The reference numbers below that appear in parentheses (e.g., TY #43) represent vessels or parts of the structure of the Beis ha'Mikdash. The labeling follows that of the diagram of the Tiferes Yisrael. This diagram, which has been included in a separate mailing and can also be found on our site (at, is printed both in the Tiferes Yisrael Mishnayos (Midos Chapter 2 or following Midos) and in Rav P. Kahati's Mishnayos (page 290, at the beginning of Midos).
[29a - 35 lines; 29b - 32 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Mishnah, Gemara and Rosh.
[1] Gemara 29a [line 12]:
"b'Omed" Chamesh Se'in Gechalim" áòåîã çîù ñàéï âçìéí (with an Ayin)
The Girsa of the Rosh is b'Omed áàåîã with an Alef (the intent of both is the same)
[3] Rosh 29a DH Mashuch ã"ä îùåê:
The words "v'Amah Rochav" åàîä øåçá
should be "v'Amah Sovev" åàîä ñåáá
[4] Gemara 29b [line 16]:
(a) The words "Dukrei Shpud d'Lo Katrei" ãå÷øé ùôåã ãìà ÷èøé
should be "Dukrei Shapir d'Lo Katrei" ãå÷øé ùôéø ãìà ÷èøé
as is found in the Shitah Mekubetzes #6
(b) The text of the Rosh did not include the words
"v'Azlei Mekater mi'Tocho ... v'Shel Etz Shemen" åàæìé î÷èø îúåëå ... åùì òõ ùîï
[5] Rosh 29b DH Matbilin ã"ä îèáéìéï :
The words "she'Hi Mechitzah Bein Ohel Aleha" ùäéà îçéöä áéï àäì òìéä
should be "she'Hi Mechitzah d'Kayif, Shem Ohel Aleha" ùäéà îçéöä ãëééó ùí àäì òìéä
[6] Rosh DH Al ha'Etzim ã"ä òì äòöéí:
The words "ha'Nitanin Liheyos Esh" äðéúðéï ìäéåú àù
should be "ha'Nitachin Liheyos Esh" äðéúëéï ìäéåú àù
[7] Rosh DH Rebbi Elazar: ã"ä øáé àìòæø :
The word "Mayish" îééù is the beginning of a new Dibur
[8] Rosh DH Af Al Gav ã"ä àó òì âá:
The words "d'Lo Mekatrei" ãìà î÷èøé
should be "d'Lo Mekatmei" ãìà î÷èîé
1)[line 2]äîòøëäHA'MA'ARACHAH- the wood-pile on the Mizbe'ach
2)[line 2]âæéøéïGEZIRIN- smooth blocks of wood that are an Amah by Amah and thick as the block used to level a heaping Se'ah (Zevachim 62b)
3)[line 5]îøáéåúMURBIYOS- young trees
4)[line 6]òõ ùîïETZ SHEMEN- pine-wood
5)[line 7]çæéúä îæøçäCHAZISAH MIZRACHAH- it had a window to east (through which air could circulate)
6)[line 9]îöéúéí àú äàìéúàMATZISIN ES HA'ALYESA- light the kindling wood
7)[line 14]áæéëé ìáåðäBAZICHEI LEVONAH- the bowls of incense (see Background to Me'ilah 9:12)
8)[line 17]ìùëú äâæéúLISHKAS HA'GAZIS- VS #62 (the number is missing in the diagram; it should be right beneath #'s 60 and 61); TY #27. The Chamber of Hewn Stone was the seat of the Jewish Supreme Court, known as the Great Sanhedrin of 71 judges. The Lishkas ha'Gazis was partially built in the Azarah of the Beis ha'Mikdash. The Great Sanhedrin was the highest Halachic authority before which the most difficult cases were brought (Devarim 17:8).
9)[line 18]âåæîàGUZMA- an exaggeration
10)[line 20]ìùåï äáàéLESHON HAVAI- an exaggerated fashion
11)[line 22]"òøéí âãåìåú åáöåøåú áùîéí""ARIM GEDOLOS U'VETZUROS BA'SHAMAYIM"- lit. "large, fortified cities in the sky" (Devarim 1:28)
12)[line 26]"[åéòìå ëì äòí àçøéå åäòí îçììéí áçììéí åùîçéí ùîçä âãåìä] åúá÷ò äàøõ á÷åìí""[VA'YA'ALU CHOL HA'AM ACHARAV, VEHA'AM MECHALELIN BA'CHALILIM U'SEMECHIM SIMCHAH GEDOLAH], VA'TIBAKA HA'ARETZ B'KOLAM" - "[And the people followed behind him (Tzadok ha'Kohen), and the people were playing on their flutes and rejoicing with great joy,] and the earth split from the sound" (Melachim I 1:40) (THE OVERWHELMING SOUNDS)
(a)David ha'Melech was elderly and bedridden. His son Adoniyahu, who was born immediately after Avshalom (David's oldest son who was no longer alive), encouraged by Yo'av, David's erstwhile commander of the army, and Evyasar, the deposed Kohen Gadol, took advantage of the situation. Adoniyahu invited all the king's sons (with the exception of Shlomo) and the men of Yehudah and had himself proclaimed as king. He did not invite Nasan ha'Navi, Benayahu (the head of the Beis Din), the strong men and other notables who were close to the king.
