
CORRECT BEHAVIOUR OF A CHAVER (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 2 Daf 9b)

úðé äðàîï òì äèäøåú ðàîï òì äîòùøåú.


(Baraisa): If he is believed for Taharos, he is believed for Maaseros (even if he didn't specify it as part of his acceptance).

úðéúä øáé éðàé áé ø' éùîòàì åàîø èòîà äãà ãúéîø áîúàøç àöìå [ãó éè òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àáì áøáéí àéðå ðàîï òã ùé÷áì òìéå áøáéí.


R. Yannai bei R. Yishmael taught it and explained that this is only when the Chaver is a guest of the Am HaAretz (he will certainly tithe whatever he eats), but when the Chaver is selling to the public, he is not believed until he publicly accepts to be careful.

øáé æòéøà øáé éñà áùí øáé éåçðï àôéìå çáø ùùìç ìçáø öøéê ìòùø.


(R. Zeira/ R. Yasa citing R. Yochanan): Even if a Chaver sends produce to another Chaver, he must tithe it beforehand.

ø"æ áòé ÷åîé øáé éñà ëâåï àðé ìøá ùîåàì áø øá éöç÷ åøáé ùîåàì áø øá éöç÷ ìé


Question (R. Zeira to R. Yasa): If I send to Rav Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak or he sends to me, (must we tithe beforehand)?

à"ì îä àú áòé îøáé ùîåàì áø øá éöç÷ ãëì îä ãäåà àåëì îùå÷à äåà àëì


Answer (R. Yasa): What can you prove from R. Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak? (He is different to others) - whatever he eats, he is careful to buy already tithed.

äåà ðàîï åàùúå àéðä ðàîðú ìå÷çéï îîðå åàéï îúàøçéï àöìå àáì àîøå äøé ëãø òí äðçù áëôéôä


If a man is trusted but his wife is not, one may buy from him but not be a guest at his home; but Chazal said that it's like living with a snake in a basket (as his wife will cause him to stumble).

àùúå ðàîðú åäåà àéðå ðàîï îúàøçéï àöìå åàéï ìå÷çéï îîðå àáì àîøå úáåà îàéøä ìîé ùàùúå ðàîðú åäåà àéðå ðàîï


If a wife is trusted but not her husband, one may be a guest at their home but one may not buy from him; but Chazal said that cursed is a person whose wife is trusted and he is not trusted.

úðé ìà éùîù çáø áîùúä ò"ä åìà áñòåãú ò"ä àìà àí ëï äéä äëì îúå÷ï åîòåùø úçú éãå åàôéìå îðé÷ú ùì ééï


Baraisa: A Chaver should not serve at the celebration of an Am HaAretz, nor the meal of an Am HaAretz (as people will see him and assume that the food is tithed), unless everything was already tithed by the Chaver. He should even tithe the barrel of wine that's used as the wine supply of the meal (rather than wait to tithe until he brings the wine to the table.)

åàí ùéîù çáø áîùúä òí äàøõ åáñòåãú òí äàøõ äøé æå çæ÷ä ìîòùøåú.


If a Chaver did serve at the celebration or meal of an Am HaAretz, it can be assumed that he did tithe.

øàå àåúå îéñá àéðä çæ÷ä àðé àåîø òì äúðàéí ùáìáå äåà îéñá.


If they saw him sitting at the Am HaAretz's meal, it is not an indication that all of the food is tithed; perhaps he tithed for himself in his mind onto other produce.

áðå îéñá àöìå öøéê ìòùø òì éãéå çáéøå àéï öøéê ìòùø òì éãéå:


If his son is sitting with him, the father must also tithe for his son's food (and the son can rely on his father). However, the Chaver is not required to tithe for anyone else, so another person must tithe for himself.


RELATING TO AN AM HA'ARETZ (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 3 Daf 9b)

îùðä äî÷áì òìéå ìäéåú çáø àéðå îåëø ìò"ä ìç åéáù åàéðå ìå÷ç îîðå ìç [ãó ë òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åàéðå îúàøç àöì ò"ä åìà îàøçå àöìå áëñåúå.


(Mishnah): If a person accepts upon himself to be a Chaver, he should not sell to an Am HaAretz whether wet or dry produce, and he should not buy from an Am HaAretz wet produce, nor be a guest at his home (even if the produce is tithed, due to the problem of Tumah), nor should he host the Am HaAretz, unless the Am HaAretz changes out of his regular (potentially Tameh) clothing.

ø' éäåãä àåîø àó ìà éâãì áäîä ã÷ä åìà éäà ôøåõ áðãøéí åáùçå÷ åìà éäà îéèîà ìîúéí åîùîù ááéú äîãøù


(R. Yehuda): In addition, he should not breed small animals (such as sheep and goats) and he should not be unrestrained in making vows and in light-heartedness; he should not become impure from corpses and he should serve Chachamim in the Beis Medrash.

àîøå ìå ìà áàå àìå ìëìì:


(Chachamim disagree): Those things are not related to Taharos (retaining the purity of items).

âîøà àéðå ìå÷ç îîðå ìç äà éáù îåúø ùòîé äàøõ ðàîðéí òì äëùéøåú.


(Gemara): (The Mishnah taught that) he may not buy wet produce from him but he may buy dry, as Amai HaAretz are believed to say that something didn't get wet (making it susceptible to Tumah).

åúðé ëï ðàîï òí äàøõ ìåîø äôéøåú äììå ìà äåëùøå. àáì àéðå ðàîï ìåîø äåëùøå àìà ùìà ÷áìå àú äèåîàä.


