TOSFOS DH Hayu Bah Tipei Damim l'Matah v'Tipei Damim l'Ma'alah...
úåñôåú ã"ä äéå áä èéôé ãîéí ìîèä åèéôé ãîéí ìîòìä...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this refers to Kesamim below and above the belt.)
ô''ä ìîèä ÷èðéí ìîòìä âãåìéí úìéðï áòìéåï äâãåì áãí îàëåìú òã ëâøéñ
Explanation #1 (Rashi): Below are small drops and above are big drops. We attribute a big drop above on a louse, up to a bean.
îàé ìàå òã ëâøéñ ëìîèä ëôçåú îëâøéñ ìà ëìîòìä ëéåúø (äâäú äá"ç) îëâøéñ
[We suggest that] up to a bean is like below, like less than a bean. [We reject] no, it is like above, like more than a bean.
åæäå úéîä àîàé ð÷è ìîòìä åìîèä äåä ìéä ìîð÷è âãåìéí å÷èðéí
Objection #1: This is astounding! Why does [the Tana] say above and below? He should have said big and small [drops]!
åòåã äéëé îùîò ìéä ëìîèä îàé àåìîéä îîúðéúéï
Objection #2: How does this connote to [the Makshan] like below? Why is this stronger than [the connotation of] our Mishnah [which also says "until a bean]?
åòåã ãìà äåä ìéä ìîð÷è ëìîòìä åëìîèä ãäåä ìéä ìîéîø ëôçåú îëâøéñ åéåúø îëâøéñ ìéùðà ãð÷è òã äëà
Objection #3: [The Tana] should not have said "like above" and "like below." He should have said "like less than a bean" and "like more than a bean", i.e. the expression we used until now!
åðøàä ìé ãä''ô ìîèä ìîèä îï äçâåø ìîòìä ìîòìä îï äçâåø úåìä áòìéåï àåúå ùìîèä ðúìä áòìéåï
Explanation #2: It means as follows. "Below" is below the belt. "Above" is above the belt. She attributes to the top - she attributes [blood] below to above;
ãùîà ëîå ùòìéåï îòìîà àúé úçúåï ðîé îòìîà àúé åòã ëâøéñ ðúìä áå
Perhaps just like the top came from elsewhere, also the bottom came from elsewhere, and up to a bean, we attribute to it;
å÷àîø îàé ìàå ëâøéñ îìîèä (äâäú äá"ç) ãòã ëâøéñ ã÷úðé îééøé ùäúçúåï òã ëâøéñ úåìä áòìéåï ùîî÷åí ùáà äòìéåï áà äúçúåï
[The Gemara] says, isn't "like a bean" below? I.e. "up to a bean" that was taught discusses that [a Kesem] below, up to a bean, she attributes to the top. The place from which the top came, [also] the bottom came.
îëìì ãàé ìàå òìéåï îèîéðï ìéä åìà úìéðï áãí îàëåìú àìîà ëâøéñ ëéåúø îëâøéñ
Inference: If not for the top, we would be Metamei her, and we would not attribute to blood of a louse. This shows that a bean is like more than a bean!
åîùðé ìà ëâøéñ îìîòìä (äâäú äá"ç) ëìåîø úåìä úçúåï áòìéåï ëùäòìéåï òã ëâøéñ åîìîòìä ìîèä ÷çùéá ëùäòìéåï â' âøéñéï àå ùðé âøéñéï òã ëâøéñ
[The Gemara answers] no, "like a bean" is above. I.e. she attributes a [Kesem] below to the top when the top is up to a bean, and it counts from above to below, i.e. the top is [the size of] three beans, or two beans, until a bean;
ùàæ àéï àðå úåìéï òìéåï áãí îàëåìú àìà îòìîà àúé àæ ðúìä áå äúçúåï
Then, we do not attribute the top to blood of a louse. Rather, it came from elsewhere. Then, we attribute the bottom to it.
åîééøé ëùúçúåï éåúø îëâøéñ àáì àí äéä äòìéåï ëâøéñ àæ ìà éäéä äúçúåï èäåø ùàéï øâìéí ìãáø ãàúà ãí áä îòìîà ùäøé äòìéåï éù ìúìåúå áãí îàëåìú
We discuss when the bottom [Kesem] is more than a bean. However, if the top was a bean, the bottom would not be Tahor, for there are no Raglayim l'Davar that the blood came from elsewhere, for we can attribute the top to blood of a louse.
