NIDAH 5 (5 Sivan) - Dedicated l'Zecher Nishmas Reb Chaim Aryeh ben Aharon Stern Z'L by Shmuel Gut of Brooklyn, N.Y.


BEDIKOS LIMIT RETROACTIVE TUM'AH (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 2a)

øáé éåãï áòé áã÷ä çìå÷ä áùçøéú åîöúä èäåø åáîðçä åîöàú òìéå ëúí ôùéèà çìå÷ä àéðå èîà àìà òã ùòú áãé÷ä âåôä îäå ùéäà èîà îòú ìòú.


Question (R. Yudan): If she checked her garment in the morning and found it Tahor, and in the afternoon she found a Kesem, obviously her garment is Tamei only from when (i.e. right after) she checked it. Is her body Tamei [retroactively] 24 hours?

ëìåí àú îèîà âåôä àìà îçîú çìå÷ä çìå÷ä àéðå èîà àìà òã ùòú áãé÷ä åâåôä èîà îòú ìòú:


Answer: You are Metamei her body only due to her garment. Her garment is Tamei only until when she checked it. Is her body Tamei 24 hours?! (Surely it is not!)

åäîùîùú áòãéí äøé æå ëô÷éãä.


(Mishnah): A woman who has relations with Edim (she checks herself with cloths before and after relations), this is like a Bedikah.

äéê òáéãà


Question: How does [reducing retroactive Tum'ah] work?

áã÷ä òöîä áùçøéú åùéîùä áòã áçöåú åøàú áîðçä àéï èîà àìà òã ùòú úùîéù


Answer: If she checked her garment in the morning, and found it Tahor, and had relations at midday, and saw [blood] in the afternoon, she is Tamei only until the time of Bi'ah.

ìåé àîø áòã ùì àçø äúùîéù äéà îúðéúà àáì áòã ùìôðé äúùîéù äîåîä äéà ìáéúä åàéðä áåã÷ú éôä


(Levi): Our Mishnah discusses the Ed after Bi'ah, but the Ed before Bi'ah, she is hasty to be with her husband, and she does not check well.

øáé àáåï áùí øáé æòéøà áòã ùìôðé äúùîéù äéà îúðéúà àáì áòã ùì àçø äúùîéù ãéäà äéà îçîú ùëáú æøò:


(R. Avun citing R. Ze'ira): Our Mishnah discusses the Ed before Bi'ah, but the Ed after Bi'ah, its appearance changed due to semen (perhaps there a drop of blood, but it is covered).