The reference numbers below that appear in parentheses (e.g., TY #43) represent vessels or parts of the structure of the Beis ha'Mikdash. The labeling follows that of the diagram of the Tiferes Yisrael. This diagram, which has been included in a separate mailing and can also be found on our site (at, is printed both in the Tiferes Yisrael Mishnayos (Midos Chapter 2 or following Midos) and in Rav P. Kahati's Mishnayos (page 290, at the beginning of Midos).

[30a - 29 lines; 30b - 53 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Mishnah, Gemara and Rosh.

[1] Rosh 30a DH v'Shaifa ã"ä åùééôà:

The words "he'Asuy mi'Tzevas Dekel äòùåé îöáú ã÷ì

should be "he'Asuy mi'Tzorei Dekel" äòùåé îöåøé ã÷ì (as it found in the Mefaresh; alternatively, it should be "he'Asuy mi'Tzivei Dekel äòùåé îöéáé ã÷ì, meaning palm branches)

[2] Rosh DH v'Sarich Alei ã"ä åñøéê òìéä:

The words "b'Chelev Shel Saruf she'Shemo Tzav" áçìá ùì ùøåó ùùîå öá

should be "b'Chelev Shel Sheretz she'Shemo Tzav" áçìá ùì ùøõ ùùîå öá

[3] Gemara 30b [line 2]:

Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #1 (this is the way it is printed in the Mishnayos)

[4] Gemara 30b [line 30]:

Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #8 (this is the way it is printed in the Mishnayos)

[5] Gemara [line 47]

"Shnei Neiros (Mizrachis) [Ma'aravis]" ùðé ðøåú îòøáéú

The correct Girsa is Mizrachiyos îæøçéåú. The word "Ma'aravis" îòøáéú does not appear in any Rishon or in the Mishnayos. (In Rav Kapach's edition of the Perush ha'Mishnayos of the Rambam, the Girsa is only "Shtei Neiros" ùúé ðøåú, without the words "Mizrachis" or "Ma'aravis.") See Insights to Daf 33a.


1a)[line 1]åùééôé ìäå áçáìà ãöáúàV'SHAIFI LEHU B'CHAVLA D'TZAVSA- one should rub it with (a) a rope made of thorny palm-branches; (b) [according to the Girsa V'SHAIFI LEHU B'CHELBA D'TZAVSA -] the fat of a Tzav

b)[line 1](D'SARICH) [V'SARICH] ALEI BIZRA- (a) and this will weaken the reproductive power of the tree (ROSH); (b) and one should also remove any seedpods from the tree (MEFARESH); (c) this will cause the seeds to cleave to each other so that they will not grow into trees (RABEINU GERSHOM)

2)[line 2]ùéøèåïSEIRATON- sandbank

3)[line 3]úìú áøéëé îéðééäåTELAS BREICHI MINAIHU- and three branches from it (the resulting tree, that will eventually grow very thick branches)

4)[line 4]âîìàGAMLA- a bridge

5)[line 7]ùéäå îöéúéï àú äàìéúà îùíSHE'YEHU METZISIN ES HA'ALISA MI'SHAM- they would light the kindling wood from there

6)[line 9]î÷åîåú î÷åîåú òáãéMEKOMOS MEKOMOS AVDEI- the fine kindling wood was placed in numerous places


7)[line 12]äîîåðäHA'MEMUNEH- the officer in charge of the lottery

8)[line 16]äòå÷õHA'UKATZ- the bone of the spine that is over the kidney (os cruris or os caudae coccygisue - tailbone). In the Torah this is called "he'Atzeh" (Vayikra 3:9). This "limb" includes the Alyah (fat-tail), the Etzba ha'Kaved (the diaphragm or the lower lobe of the liver) and the two kidneys (Tamid 31b)

9a)[line 16]äçæäHE'CHAZEH- the chest

b)[line 16]äâøäHA'GERAH- the neck

c)[line 16]ùúé ãôðåúSHTEI DEFANOS- two sides of the animal


See Background to Tamid 28:10.

11)[line 19]áø÷àéBARKAI!- it is light!

12)[line 20]îúéà áï ùîåàì àåîøMASYA BEN SHMUEL OMER- (a) Masya ben Shmuel argues with the Tana Kama, contending that the answer was not "Barkai" but "He'ir Penei Chol ha'Mizrach"; (b) alternatively, Matisya ben Shmuel, who was in charge of the Payasos in the Beis ha'Mikdash (Shekalim 5:1), would prepare to make the second Payis (for the Avodos of the Tamid) by verifying that the sun had risen by asking, "Has the entire eastern horizon lit up...?" (see Beraisa in Yoma 28b; TOSFOS YESHANIM and TOSFOS HA'ROSH ibid. discuss this explanation).

13)[line 21]ìùëú äèìàéíLISHKAS HA'TELA'IM- VS #55, TY #43. Lishkas ha'Tela'im, the Chamber of Lambs, also known as the Lishkas ha'Korban or Lishkas Tela'ei Korban, was the southwestern chamber of the Beis ha'Moked TY #43). The lambs for the Korban Tamid were checked for four days prior to being offered to ensure that they had no Mum (blemish).

