
PRODUCE BOUGHT IN BEIS SHEAN (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 8b)

øáé éäåùò áï ìåé äéä îô÷ã ìèìééà ìà úéæáéï ìé éø÷ àìà îï âéðúà ãñéñøà


R. Yehoshua ben Levi told his young assistant only to buy vegetables from a certain gentile called Sisra. (He was certain that all of Beis Shean had been sanctified except for the garden of Sisra.)

[ãó éæ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ÷à òéîé' äæëåø ìèåá à"ì æéì àåîø ìøáê ìéú äãà âéðúà ãñéñøà ãéäåãà äåú å÷èìå åðñáé' îéðéä åàéï áòéú îçîøà òì ðôùê àùúøé ìçáøê.


Eliyahu HaNavi came to the assistant and told him, "Go and tell you master - that garden doesn't belong to Sisra. It really belongs to a Jew, and Sisra's family killed the Jew and took his land. And if you want to be stringent, be stringent for yourself, but let your friend (buy from other places in Beis Shean, because they were all permitted).

øáé éåñé ãëôø ãï áùí øáé áï îòãéä äîéðéï äàñåøéí ááéú ùàï ä÷öç åäùéîùåí åäçøãì åäùåí åäáåìëñéï äàåôðéí äùçåøéí åáöìéí äðîëøéí åáðé äîãéðä äðîëøéí áîéãä åôåì äðàâã áùéôä îéðúä äðàâã áôðé òöîä åäàñèôðéðé ìòåìí. å÷ôìåèåú îï òöøú òã çðåëä


(R. Yosi of Kfar Dan citing Rebbi ben Madayda): The prohibited species in Beis Shean (because they are known to grown in Eretz Yisrael) are - black cumin, sesame, mustard, garlic, Bulcasin, black beans sold in bulk, village onions and provincial onions sold in bulk, beans tied with reeds, mint tied by itself, Istefinini whether tied or untied; and leeks, from Shavuos until Chanukah.

àîø øáé æòéøà îï äòöøú òã çðåëä àéñåø øáä òì ääéúø îï äçðåëä òã äòöøú ääéúø øáä òì äàéñåø


(R. Zeira): From Shavuos until Chanukah, the prohibited produce is the majority over the permitted produce. From Chanukah until Shavuos, the permitted is the majority over the prohibited.

åìòðéï ñôéçéï îøàù äùðä òã çðåëä àñåø ñôéçéï îï çðåëä òã òöøú (äéúø ñôéçåú) [öøéëä] îï äòöøú òã øàù äùðä (öøéëä)[äéúø ñôéçåú]


As for the law of Sefichin, from Rosh Hashanah until Chanukah it's prohibited; from Chanukah until Shavuos, it is questionable. From Shavuos until Rosh Hashana it is permitted.

ä÷éùåòéï åäãìåòéï åäàáèéçéí åîìôôåðåú åäééï åäùîï åúîøéï àôñéåú åé"à àó äúåøîñéï åôú çìä ìòåìí äøé àìå áùáéòéú ùáéòéú.


The following items are considered Sheviis produce throughout Sheviis (since they come from Eretz Yisrael) - pumpkin, gourds, melons, cucumbers, wine, oil and Ifsian dates. Some also add lupine beans and Pas Challah beans.

áùàø ùðé ùáåò îä


Question: In all other years, what is the law?

øáé éåðä àîø ãîàé øáé éåñé àîø åãàé. åìà ôìéâéï îä ãøáé éåðä àîø ãîàé áìå÷ç îï äáìð÷éí åîä ãø' éåñé àîø åãàé áìå÷ç îï äâéðä.


Answer: R. Yona said that they are Demai and R. Yosi said that they are definite Tevel. But there is no dispute, as R. Yona was referring to buying from merchants (who we assume bought it from a Jew who perhaps tithed it); R. Yosi was referring to buying from a gentile who grows it himself.

òã äéëéï ôøùúà åøéöôúà åðôùà ãôðåèé òã ëôø ÷øðéí îëôø ÷øðéí ëáéú ùàï.


Where are the borders of Beis Shean? Parshasa, Ritzpasa and Nafsha D'Paguti until Kfar Karnayim which itself is considered part of Beis Shean.

