GIFTS OF A DEATHLY ILL PERSON (Yerushalmi Peah Halachah 7 Daf 18a)
[ãó éç òîåã à] úîï úðéðï ø"ò àåîø ÷ø÷ò ë"ù çééá áôàä
Question (our Mishnah): R. Akiva says that any sized field is obligated in Peah (and it can also be used to acquire movables, even though it can be miniscule and too small to contain any movables. This shows that the movables do not need to be in the field...?)
àîø øáé îúðéà úéôúø ùäéä ùí î÷åí ùéáåìú åîøâìéåú èîåðä áå:
Answer (R. Matanya): It could be referring to land large enough for only one stalk and there is a pearl hidden underneath it.
àéæä äåà ùëéá îøò ëì ùìà ÷ôõ òìéå äçåìé ãøê äàøõ ä÷øåáéí ðëðñéí àöìå îéã åäøçå÷éí ðëðñéí àöìå ìàçø â' éîéí àí ÷ôõ òìéå äçåìé àìå åàìå ðëðñéï àöìå îéã
Question: What is a Shechiv MeRa (in regards to the laws of visiting the sick)? When a person becomes sick in a natural way, his close relatives immediately come to visit him and those who are not related come after three days. But if he suddenly deteriorated, immediately, all go in to visit.
ãìîà ø' äåðä ø' ôéðçñ ø' çæ÷éä ñì÷åï ìîá÷øà ìø' éåñé áúø úìúà éåîéï àîø ìåï ëé áòéúåï î÷ééîà îúðéúà
It once happened that Rav Huna, R. Pinchas and R. Chizkiyah went to visit R. Yosi, three days after he fell ill. He said to them, "Are you trying to fulfil the Baraisa that teaches that only relatives go in the first three days? You are my close friends and close friends are like relatives.
ùééø ÷ø÷ò ë"ù îúðúå ÷ééîú àôé' äáøéà ìà ùééø ë"ù àéï îúðúå ÷ééîú åäåà ùäáøéà
If a Shechiv MeRa left any sized field for himself, the gift is valid (even if he recuperates); if he did not leave anything for himself, if he recuperates, his gift is not valid.
ø' áà ø' çééà áùí øá òùå ãáøé ù"î ëáøéà ùëúá åðúï åäåà ùîú îàåúå äçåìé äà àí äáøéà ìà åáîñééí åáàîø úðå ùãä ôìåðé ìôìåðé
(R. Ba/ R. Chiya citing Rav): Chazal viewed the words of a Shechiv MeRa to be like a document of a healthy person, as long as he died from that illness; but not if he recuperated. This applies only when he specified which field is to be given to which recipient.
àîø úðå çöé ùãä ôìåðé ìôìåðé åçöé ùãä ôìåðé ìôìåðé ëîé ùñééí àå òã ùéàîø çöééä áöôåï åçöééä áãøåí
Question: If he told them to give half of a certain field to Ploni and half of it to Ploni, is it as if he specified and it is valid, or must he specify which half is for which person? (The Gemara does not answer this question.)
øáé àáéðà áùí ø' éøîéä ùééø îèìèìéï ìà òùä åìà ëìåí
R. Avina citing R. Yirmiyah: If he left only movables for himself, it is not considered to be leaving over (and if he recuperates, he retains everything).
[ãó ìâ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àúà çîé ùééø ÷ø÷ò ë"ù àéú ìéä îçééí ùééø àáðéí èåáåú åîøâìéåú àéï ìå îçééí
Question: Is it not considered leaving for himself if he left precious stones and diamonds? (Movables should be considered leaving over!)
àîø øáé éåñé éåãò äåà äàéù äæä ùùëéá îøò îæëä àôéìå áãáøéí ìàéæä ãáøéí ëúá áäï ÷ðéï ëãé ìòùåú îúðú áøéà
(R. Yosi): (If a Shechiv MeRa gave instructions and also made a Kinyan (act of acquisition);) he knows that a Shechiv MeRa is able to give others merely with instructions, so why did he make a Kinyan? So that the transaction would be valid even if he recuperates (as if he had given it when healthy).
ùééø òáãéí
Question: What is the law if he left slaves for himself?
úðé øáé éåãï áø ôæé ãáø ãìéà åìà éãòéï îä úðé:
R. Yudan bar Pazi taught an answer to this but we do not what it was.