(b)When Nasan heard about this, he immediately informed Bas-Sheva (the mother of Shlomo, whom David promised would replace him on the throne), who promptly brought news of the rebellion to her husband, the king, and reminded him of his promise to her. As planned, Nasan joined her and added weight to her words. Realizing the urgency of the situation, David ordered them to ride Shlomo on his personal mule, as it is only another king who is permitted to ride on the king's mule. As further proof that he appointed Shlomo as his successor, they were to place Shlomo on the throne.
(c)Tzadok, Nasan, and Benayahu, followed by the Kreisi u'Pleisi (the archers and the sling-shooters, or, according to another explanation, the Urim v'Tumim]), followed David's instructions to the letter. Finally, Nasan took the horn containing the anointing oil and anointed Shlomo as king. They then blew the Shofar, and all the people cried out, "Long live the king!" The people began to play the flutes and an atmosphere of rejoicing filled the streets. They sat Shlomo on David's throne.
(d)Adoniyahu and his guests heard the overwhelming sounds but did not know what it was. When Yonasan, the son of Evyasar the Kohen, arrived, they assumed that he was a harbinger of good news, and they queried him about the noise. Yonasan told them exactly what happened, and they realized that their end had come. The rebellion was over and all those connected with it dispersed.
13)[line 32]àéï òðéåú áî÷åí òùéøåúEIN ANIYUS B'MEKOM ASHIRUS
In honor of the Beis ha'Mikdash, everything is done with extravagance and it is not proper to be skimpy.
14)[line 34]òì ôúç ääéëìAL PESACH HA'HEICHAL- at the door of the Heichal of the Beis ha'Mikdash
15)[line 34]îåãìä òì âáé ëìåðñåúMUDLEH AL GABEI KELUNSOS- and propped up, hung from thin beams, poles (O.F. treille - a trellis)
16)[last line]òìäALEH- [golden] leaf
17a)[line 1]âøâéøGARGIR- [golden] berry, grape
b)[line 1]àùëåìESHKOL- [golden] cluster [of grapes]
18)[line 4]øáé ùîòåï äñâïREBBI SHIMON HA'SGAN- Rebbi Shimon, the deputy Kohen Gadol (according to the Shitah Mekubetzes, the Girsa is REBBI SHIMON BEN HA'SEGAN - Rebbi Shimon, the son of the deputy Kohen Gadol)
19)[line 5]ôøåëúPAROCHES- the curtain for the entrances of the (a) Kodesh ha'Kodashim (the opening in the Amah Teraksin) (ROSH, 1st explanation); or (b) Ulam (ROSH, 2nd explanation)
20a)[line 6]ðéîéïNIMIN- (O.F. lices) threads hanging from a loom with a ring (or two knots) in their center, through each of which passes one thread of the warp
b)[line 6]ðéîäNIMA- thick thread, string, cord (a twist of the warp)
c)[line 7]çåèéïCHUTIN- the thin threads that make up the Nimin
21)[line 8]îùîåðéí åùúéí øéáåà ðòùéúMI'SHEMONIM U'SHTAYIM RIBO NA'ASIS- (a) [it cost] eight hundred twenty thousand [Dinrei Zahav] to make it (ROSH, 2nd explanation); (b) according to the Girsa "MI'SHEMONIM U'SHTAYIM RIVOS NA'ASIS" - [it took] eighty-two maidens to make it (ROSH, 1st explanation);
22)[line 9]ùìù îàåú ëäðéí îèáéìéï àåúäSHELOSH ME'OS KOHANIM MATBILIN OSAH- 300 Kohanim are needed to immerse it into a Mikvah. (According to the Vilna Ga'on, this figure is literal; 300 Kohanim were needed to immerse it, since the perimeter is 120 Amos. Using the Amah of Kelim which equals five Tefachim, the perimeter is 600 Tefachim, and 300 Kohanim have 600 Tefachim (handbreadths). One or more of the other details of the Paroches is exaggerated. See Insights.)
23)[line 13]îùåí ã÷èøéMISHUM D'KATREI- (a) since they have knots (which prevent them from burning well); (b) since they produce smoke; (c) according to the Girsa MISHUM D'KATMEI - since they produce a large amount of ashes
24)[line 14]"òì äòöéí àùø òì äàù""AL HA'ETZIM ASHER AL HA'ESH"- "on the wood that is on the fire" (Vayikra 1:8)
25)[line 15]òöéí äðúåëéí ìäéåú àùETZIM HA'NITOCHIM LIHEYOS ESH- wood that "melts" into fire, i.e. it burns quickly
26)[line 16]ãå÷øé (ùôåã) [ùôéø] ãìà ÷èøéDUKREI (SHEPUD) [SHAPIR] D'LO KATREI- high-quality logs that do not (a) have knots, (b) produce smoke, (c) produce excessive ashes
27)[line 16]àæìé î÷èø îúåëåAZLEI MEKATER MI'TOCHO- see above, entry #23 and Girsa Section 4:b
28)[line 20]îééùMAYISH- a tall tree with fruits like myrtle-berries
29)[line 21]àìåïALON- oak
30)[line 21]ù÷îäSHIKMAH- sycomore tree (or Egyptian fig)
31)[line 23]ìà ÷èøé îâåàéLO KATREI MI'GAVAI- the inner part of the tree does not (a) have knots, (b) produce smoke, (c) produce excessive ashes
32)[last line]úàéðé çéåøúàTE'EINEI CHIVARTA- white fig tree sapling