
TOSFOS DH k'R. Nechemyah d'Amar Kol Davar she'Eino Mekabel Tum'ah...

úåñôåú ã"ä ëøáé ðçîéä ãàîø ëì ãáø ùàéðå î÷áì èåîàä ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives R. Nechemyah's reasoning.)

èòîà ãøáé ðçîéä ëéåï ããáø ùäëúí áå èäåø âí òì äàùä ìà âæøå èåîàä


Explanation: R. Nechemyah's reason is because the matter that the Kesem is on is Tahor, also regarding the woman [Chachamim] did not decree.

åääéà îùúéúà ãáñîåê


Implied question: In the case of Mashtisa (a frame with threads arranged for weaving) below [R. Yanai ruled that if when she walks, the frame passes under the place, she is Teme'ah, even though it is not Mekabel Tum'ah]!

ðäé ãìà î÷áìä èåîàä î''î î÷áì èåîàä áðâòéí:


Answer: Granted, it is not Mekabel other Tum'ah, but it is Mekabel Tum'as Tzara'as.


TOSFOS DH Modeh Shmuel she'Hi Temei'ah mid'Rabanan

úåñôåú ã"ä îåãä ùîåàì ùäéà èîàä îãøáðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that this is even if she knows that she had no Hargashah.)

ôé' ä÷åðèøñ ãúìéðï ãìîà àøâùä åìàå àãòúä


Explanation (Rashi): We attribute that perhaps she felt, but did not put it to her mind.

åàéï ðøàä ãàôéìå îåçæ÷ ìä ùìà äøâéùä èîàä äåàéì åøàúä ãí ðãåú


Objection #1 (and Explanation #2): Even if she is Muchzak that she did not feel, she is Temei'ah, since she saw Dam Nidah!

åøá àùé ðîé îåãä ãìùîåàì äéëà ãìà äøâéùä èäåøä îï äúåøä åèîàä îãøáðï àìà àúé ìôøåùé ãëé ðîöà à÷ø÷ò ãèäåøä àôéìå îãøáðï


Objection #2: Also Rav Ashi agrees that according to Shmuel, when she did not feel, she is Tehorah mid'Oraisa and Temei'ah mid'Rabanan! [Rav Ashi] just comes to explain that when [blood] is found on the ground, she is Tehorah even mid'Rabanan.


TOSFOS DH u'Mi Machzekinan Tum'ah mi'Makom l'Makom

úåñôåú ã"ä åîé îçæ÷éðï èåîàä îî÷åí ìî÷åí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the question.)

å÷ùä ãîàé ôøéê ãåãàé ìä÷ì ìà îçæ÷éðï àáì ìäçîéø ëé äëà îçîøéðï


Question: What was the question? Surely we do not establish Tum'ah from place to place to be lenient, but to be stringent, like here, we are stringent [to do so]!

ãäëé àîø ì÷îï àéï ùåðéï áèäøåú ìä÷ì àáì ìçåîøà ùåðéï


It says below that we do not simulate (an episode that occurred) to be lenient, but to be stringent, we simulate!

åéù ìåîø ëéåï ãëúîéí ãøáðï àé àéúà ãúìéðï ìäçîéø ìä÷ì ðîé äéä ìðå ìúìåú áãáø äøâéì ÷öú


Answer: Since Kesamim are mid'Rabanan, if it were true that we attribute to be stringent, we would attribute also to be lenient, on something somewhat common;

àáì ìòðéï îî÷åí ìî÷åí ùàéï øâéìåú ëì ëê àîøéðï ì÷îï áñîåê ãàôéìå áëúîéí ùåðéï ìçåîøà åìà ìä÷ì


However, from place to place, which is not so common, we say below that even regarding Kesamim, we simulate to be stringent, but to be lenient.

úéîä ãìéôøåê îîúðéúéï ùìà ëðâã äúåøôä èäåøä åìà àîø áã÷ä áäàé éãà åðâòä ááùøä ìîòìä îï äúåøôä


Question: We should ask from our Mishnah! Not in line with the place [from which Dam Nidah leaves], she is Tehorah. We do not say that she checked with this hand, and touched her skin above the place!

åé''ì ãàí àéúà ãáã÷ä åîöàä èîàä äéúä æëåøä åäåéà øîéà àãòúä ùäéà èîàä


Answer: Had she checked herself and found that she is Temei'ah, she would remember. She would put it to her mind that she is Temei'ah;

àáì ëé ðâòä áãí ùòì ëúôä ìà øîéà àðôùä ëéåï ãàéï æä ãí èîà


However, when she touched blood on her shoulder, she does not put it to her mind, since this blood is not Tamei.