14)[line 23]öôåðéú îòøáéúTZEFONIS MA'ARAVIS- see Insights

15)[line 25]ìùëú äçåúîåúLISHKAS HA'CHOSAMOS- VS #52, TY #43. The Chamber of the Seals, where a treasurer would sell the seals/stamps that entitled their purchaser to receive Nesachim, was the northeastern chamber of the Beis ha'Moked TY #43. This is also the chamber where the Chashmona'im hid away the stones of the Mizbe'ach that the Greeks defiled.

16)[line 26]ìùëú áéú äîå÷ãLISHKAS BEIS HA'MOKED- VS #54, TY #43. The Chamber of the Hearth was the northwestern chamber of the Beis ha'Moked TY #43. It was given this name because it was the chamber that served the people in the Beis ha'Moked (GR'A). From it, a winding stairwell led to an underground passage, which ended in a Mikvah, and restrooms. (According to the Tiferes Yisrael, in the morning a fire was lit here for the Kohanim who became Tamei during the night and who had immersed in the Mikvah.)

17)[line 26]ìùëä ùòåùéï áä ìçí äôðéíLISHKAH SHE'OSIN BAH LECHEM HA'PANIM- VS #53, TY #43. The Chamber of the Bakers of the Lechem ha'Panim was the southeastern chamber of the Beis ha'Moked.

18)[line 27]ìùëú äëìéíLISHKAS HA'KELIM- The Chamber of the Vessels. Its location is not known. (The Tiferes Yisrael suggests that in might be located in one of 38 unidentified compartments surrounding the Heichal. Alternatively, this may be Lishkas Pinchas ha'Malbish, where the Bigdei Kehunah were kept — VS #19, TY #20.)


19)[line 1]îáå÷øMEVUKAR (BIKUR)

To insure that at least two sheep would be available for the two daily Korbenos Tamid (see Background to Tamid 25:1), six sheep are kept in the Lishkas ha'Tela'im, the Chamber of Lambs (VS #55, TY #43, also known as the Lishkas ha'Korban or Lishkas Tela'ei Korban). The lambs are checked for four days prior to being offered to ensure that they have no Mumim (blemishes).

20)[line 2]àáå÷åúAVUKOS- torches

21a)[line 4]äèðéHA'TENI- a 2 1/2 Kav golden utensil shaped like a basket, used to collect the ashes of the Mizbach ha'Ketores (the modern equivalent of its capacity is approximately 3, 3.45 or 6 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions)

b)[line 4]äëåæHA'KUZ- a golden utensil shaped like a pitcher, used to collect the leftover oil and burned wicks of the Menorah of the Heichal

22)[line 5]úø÷áTARKAV- a utensil that holds three Kabin (however, the Teni only holds 2 1/2 Kabin)

23a)[line 7]àçã ùäåà éåøã áàîú äùçéECHAD SHE'HU YORED BA'AMAS HA'SHECHI- [for] one [key], he would have to put his hand inside [an opening in the wall] until his armpit [in order to reach the lock]

b)[line 8]ôåúç ëéåïPOSE'ACH KEIVAN- [and] one [key] opened directly [a normal lock in the same door]

24)[line 8]ôùôù äöôåðéPISHPESH HA'TZEFONI- TY #62. The small entrance to the north of the entrance to the Heichal that led into the most northeastern Ta (compartment).

25)[line 9]ùòø äâãåìSHA'AR HA'GADOL- VS #41 (the number is missing from the picture), TY #61. The Great Gate, the entrance to the Heichal.

26)[line 15]äúàHA'TA- VS #40, TY #63. The most northeastern compartment of the 38 compartments that were built on three levels on three sides of the Heichal had five doorways: one to the Ulam to the east; one to the Heichal to the south (these two are the ones through which the Kohen mentioned in our Mishnah walked); one to the Azarah to the north; one to the compartment to the west; and one to the compartment above it.

27)[line 15]äéëìHEICHAL- VS #41 (the number is missing from the picture). The Sanctuary, inside of which was the Menorah, the Shulchan of the Lechem ha'Panim, and the Mizbe'ach for the Ketores

28)[line 16]äðâøHA'NAGAR- the bolt or pin

29)[line 17]äôåúçåúHA'POSACHOS- the locks

30)[line 20]îâøéôäMAGREIFAH- an instrument that produced many sounds using hollow reeds (a type of reed organ?) (see Erchin 10b)

31)[line 22]î÷éù áöìöìMAKISH B'TZILTZAL- beat the cymbals

32)[line 22]äçìéìHA'CHALIL- flute

33)[line 23]÷åì âáéðé ëøåæKOL GEVINI KAROZ- the voice of Gevini the Announcer. He would stand every morning on Har ha'Bayis in front of the closed door of the Beis ha'Moked and proclaim "Arise Kohanim and Yisraelim for your service." "Gevini" was the name of the first person given this charge, and his name became the title for the subsequent officials who held this position in subsequent generations (see Shekalim 5:1).