Support (Baraisa): An Am HaAretz is believed to say that these fruits did not become susceptible to Tumah; but he is not believed to say that they are susceptible but did not actually receive Tumah.

äà îëìì ãå îåãé á÷îééúà ìéú äãà ôìéâé òìä ãøáé éåðä ãøáé éåðä àîø çáéøéï àéðï çùåãéï ìà ìàëåì åìà ìäàëéì


Question: (In the Mishnah, R. Yehuda taught that he may also not breed small animals.) From his wording it seems that he agrees with everything listed before this (including not staying at the home of an Am HaAretz). If so, doesn't it disprove R. Yona, who (when explaining R. Yehuda in the Mishnah,) said that Chaverim are not suspected of eating or feeding others untithed produce?

ùìà éìê åéèîà âåôå åéáà åéèîà èäøåú


Answer: The reason not to be a guest at his home is (not because of untithed produce but rather) to prevent him from becoming Tamei and then making Taharos Tamei.

åàôéìå òì ãøáé éåñé ìéú äãà ôìéâà ãøáé éåñé àîø çáéøéï çùåãéï ìàëåì åàéðï çùåãéï ìäàëéì.


Question: Doesn't this also disprove R. Yosi who said that Chaveirim are suspected of eating (untithed produce) but not of feeding it to others. (And here, R. Yehuda doesn't even allow a Chaver to be a guest at the home of an Am HaAretz?)

[ãó ë òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] úîï ìèäøåú àáì äëà ìîòùøåú äðàîï òì äèäøåú ðàîï òì äîòùøåú


Answer: (As in the previous answer, being a guest brings a concern) for Taharos, but the concern here is for untithed produce; (as we saw earlier), that one who is believed for Taharos is believed for Maaseros.

úðà ëì äáà öøéê ì÷áì òìéå àôé' çáø úìîéã çëí. àáì çëí ùéùá áéùéáä àéðå öøéê ì÷áì òìéå [ãó é òîåã à] ùëáø ÷éáì òìéå îùòä ùéùá.


Baraisa: Whoever want to become a Chaver must accept upon himself in public (as listed in the Mishnah); even if he is a Chaver Torah scholar; but an Elder who taught Torah in public does not need to make this acceptance, because as soon as he sits to teach, he has already made it.

àîø øáé ìà åäåà ù÷éáì òìéå îùòä øàùåðä


(R. Ila): It is assumed that he already accepted it earlier (but if it is known that he did not, he must accept it in order to be trusted).

øáé éåñé áòé àé îùòä øàùåðä ìîä ìé çáø àôéìå ò"ä.


Question (R. Yosi): Isn't it true for everyone that unless they accepted earlier, they must accept in order to be trusted?

àúéà ãøáé ìà ëøéù ì÷éù ãø"ù áï ì÷éù äåä ñì÷ ìâáé àéìéï ãáéú øáé éðàé åäåå ðùééà çæééï ìéä åòø÷éï îï ÷îåé. àîø ìåï àáà ìëåï áééúà ò"ä àðé àöì èäøåú.


Question #2: R. Ila is like Reish Lakish, who would go to these people of the House of R. Yanai and when they saw him, the women ran away so that they should not make him impure from their clothing. He said to them, "I am able to come to your houses (and there is no need for you to run away), because I am also categorized as an Am HaAretz in Taharos, (since I never accepted to become a Chaver).

úðé äåà ðòðä ìçáåøä åáðéå åáðé áéúå ðòðéï ìå.


(Baraisa): One who wants to become a Chaver must stand in front of 3 Chaverim. His family members must merely agree at some point before him and they have no need for their own separate acceptance.

àéú úðéé úðé äåà åáðéå åáðé áéúå ðòðéï ìçáåøä


(Another Baraisa): His family members must accept with him in front of 3 Chaverim.

åìà ôìéâ ëàï áèôåìéï ìàáéäï åëàï ëùàéï èôåìéï ìàáéäí


Resolution: It depends whether or not the children are supported by their father.

úðé øáé çìôúà áï ùàåì âãåìéí ðòðéï ìçáåøä ÷èðéí ðòðéï ìå


Baraisa (R. Chalafta ben Shaul): Adult children of a Chaver must accept in front of 3 Chaverim; young children accept in front of him.

úðé î÷øéáï ìëðôééí åàçø ëê îìîãéï ìèäøåú


Baraisa: One who wishes to become a Chaver - we first teach him about 'Knafayim' and then we teach him about 'Taharos'.

àîø ø' éöç÷ á"ø ìòæø ëðôéí îãôåú [ãó ëà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åäñèåú èäøåú îòùøåú


(R. Yitzchak b'R. Elazar): 'Knafayim' refers to Tumah through touching and pushing; 'Taharos' refers to Maaseros.

áøàùåðä äéå àåîøéí çáø ùðòùä âáéé ãåçéï àåúå îçáåøúå éöà îâáééúå äøé äåà ëçáø.


Originally, they would say that if a Chaver became a tax collector, we remove his Chaver status; and when he stops the job, he is reinstated as a Chaver.

çééà áø áåï áùí øáé éåçðï çáø ùéöà çåöä ìàøõ àéï ãåçéï àåúå îçáåøúå (äà ÷èï) [áà ÷îàï] àéï öøéê ÷éøåá:


(Chiya bar Bun citing R. Yochanan): If a Chaver went to Chutz LaAretz, we do not automatically remove he status of Chaver, so when he returns, he does not need to reaccept it.