åáñîåê âáé ãí èîà ãôøéê åàéîà ãáã÷ä áäàé éãà åðâòä áàéãê ôøéê îë''ù


Below, regarding Tamei blood, [the Gemara] asks "say that she checked with this hand, and touched the other [hand on the knuckles]!", we ask based on a Kal v'Chomer. (Even regarding Tamei blood, which she puts to her mind, we attribute from place to place. All the more so we should say so regarding Tahor blood!)

åîîúðéúéï ðîé äåä îöé ìîôøê


Observation: We could have asked [against the Beraisa] also from our Mishnah [which is Metaher above the place. We are not concerned that she checked with her hand, and touched above the place]!

åéù ìçì÷ áéï îî÷åí ìî÷åí ãäëà ìääåà ãô''÷ (ìòéì ãó ã.) ãäúí èåîàä òöîä áàä îî÷åí ìî÷åí åäëà èåîàä òöîä áî÷åí àçã òåîãú


Assertion: We can distinguish between "from place to place" here and above (4a). There, the Tum'ah itself comes from place to place. Here, the Tum'ah itself stays in one place. (Blood is Metamei her only when it leaves her Makor. If it is found elsewhere, it merely arouses concern that it came from her Makor.)


TOSFOS DH Mekom Chavak

úåñôåú ã"ä î÷åí çá÷

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives three explanations of this.)

ôøù''é ùäåà ÷ôõ äéøê åäùå÷ åçá÷ äåà î÷åí îúéçú äâéãéí ùçåá÷éí äéøê åäùå÷


Explanation #1 (Rashi): This is where the thigh joins the shin. Chavak is where the sinews stretch to clamp the thigh to the lower leg.

åáòøåê ôéøù ùðåòìéï àðôìéàåú ùéù áä ìåìàåú åî÷åí çáåø äìåìàåú ÷øé çá÷


Explanation #2 (Aruch): They wear socks with [garter] loops. The place where the loops attach is called Chavak.

åòåã ôéøù ôéøåù àçø ùëåôó äùå÷ òì äéøê îä ùîúëñä äáùø ò''é ëôéôú äùå÷ òì éøê ùçåá÷éï æä àú æä ÷øé î÷åí çá÷


Explanation #3 (Aruch): One bends the shin on the thigh. The flesh that is covered through bending the shin on the thigh, that they press on each other is called Chavak.


TOSFOS DH k'Shurah Mahu

úåñôåú ã"ä ëùåøä îäå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the drops are not connected.)

àåîø ø''é ãäééðå èéôéï èéôéï ãàé îçåáøú äùåøä éçã äééðå øöåòä ãáñîåê


Explanation (Ri): These are drops. If k'Shurah were connected, this would be a strip discussed below;

åèéôéï èéôéï äééðå îòåøááéï ùàéðå ìà ëùéø åìà ëùåøä


"Many drops' discussed below is when they are jumbled, not in a circle and not in a line.

åäà ãàîø ì÷îï èéôéï èéôéï àéï îöèøôéï


Implied question: It says below that many drops do not join! (Here it connotes that if they came from the place, they join!)

äééðå òì äáâã åäëà îééøé òì áùøä ãéù éåúø ìúìåú áãí îàëåìú òì äáâã îòì áùøä


Answer: That is when they are on a garment. Here we discuss on her skin. There is more reason to attribute to blood of a louse when they are on a garment that when they are on her skin.


TOSFOS DH ul'Inyan Dina Tanan

úåñôåú ã"ä åìòðéï ãéðà úðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara in Kesuvos.)

åà''ú îãéðà ðîé úúçééá äùðéä ìëáñå ëãàîø áäîãéø (ëúåáåú òå:) ëì ùðåìã ñô÷ áøùåúå òìéå ìäáéà øàéä


Question: Also monetarily, the second should be obligated to launder it, like it says in Kesuvos (76b) the one in whose Reshus the Safek arose, he must bring a proof!

åé''ì ëéåï ãàéðä ìùðéä àìà áúåøú ùàìä àéðä îîù áøùåúä


Answer #1: Since the second only borrowed it, it is not truly in her Reshus.

