[22a - 49 lines; 22b - 51 lines]
1)[line 1]כרכינהו ושקלינהוKARCHINHU V'SHAKLINHU- they folded them up (the tapestries) and took them
2)[line 2]לשיימיה מר היכי שווL'SHAIMEI MAR HEICHI SHAVU- could you, sir, please tell us how much these are worth, i.e. how much you would pay for them?
3)[line 4]בהכי שקלינהוB'HACHI SHAKLINHU- that is how much I paid for them
4)[line 5]במטותא מינךB'MATUSA MINACH- we beg of you, we ask a favor of you
5)[line 6]במאי חשדתינןB'MAI CHASHADTINAN- with what [evil intentions] did you suspect us?
6)[line 7]ואכסיפו למימר ליV'ICHSIFU L'MEIMAR LI- and you were embarrassed to tell me
7)[line 9]אסחתינהו מדעתאי לצדקהASACHTINHU MI'DA'TA'I LI'TZEDAKAH- I put them out of my mind, with the intention that they become designated as Tzedakah
8)[line 10]מסתייךMISTAYECH- it should be enough for you
9)[line 10]דקא מגנית אכולה כרכאD'KA MAGNIS A'KULAH KERACHA- that you are responsible for protecting your entire city
10)[line 11]בשוקא דבי לפטSHUKA D'VEI LEFET- the marketplace of Bei Lefet
11)[line 12]בר עלמא דאתיBAR ALMA D'ASI- a live person who is worthy of meriting Olam ha'Ba according to his current deeds in this world - as opposed to everyone of Bnei Yisrael who has a portion in Olam ha'Ba after death, burial and the cleansing process of Gehinom (GILYON HA'SHAS, citing the TORAS CHAYIM to Sanhedrin 88b; see also Bi'ur ha'Gra, end of OC #582, DH v'Nohagin)
12)[line 12]סיים מסאני אוכמיSAYIM MESANEI UCHMEI- (a) who was wearing black shoes, like the practice of the Nochrim (RASHI); (b) who was wearing black shoes and shoelaces, like the practice of the Nochrim. Bnei Yisrael wore black shoes and white shoelaces at the time (TOSFOS to Bava Kama 59b DH Havah and to Sanhedrin 74b DH Afilu, citing RABEINU TAM(
13)[line 13]בגלימיהGELIMEI- his cloak
14)[line 15]זנדוקנאZANDUKNA- a jailer
15)[line 16]ורמינא פורייאיRAMINA PURYA'I- I place my bed
16)[line 18]דורדייא דחמראDURDAYA D'CHAMRA- wine lees, that are blood-red
17)[line 19]דיסתנאDISTENA- a Nidah (menstrual woman(
18)[line 26]אינשי בדוחי אנןINSHEI BEDUCHEI ANAN- we are happy people who make others happy
19)[line 26]מבדחינן עציביMEVADCHINAN ATZIVEI- we cheer up sad people and make them happy
20)[line 27]תיגראTIGRA- any strife or quarrel
21)[line 43]לאגםAGAM- (O.F. maresc) a marsh
22)[last line]מפרעה נכהPAR'OH NECHOH- (lit. Pharaoh the Lame) King of Egypt at the time of Yoshiyahu ha'Melech, who wanted to pass through Eretz Yisrael on his way to war against Ashur (Melachim II 23:29-35, Divrei ha'Yamim II 35:20-36:4). His archers killed Yoshiyahu, who did not want to let his army pass through the land. He is called "the Lame" because he tried to sit on the miraculous throne of Shlomo ha'Melech and was hit by one of the mechanical golden lions, which crippled him (Vayikra Raba 20:1, Targum Sheni, beginning of Megilas Esther(.
23)[line 1]"וישלח אליו מלאכים לאמר מה לי ולך מלך יהודה לא עליך אתה היום כי אל בית מלחמתי ואלקים אמר לבהלני; חדל לך מאלקים אשר עמי ואל ישחיתך""VA'YISHLACH ELAV MAL'ACHIM LEIMOR, MAH LI VA'LACH MELECH YEHUDAH? LO ALECHA ATAH HA'YOM, KI EL BEIS MILCHAMTI VE'ELOKIM AMAR L'VAHALENI; CHADAL LECHA ME'ELOKIM ASHER IMI V'AL YASHCHISECHA" - "And he (Pharaoh Nechoh) sent him messengers, saying: What do you want of me, king of Yehudah? I am not coming against you today, only to my current battlefield, and G-d ordered me to hurry to war against the king of Ashur. You had better desist because of the gods that are with me that they should not destroy you" (Divrei ha'Yamim II 35:21) (YOSHIYAHU HA'MELECH'S FATAL MISTAKE)
(a)Yoshiyahu, who had initiated a mass wave of repentance in his time, assumed that the people were worthy of the promise that, "not even shall a sword [of peace] pass through your land" (Vayikra 26:6). Hence, he refused Pharaoh's request to travel through Eretz Yisrael on the way to war against Ashur.
