NIDAH 4 (4 Sivan) - Dedicated by Rabbi Kornfeld's father, Mr. David Kornfeld, in memory of the members of his family who perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers in the Holocaust, Hashem Yikom Damam: His mother (Mirel bas Yakov Mordechai), brothers (Shraga Feivel, Aryeh Leib and Yisachar Dov sons of Mordechai), grandfather (Reb Yakov Mordechai ben Reb David Shpira) and aunt (Charne bas Yakov Mordechai, the wife of Reb Moshe Aryeh Cohen zt'l). Their Yahrzeit is observed on 4 Sivan.


TO WHAT DOES RETROACTIVE TUM'AH APPLY? (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 1b)

äåðà áø çééä àîø îòú ìòú ùàîøå ì÷ãùéí àáì ìà ìèäøåú


(Huna bar Chiyah): The 24 hours that they said are for Kodshim, but not for Taharos (Terumah).

äúéá øá çñãà åäúðé îòùä áøéáä àçú áòééúìå ùäôñé÷ä ìä ùìù òåðåú åìà øàú åàç"ë øàú åáà îòùä ìôðé çëîéí åàîøå ãééä ùòúä åëé éù ÷ãùéí áòééúìå


Question (Rav Chisda - Beraisa): A case occurred in Aitalu in which she ceased to see for three Onos. Afterwards, she saw. The case came in front of Chachamim, and they said that Dayah Shaitah. Are there Kodshim in Aitalu?!

àìà áùðòùå ìèäøú ä÷åãù


Answer #1: [They asked about Chulin] Al Taharas ha'Kodesh.

åìà ëçåìéï äï


Objection: Are not [Chulin Al Taharas ha'Kodesh] like Chulin [regarding 24 hours, for there is no Derara of Tum'ah (NO'AM YERUSHALMI, GILYON EFRAYIM). I.e. at the time she touched the Taharos, there was no Safek (TOSFOS 6a DH Aval).]

úéôúø ùðòùå ìèäøú îé çèàú ùîé çèàú çîåøéï îï ä÷åãù.


Answer #2: [They asked about Chulin] Al Taharas Mei Chatas. Mei Chatas is more stringent than Kodesh.

úðé îòú ìòú ùàîøå úåìéï àáì ìà ùåøôéï


(Beraisa): Due to 24 hours - Tolin (we suspend Taharos, i.e. we consider them Safek Tamei and do not eat them), but we do not burn.

åäåä ø' æòéøà çãé áä àùëç úðé


R. Ze'ira rejoiced over this, for he found a Tosefta [that says so];

äøåàä ëúí îèîà ìîôøò åîä äéà îèîàä äàåëìéï åäîù÷éï åäîùëáå' åäîåùáå' åî÷åì÷ìú ìîéðééðä åîèîà àú áåòìä ìîôøò.


One who finds a Kesem (stain), she is Metamei retroactively. What is she Metamei? Food and drink, Mishkav and Moshav, and she is messed up in her count (she is unsure know when her days of Nidah began) and she is Metamei Bo'alah (one who had Bi'ah with her) retroactively;

[ãó á òîåã à] äøåàä ãí îèîà ìîôøò åîä äéà îèîà äàåëìéï åäîù÷éï åäîùëáåú åäîåùáåú åàéðä î÷åì÷ìú ìîðééðä åàéðä îèîà àú áòìä ìîôøò


One who sees blood is Metamei retroactively. What is she Metamei? Food and drink, Mishkav and Moshav, and she is not messed up in her count and she is not Metamei Bo'alah retroactively;

øáé ò÷éáà àåîø îèîà àú áòìä ìîôøò


R. Akiva says, she is Metamei Bo'alah retroactively.

åæä åæä úåìéï àáì ìà ùåøôéï.


For both [one who finds a Kesem, and one who sees blood,] Tolin, but we do not burn.