34)[line 24]îåëðé ìëéåøMUCHNI LA'KIYOR- VS #31, TY #52. The pulley used to raise and lower the water basin

35)[line 28]ôéèåí ä÷èåøúPITUM HA'KETORES- the compounding of the Ketores (see Background to Kerisus 2:8 for a discussion of the Ketores)

36)[line 29]òøé äîëååøAREI HA'MICHVAR- in the cities of the area of Michvar. Michvar is the mountainous area to the east of the Dead Sea which rises to a height of 700 meters above (Mediterranean) sea level, from where it is possible to see Yerushalayim and Chevron. According to Targum Yonasan Ben Uziel and the Yerushalmi, this is identical to Ya'azer mentioned in Bamidbar 21:32 and 32:1, which was in the portion given to Gad. At the time of Bayis Sheni, it was very important strategically, serving to protect the land of Judea, of which it was a part, from the Nabateans to the south and from invaders from the east. Alexander Yanai built a fortress here, which was later fortified by Herod. The defenders of Yerushalayim fled here after the Churban, but they were all massacred by the Romans. After the destruction of Yerushalayim, when the center of the Jewish population moved northwards to the Galil, the concentration of the Jewish settlement to the east of the Jordan River also moved northwards to the Galil.

37)[line 30]îúòèùåúMIS'ATSHOS- sneezed

38a)[line 31]áéú äîèáçééíBEIS HA'MITBACHAYIM- VS #24, TY #44. The Butchering Area where the slaughtered animals were hung in order to be skinned and dismembered

b)[line 33]òîåãéí ððñéíAMUDIM NANASIM- small columns of stone

39)[line 34]øáòéí ùì àøæREVA'IM SHEL EREZ- square blocks of cedar-wood

40)[line 34]åàð÷ìàåúUNKELA'OS- hooks

41)[line 36]ùåìçðåú ùì ùéùSHULCHANOS SHEL SHAYISH- VS #24, TY #45. Eight marble tables upon which the intestines were washed (RA'AVAD, BARTENURA, TOSFOS YOM TOV, TIFERES YISRAEL in his description of his picture). In the Vilna Shas picture, these tables are drawn as an additional two tables, located in between the Amudim. (The Tiferes Yisrael refutes this from the Mishnah in Shekalim (6:4), which enumerates the 13 tables of the Mikdash but does not mention an additional two tables in between the Amudim.)

42)[line 43]îãìé÷ï îï äãåì÷éïMADLIKAN MIN HA'DOLKIN- and he would light them from the ones that were still burning

43)[line 45]îòìåúMA'ALOS- steps

44)[line 45]îèéáMETIV (HATAVAS HA'NEROS)

(a)Every evening a Kohen lights the Menorah in the Beis ha'Mikdash. This is called Hadlakas ha'Neros. Enough oil is put into the Menorah's lamps to burn until the morning.

(b)In the morning, a Kohen would clean out the burned wicks and leftover oil that remained in the Menorah's lamps, and replaced them with fresh oil and wicks. This is what the Torah, and the Mishnah, calls Hatavas ha'Neros, or Dishun ha'Menorah. The spent wicks were placed in the same pile of ashes near the ramp of the Mizbe'ach into which the Terumas ha'Deshen was placed.

(c)The cleaning of the lamps was done in two stages. First the Kohen would clean five of the lamps of the Menorah. He would then wait while other services of the Mikdash were done, and only afterwards would he complete the job and clean out the remaining two lamps of the Menorah.

(The above description is based on the opinion of the majority of the Rishonim. However, others assert that some or all of the lamps of the Menorah were lit in the morning as well, or that the Menorah was cleaned in a single step, according to some Tana'im. Also, the process described is altered slightly if some of the lamps are still burning by the morning. The Tana'im argue as to which service was done between the cleaning of the first five and the last two lamps. For more information, see Charts to Yoma 14a, Chart #2.)


45)[line 48]ìà äéå ëåôúéï ... îò÷éãéï àåúåLO HAYU KOFSIN ... MA'AKIDIN OSO- (a) they would not bind all four feet together; rather, they would bind each hand (i.e. foreleg) with its respective foot (hind leg) (MEFARESH); (b) they would not bind the forelegs together or the hind legs together; rather, they would bind the foreleg with its respective hind leg (BARTENURA); (c) they would not bind the animal at all; rather, they would hold its forelegs together and it hind legs together (RAMBAM). See Insights.


Offering a Korban is comprised of four main actions. These four "Avodos" are Shechitah (slaughtering), Kabalas ha'Dam (collecting the blood of the Korban that will be applied to or cast on the Mizbe'ach), Holachah (carrying the blood towards the Mizbe'ach) and Zerikah (applying the blood to or casting the blood on the Mizbe'ach).