(b)Yoshiyahu, however, was mistaken. The Gemara explains that he failed to consult Yirmeyahu ha'Navi, who would have informed him that the verse refers to a time when Yisrael are fulfilling the will of HaSh-m. Although he was aware of that condition, he thought that the people's level of righteousness made them deserving of the promise of this verse. The prophet would have enlightened him to the fact that many of the people only pretended to relinquish their idolatrous practices, while they surreptitiously maintained their idols.
24)[line 8]כי החליתיKI HECHELEISI- because I am mortally wounded
25)[line 8]שפוותיה דקא מרחשןSIFVASEI D'KA MERACHASHAN- his lips were moving as though he was mumbling something
26)[line 19]מילתא דלא מהגנאMILSA D'LO MEHAGNA- improper speech
27)[line 21]"צדיק הוא ה' כי פיהו מריתי; שמעו נא כל העמים וראו מכאבי בתולתי ובחורי הלכו בשבי""TZADIK HU HASH-M KI FIHU MARISI; SHIM'U NA CHOL HA'AMIM U'RE'U MACH'OVI BESULOSAI U'VACHURAI HALCHU VA'SHEVI" - "HaSh-m is the righteous One, because I rebelled against His command; listen now all you peoples and see my pain, my maidens and my youths have gone into captivity" (Eichah 1:18) (YOSHIYAHU ACKNOWLEDGES HIS SIN)
The Gemara explains that when Yirmeyahu saw the dying king, Yoshiyahu, whispering something, he assumed that, despite his righteousness, he was saying something blasphemous, so he bent down to listen. He was surprised to hear, however, that what Yoshiyahu was saying was "Tziduk ha'Din," acknowledgement that HaSh-m is just and can make no mistakes, and that it was he who had rebelled against HaSh-m's word.
28)[line 27]כי דרא דריפתאKI DARA D'RIFTA- the first horizontal row of pita-breads stuck to the inside of an oven, just under its opening
29)[line 34]לסגףL'SAGEF- to afflict
30)[line 36]"וייצר ה' א-לקים את האדם עפר מן האדמה ויפח באפיו נשמת חיים; ויהי האדם לנפש חיה""VA'YITZER HASH-M ELOKIM ES HA'ADAM AFAR MIN HA'ADAMAH VA'YIFACH B'APAV NISHMAS CHAYIM; VA'YEHI HA'ADAM L'NEFESH CHAYAH"- "And HaSh-m created the man dust from the earth, and He breathed into his nostrils a soul of life, and man became a living creature" (Bereishis 2:7).
31)[line 43]"הביאו את כל המעשר אל בית האוצר ויהי טרף בביתי, ובחנוני נא בזאת אמר ה' צ-בקות; אם לא אפתח לכם את ארבות השמים, והריקתי לכם ברכה עד בלי די""HAVI'U ES KOL HA'MA'ASER EL BEIS HA'OTZAR VI'HI TEREF B'VEISI UV'CHANUNI NA B'ZOS AMAR HASH-M TZEVAKOS IM LO EFTACH LACHEM ES ARUBOS HA'SHAMAYIM V'HARIKOSI LACHEM BERACHAH AD BLI DAI"- "Bring all of the Ma'aser to the storehouse so that there will be food in My house; and please test Me with this, said HaSh-m, Host of Legions - [see] if I do not open the windows of heaven for you and pour blessings for you until there is no longer enough [room in the granary]!" (Mal'achi 3:10) - See Background to Ta'anis 9:7.
32)[line 44]עד שיבלו שפתותיכם מלומר דיAD SHE'YIVLU SIFSOSEICHEM MI'LOMAR DAI- until your lips will wear out and weary from saying "enough" (O.F. dolorent - are tired(
33)[line 48]בקרן אפלKEREN AFEL- a rocky promontory in Eretz Yisrael
34)[line 49]וישכשךVI'SHACHSHECH- to dip or wash [in water]
35)[line 50]טייעאTAIY'A- Arab merchant
36)[line 50]רומחאRUMCHA- spear
37)[line 50](איניבא) [יניבא](INIVA) [YANIVA]- a type of a worm (Chulin 85b(
38)[line 50]שכורהSHECHURAH- (lit. drunk) that receives too much rainfall
39)[last line]צמאהTZEMEI'AH- (lit. thirsty) that receives too little rainfall
40)[last line]מטשטשיןMETASHTESHIN- to make muddy