CHACHAMIM MADE THREE SEFEKOS LIKE VADAI (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 5 Daf 7b)
מיליהון דרבנן פליגין
The [following] words of Rabanan (R. Yochanan) argue [with Rav Huna].
דמר ר' יוחנן שלשה הן שהן בספק ועשו אותן כודאי ואילו הן המפלת יד חתוכה ורגל חתוכה ושילייא ודם הנמצא בפרוזדור
(R. Yochanan): There are three Sefekos, and [Chachamim] made them like Vadai - one who miscarries a cut off hand or foot (we assume that it came from a proper fetus and Tum'as Yoledes applies. We are not concerned lest the fetus was Atum, i.e. an essential part was lacking or formless), a Shilya (usually there is a fetus with it) and blood found in the Prozdor;
מה אנן קיימין אם בשנמצא מפתח עלייה ולפנים בודאי היא
What is the case? If it is found from the opening of the Aliyah and further in, it is Vadai (it is not a Safek)!
אלא כן אנן קיימין בשנמצא מפתח עלייה ולחוץ
Rather, the case is, is found from the opening of the Aliyah and further outside. (R. Yochanan said that Chachamim made this Vadai Tamei. (Since we said that he argues with Rav Huna, Rav Huna must hold that she is Safek Tamei.)
Note: Surely, Rav Huna agrees that if blood is found through a proper Bedikah, in which the cloth goes past the opening to the Aliyah, she is Vadai Tamei. He argues only about one who inserted the cloth only until the opening.
רבי אבא בריה דר' פפי בעא קומי רבי יוסי תנינן כמה ספיקות את אמר הכין
Question (R. Aba brei d'R. Papi, to R. Yosi): We learned many Sefekos [that Chachamim made them like Vadai], and you say so (that there are only three)?
אמר ליה מה דמר רבי יוחנן באשה:
Answer (R. Yosi): R. Yochanan says [that there are only three such Sefekos] regarding a woman.