TEMURAH 27 (14 Av 5779) - Dedicated by Rabbi Kornfeld and family in honor of the marriage of his daughter Sarah to David Tzvi Formal. May they build together a Bayis Ne'eman b'Yisrael, raising children and grandchildren to a life of Torah and Yir'as Shamayim!


THE DECREE OF TWO CHALOS (Yerushalmi Chalah Perek 4 Halachah 4 Daf 25a)

îúðé' éùøàì ùäéå àøéñéï ìâåéí áñåøéà øáé ìéòæø îçééá áôéøåúéäï áîòùøåú åáùáéòéú. åøáï âîìéàì ôåèø.


(Mishnah): If a Yisrael was an Aris (sharecropper) for Nochrim in Surya, R. Eliezer obligates the Peros in Ma'aseros and Shemitah, and R. Gamliel exempts.

øáï âîìéàì àåîø ùúé çìåú áñåøéà. [ãó ëä òîåã á] åøáé ìéòæø àåîø çìä àçú.


R. Gamliel says, one separates two Chalos in Surya. R. Eliezer says, one Chalah.

àçæå ÷åìå ùì øáï âîìéàì å÷åìå ùì øáé ìéòæø


People adopted the leniency of R. Gamliel and the leniency of R. Eliezer.

çæøå ìðäåâ ëãáøé øáï âîìéàì áùúé ãøëéí.


They retracted to conduct like R. Gamliel in both ways.

[ãó îá òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] øáï âîìéàì àåîø ùìù àøöåú ìçìä. îàøõ éùøàì åòã âæéá çìä àçú


R. Gamliel says, there are three lands for Chalah. From Eretz Yisrael until Gaziv, [they separate] one Chalah;

îâæéá åòã äðäø åòã àîðí ùúé çìåú àçú ìàåø åàçú ìëäï. ùì àåø éù ìä ùéòåø åùì ëäï àéï ìä ùéòåø.


From Gaziv until the river and Amnom, two Chalos - one is 'of fire' (it is burned), and one is for a Kohen. The one for fire has a Shi'ur, and the one for a Kohen has no Shi'ur;

îäðäø åîàîðí (åìôðéí) [ö"ì åìçåõ - ôñ÷é çìä ìøùá"à ùòø ã] ùúé çìåú àçú ìàåø åàçú ìëäï. ùì àåø àéï ìä ùéòåø åùì ëäï éù ìä ùéòåø. åèáåì éåí àåëìä.


From the river and from Amnom and outside, two Chalos - one is for fire, and one is for a Kohen. The one for fire has no Shi'ur, and the one for a Kohen has a Shi'ur, and a Tevul Yom may eat it;

øáé éåñé àîø àéðå öøéê èáéìä.


R. Yosi says, he need not immerse (he may eat it when he is Tamei).

åàñåøä ìæáéï åìæáåú ìðéãåú åìéåìãåú åðàëìú òí äæø òì äùìçï åðéúðú ìëì ëäï.


It is forbidden to a Zav, Zavah, Nidah, and Yoledes (for their Tum'ah came from their body), and it may be eaten with a Zar at the table, and it may be given to any Kohen (even if he is not trustworthy about Taharah).

[ãó îâ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àìå ðåúðéï ìëì ëäï äçøîéí åäáëåøåú åôãéåï äáï åôãéåï ôèø çîåø åäæøåò åäìçééí åä÷éáä åøàùéú äâæ åùîï ùøéôä å÷ãùé î÷ãù åäáéëåøéí.


These may be given to any Kohen - Cherem, Bechor, Pidyon ha'Ben, Pidyon Peter Chamor, the foreleg, jaw and stomach [of a slaughtered Chulin Behemah], Reishis ha'Gez, Shemen Sereifah (Tamei Terumah), Kodshei Mizbe'ach and Bikurim. (Most of these are permitted b'Tum'ah; the others, all are careful about them due to their great Kedushah.)

åøáé éäåãä àåñø ááéëåøéí.


R. Yehudah forbids [giving] Bikurim [to a Kohen who is not trustworthy about Taharah].

ëøùéðé úøåîä øáé ò÷éáä îúéø åçëîéí àåñøéï:


Vetch of Terumah (it is normally for animals; its Terumah is only mid'Rabanan), R. Akiva permits, and Chachamim forbid.

âî' ø' àáäå áùí ø' éåçðï ìà çééá ø' ìéòæø àìà áçëéøé [áúé] àáåú ëâåï (îäìì) [îäìéï] ãáéú ø'.


(Gemara - R. Avahu citing R. Yochanan): R. Eliezer obligated [an Aris for Nochrim in Surya] only Chakirei Batei Avos (a family that is normally rents the field on condition to give a fixed amount to the owner), e.g. these people of Beis Rebbi.

úðé ø' çìôúà áï ùàåì ÷ðñ ÷ðñå ø' ìéòæø.


(R. Chalafta ben Sha'ul - Beraisa): R. Eliezer made a fine [to encourage the Aris to buy the field - R. SHLOMO SIRILIYO.

îä ðô÷ îáéðéäåï


Question: What is the difference between them?

àøéñ ìùòä. îàï ãàîø ÷ðñ çééá. îàï ãàîø áçëéøé áúé àáåú ôèåø:


Answer: A temporary Aris - the one who says that it is a fine, he is obligated. The one who says only Chakirei Batei Avos, he is exempt.

äìå÷ç îï äðçúåí áñåøéà öøéê ìäôøéù çìú ãîàé ãáøé øáï âîìéàì


(Beraisa): One who buys from a baker in Surya must separate Chalas Demai. R. Gamliel says so;

åçëîéí àåîøéí àéðå öøéê ìäôøéù çìú ãîàé.


Chachamim say, he need not separate Chalas Demai.

[ãó îâ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] à"ø çððéä ÷åîé øáé îðà åéàåú àî' øáï âîìéàì îä èòîäåï ãøáðéï.


Question (R. Chananyah, to R. Mana): R. Gamliel said properly! What is the reason of Rabanan?

à"ì ëùí ùìà ðçùãå éùøàì òì úøåîä áàøõ ëê ìà ðçùãå òì çìä áñåøéà.


Answer (R. Mana): Just like Yisrael were not suspected about Terumah in Eretz Yisrael, so they were not suspected about Chalah in Surya.

ø' àáåï áø çééà áòé ëîä (ãàúàîø') [ãàú àîø] ùúé çìåú áñåøéà åãëååúä ùúé úøåîåú áñåøéà.


Question (R. Avun bar Chiyah): Just like you say two Chalos in Surya, similarly you should say two Terumos in Surya!

à"ø çâé çìä àéï àçøéä ëìåí. úøåîä éù àçøéä ëìåí. àí àå' àú ëï ðîöàú àåúä úøåîä ùäåà îôøéù èáåìä ìîòùøåú.


Answer (R. Chagai): There is no [separation] after Chalah (so there is no problem if we decree an extra Chalah, for it is permitted). There is [a Chiyuv Ma'aseros] after Terumah. If you say [to give an extra Terumah], it turns out that that [extra] Terumah he separates is Tevel to Ma'aseros. (Chachamim did not want to decree a second Terumah, and Ma'aseros on it.)