åòåã éù ìåîø ãäúí ÷àîø ùàí éøöä ìäåöéà éáéà øàéä àáì äëà ìà úúçééá äàçøåðä ìëáñå:


Answer #2: It says there that if he wants to make the other pay, he must bring a proof. Here, the latter is not obligated to launder it [since the lender cannot bring a proof].



TOSFOS DH Mai Shena d'Tanya Beis Nashim v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä îàé ùðà îäà ãúðéà á' ðùéí ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the comparison.)

úéîä îä ãåîä ìäê ãìòéì ãäëà àéï ìúìåú áæå éåúø îáæå àáì ìòéì àéï ìúìåú áøàùåðä äåàéì åáã÷ä


Question: What is the comparison to the case above? Here, we cannot attribute to one more than to the other. However, above we cannot attribute to the first, since she checked!

åàåîø ø''ú ãáøééúà àééøé ùðúòñ÷å (äâäú çëîú áöìàì) áöôåø æå àçø æå åàí äéúä ðùàìú äøàùåðä äééðå îèäøéï àåúä äåàéì åðúòñ÷ä åáùáéì çáøúä àðå îèîàéï äøàùåðä ùäéà èäåøä âîåøä


Answer (R. Tam): The Beraisa discusses when they engaged in a bird, one after the other. Had the first asked, we would have been Metaher her, since she engaged. Due to her friend, we are Metamei the first, who was totally Tehorah;

âí ìîòìä àò''ô ùäøàùåðä áãå÷ä ðèîàðä äåàéì åùðéä úåìä áä ìòðéï ãéðà


Also above, even though the first checked, we should be Metamei her, since the second may attribute [the Kesem] to her monetarily.


TOSFOS DH Ein Lecha Kol Mitah u'Mitah

úåñôåú ã"ä àéï ìê ëì îèä åîèä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we mentioned a bed here and a sheet below.)

äëà ìà ð÷è ñãéï åñãéï ëãáñîåê


Implied question: Why didn't he say "any sheet", like below (regarding Chachamim's opinion)?

îùåí ãäëà áòé ìîéîø îèä àôéìå ùì àéù ùàéï áä ëîä èéôéï ùì ãí îàëåìú àí ëï ä''ð ùì àùä éù ìðå ìúìåú áîàëåìú


Answer: Here we need to say bed, for even [the bed of] a man has many drops of blood [that must be] of lice. If so, also on a woman's [bed], we should attribute to a louse;

àáì áñîåê ìà àééøé àìà áùì àùä ìäëé ð÷è ñãéï


Below, we discuss only a woman's. Therefore, it mentioned a sheet (i.e. with which she checks herself).


TOSFOS DH uch'Devarav Anu Modim

úåñôåú ã"ä åëãáøéå àðå îåãéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is when she killed only one louse.)

åîéäå äéëà ãäøâä äøáä îàëåìú àå ôùôù úåìä ëôé îä ùäøâä îéãé ãäåä àùå÷ ùì èáçéí


Distinction: However, when she killed many lice or a Pishpesh (bedbug), she attributes according to how many she killed, just like a butcher's market. (If she passed through, she attributes even a big Kesem to it, for much blood splashes.)


TOSFOS DH Ir she'Yesh Bah Chazirim Ein Chosheshin bi'Kesamim

úåñôåú ã"ä òéø ùéù áä çæéøéí àéï çåùùéï áëúîéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we do not normally rely on this nowadays.)

àåîø øùá''í ãàôé' éåúø îëâøéñ åàôé' îï äçâåø åìîèä åàôéìå ìà ðúòñ÷ä åàéï ìä îëä ùéù ìä ìäâìò åìäåöéà ãí


Explanation (Rashbam): [We are not concerned for Kesamim] even bigger than a bean, and even below the belt, and even if she did not engage, and she does not have a wound that could open and emit blood.

îéäå àåø''é ãàéï ìñîåê òì æä òëùéå ìä÷ì ëùîåöàä ëúîéí áî÷åí ùàéï øâéìåú ìéâò áäï çæéøéí åëï îðäâ ãìà úìéðï


Pesak (Ri): One may not rely on this nowadays to be lenient when she finds Kesamim in a place where it is not common to touch pigs. This is the custom, not to attribute.

åîéäå áî÷åí ùéù øâìéí ìãáø ùéù ìúìåú áçæéøéí åëéåöà áäï úìéðï ëã÷àîø äù''ñ:


However, when there are Raglayim l'Davar to attribute to pigs and similar matters, we attribute, like the Gemara says.