ø' éåðä áùí ø"ù áï æëøéä äîéðéï äàñåøéí áôðééñ äàâåæéí åäàåøæ åäùåîùîéï åôåì äîöøé


(R. Yona citing R. Shimon ben Zecharia): The species that are prohibited in Panyas are - walnuts, rice, sesame and Egyptian beans.

âîìéàì æåâà àîø àäéðéåú äáëåøåú.


(Gamliel Zuga): Even unripe dates.

[ãó éæ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé éåðä äãà ãúéîø îúøðâåì ÷éñøï åìîòìï àáì îúøðâåì ÷éñøï åìîèï ëàøõ éùøàì äéà


(R. Yona): This applies to Tarnagol Kisarin and beyond, but from Tarnagol Kisarin and below is like Eretz Yisrael.


RICE OF OTHER PLACES (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 8b)

øáé éåðä áòé äéúä ùãäå æøåòä éø÷ åáà åîöàä àåøæ éø÷ îåúø åàåøæ àñåø àåøæ îìîòìï åéø÷ îìîèï éø÷ îåúø åàåøæ àñåø.


Question (R. Yona): (The Mishnah (above - Zevachim 87(a)) taught that rice is obligated in Demai in any place.) If a person's field (in Panyas) was planted with vegetables and he found there some rice; would the vegetables be permitted and the rice be prohibited (without tithing? They are growing in the same field!) And if the rice was planted above (further from Eretz Yisrael) and the vegetable was below, could it be that the vegetable is permitted and the rice is prohibited?

àáì øåá äùãåú äììå òåùåú äîéðéï äììå.


Answer (R. Yona himself): Most of these fields (in Panyas) produce only these species (so Chazal only made their decree on them, even if sometimes these seemingly unusual rulings might result).

åàôéìå úéîø øåá äùãåú äììå [àéðï] òåùåú øåá îéðéï øåá äîéðéï äììå àéðï áàåú àìà îï äàéñåø.


Rejection: You could even say that most of these fields do not produce most of these species; but most of these species only come from Eretz Yisrael.

úðà äàåøæ ùáçåìú àðèåëéà îåúø áî÷åîå. øáé ìòæø á"ø éåñé äúéø òã áåøï.


Baraisa: Rice that grows in the area of Antuchya is permitted there (without tithing). R. Elazar b'R. Yosi permits it until Boran (where they bring rice from Antuchya).

øáé éåðä áòé åëîãúä ìëì øåç:


Question (R. Yona): Does the Baraisa even permit it in any direction to a distance equivalent to Boran? (This question remains unanswered.)

àéìå òééøåú àñåøåú áúçåí öåø ùöú åáöú åôé îöåáä òìééúä åçðåúä úçúééä åáéú ëøéà åøàù îðà åàîåï åîæé.


Baraisa: The following cities near Tzur are prohibited (without tithing) - Shetzes, Betzes, Pi Metzuvah, Aliyasa, Chanusa, Tachtaya, Beis Karia, Rosh Mana, Amon and Mazi.

àîø øáé îðà äãà ãàú àîø áøàùåðä. àáì òëùéå éù ñåñéúä òééðù åòéï úøò åøí áøéï åòéåï åéòøåè åëôø åçøåá åðåá åäëôéä åëôø öîç øáé äúéø ëôø öîç


(R. Mana): That was originally, but nowadays, there are other cities in their place, and they are - Susita, Aiynash, Ein Tarah, Ram Barin, Iyun, Yaarot, Kfar, Charuv, Nov, Hakfaya and Kfar Tzamach. Rebbi permitted Kfar Tzamach.

øáé àéîé áòé åìà îîòìé îñéï äï. ñáø ø' àéîé îîòìé îñéï ëîé ùðúëáùå.


Question (R. Imi): Why would he permit it? Didn't the gentiles pay taxes to the Jews even before it was physically conquered (so why isn't it treated like Eretz Yisrael)?

[ãó éç òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àéìå òééøåú ùäï îåúøåú áúçåí öåø ðëé öåø åöééø [ãó è òîåã à] åâùîéå åæéæéï åéâãé çîñ åãáá çøáúéä åëøëá ãáø çæøâ.


Baraisa: The following cities are permitted near Tzur (as they are not part of Eretz Yisrael) - Nechi, Tzayar, Geshamyo, Zizin, Yagdi, Chamas, Devav, Charavtei, Karkav and Dvar Chazreg.