colleagues, the Halacha follow Rebbi? And R. Yona said that this even applies when Rebbi disagrees with R. Eliezer b.R' Shimon?

à"ì îä àú áòé îøáé éåçðï ø' éåçðï ëãòúé' ãø' éåçðï àîø ÷ì ä÷éìå áùáéòéú ùäéà îãáøéäí. [ãó éç òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àéú ãáòé îéîø ðöèøôä ãòúå ùì ø' éåçðï òí ø"à áø"ù åéøáå òì øáé:


Answer (R. Yosi): What do you want from R. Yochanan? He follows his reasoning that they made a leniency in Sheviis, since nowadays it is Mi'D'Rabbanan. Some say that the opinion of R. Yochanan was like R. Elazar b.R' Shimon, so together they combined to outnumber Rebbi.


ONE WHO WISHES TO BE TRUSTED (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 2 Daf 9a)

îùðä äî÷áì òìéå ìäéåú ðàîï. îòùø àú ùäåà îåëø åàú ùäåà àåëì åàú ùäåà ìå÷ç åàéðå îúàøç àöì òí äàøõ.


(Mishnah): One who wishes to be trusted for Maaseros should tithe whatever he sells and whatever he eats and whatever he buys and he should not be a guest at the home of an Am HaAretz.

øáé éäåãä àåîø äîúàøç àöì òí äàøõ ðàîï.


(R. Yehuda): Even one who is a guest at the home of an Am HaAretz could still be trusted.

àîøå ìå òì òöîå àéðå ðàîï ëéöã éäà ðàîï òì ùì àçøéí:


(Chachamim to R. Yehuda): If he isn't trusted for his own consumption, could he be trusted for others?

âîøà îä ùäåà ìå÷ç òì îðú ìàëåì. åäà úðéðï àú ùäåà àåëì.


(Gemara): 'He should tithe whatever he buys' - if he is buying it to eat it, it already taught 'whatever he eats'?

àìà àú ùäåà ìå÷ç ò"î ìîëåø åäà úðéðï àú ùäåà îåëø.


Rather, he is buying it on order to sell? But it already taught 'whatever he sells'?

àìà àú ùäåà ìå÷ç ò"î ìîëåø àú ùäåà îåëø îôéøåú îëðñå


Rather, if he bought Demai produce to sell, he should tithe it beforehand; if he wants to sell Tevel from his field, he must first tithe it.

úðé àîø øáé éåãä îéîéäï ùì áòìé áúéí ìà ðîðòå ìäéåú îúàøçéï àöì áòìé áúéí çáéøéäí àòô"ë ðåäâéï áôéøåúéäí îúå÷ðéï ìúåê áúéäï.


Baraisa (R. Yehuda): Landowners have never refrained from being guests of their fellow landowners and nevertheless, they have been careful to tithe their own Demai.

àîø øáé éåðä çáøéï àéðï çùåãéï ìà ìàëåì åìà ìäàëéì.


(R. Yona): Chaverim are not suspecting of eating from others or of feeding others.

àîø øáé éåñé çáéøéï çùåãéï ìàëåì åàéðï çùåãéï ìäàëéì.


(R. Yosi): Chaverim are suspected of eating but not of feeding others.

îúðé' ôìéâà òì øáé éåñé àîøå ìå òì òöîå àéðå ðàîï äéàê éäà ðàîï òì ùì àçøéí


The Mishnah disagrees with R. Yosi - Chachamim said to R. Yehuda - If he isn't trusted for his own consumption, could he be trusted for others?

[ãó éè òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îéìéäåï ãøáðï îñééòéï òì øáé éåñé ãàîø øáé çðéðà øáé ééñà áùí øáé éåçðï ìà àîø ø' éåãä àìà áñåó àáì áúçéìä àåó ø' éåãä îåãé


The words of the Chachamim assist R. Yosi - R. Chanina/ R. Yasa cited R. Yochanan as saying that R. Yehuda agreed that the Chaver loses his believability after he eats at the house of the Am HaAretz, but not while he is eating there.

àéï úéîø çáøéï àéðï çùåãéï ìà ìàëåì åìà ìäàëéì îä áéï áúçéìä îä áéï áñåó


And if you say that Chaverim are not suspected of eating from others or of feeding others; why would there be a difference between during his eating and after his eating?

(ãúðé) [úðé] äî÷áì òìéå ìäéåú ðàîï çåõ îãáø àçã àéï î÷áìéï àåúå äçùåã òì ãáø àçã çùåã òì äëì


(Baraisa): If a person accepted upon himself everything (listed in the Mishnah) except for one thing, he is not accepted. One who is suspected for one thing is suspected for everything.

øáé éåãä àåîø àéðå çùåã àìà òì àåúå ãáø áìáã:


(R. Yehuda): He is only now suspected for that one thing.