TOSFOS DH Nis'askah bich'Gris u'Matz'ah Aleha ch'Gris v'Od
úåñôåú ã"ä ðúòñ÷ä áëâøéñ åîöàä òìéä ëâøéñ åòåã
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he asks also about if she engaged with less than a bean.)
àåø''é äåà äãéï ðúòñ÷ä áôçåú îëâøéñ åðîöà òìéä ëâøéñ åòåã ãáëìì áòéà æå
Explanation (Ri): The same applies if she engaged with less than a bean, and was found on her more than a bean. This is included in this question.
ãàéï ìåîø ãáäà ôùéèà ìéä ãàéðä úåìä àôé' ìøáé éðàé
Suggestion: Perhaps this (she engaged with less than a bean) is obvious, that she does not attribute to it, even according to R. Yanai!
ãà''ë ëé ôùéè ì÷îï îàé ìàå áëä''â ìå÷îä áùðúòñ÷ä áôçåú îëâøéñ ãôùéèà ìéä ãàéðä úåìä
Rejection: If so, when we answer below "is it not the case...', we should [reject this, and] establish it when she engaged with less than a bean, for then it is obvious that she does not attribute to it!
àìà åãàé áëì òðéï áòé
Conclusion: Rather, surely he asks in every case.
TOSFOS DH Nimtza Aleha Min Echad
úåñôåú ã"ä ðîöà òìéä îéï àçã
(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations of this.)
ô''ä îãáø äãåîä ìëúí ëâåï ùøó àå ÷éìåø ãäà åãàé îòìîà àúà úåìä áå ëîä îéðé ëúîéí ùîöàä (ëï äåà áãôåñ åéðéöéä) åàéðä îëøú àí ãí äéà
Explanation #1 (Rashi): This is from something that resembles the Kesem - sap, or a potion for the eye. It surely came from elsewhere. She attributes to it many kinds of Kesamim that she found, and she does not recognize whether it is blood.
åø''é îôøù ðîöà (ëï äåà áãôåñ åéðéöéä) îéï àçã ìîòìä îï äçâåø úåìä áå ëîä îéðéí ùìîèä îï äçâåø îùåí ùëîå ùäòìéåï åãàé îòìîà àúà ëê ðàîø áúçúåï ãîòìîà àúà:
Explanation #2 (Ri): She found one kind above the belt. She attributes to it many kinds below the belt, for just like one above surely came from elsewhere, so we say about the bottom, that it came from elsewhere.
TOSFOS DH Mai Shena Omedes d'Amar Hador Mei Raglayim l'Makor v'Aisi Dam
úåñôåú ã"ä äàùä. îàé ùðà òåîãú ãàîø äãåø îé øâìéí ìî÷åø åàééúé ãí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives three explanations of the question.)
ôøù''é áøéù ôéø÷éï ãìòéì ãàééãé ããçé÷ ìä òìîà ãîòåîã äùúéðä åìà éëìä ìòöåø äãåø îé øâìéí ìî÷åø åàééúé ãí
Explanation #1 (Rashi, above 57b): Since she was so pressed [to urinate], that she urinated standing, and she could not refrain [until she can sit], the urine returned to the Makor and brought blood;
éåùáú ðîé ìéîà äãåø îé øâìéí ìî÷åø ãñ''ã äùúà áùåúúú ãäùúà ðîé ãçé÷ ìä òìîà
[We ask that] also when she sat, we should say that the urine returned to the Makor! Now we are thinking that [the urine] oozes, for also now she was pressed.
åîùðé áîæð÷ú î÷ìçú ëéåï ãðôé÷ ëé àåøçéä ìà ãçé÷ ìä åìà äãåø îé øâìéí ìî÷åø åàéï (äâäú äá"ç) ãøê ìãí î÷åø ìöàú òí îé øâìéí
We answer that [the urine] flowed. Since it came out normally, she was not pressed, and the urine did not return to the Makor, and it is not normal for blood of the Makor to come out with urine;
àáì ùåúúú àééãé ãîå÷îä àðôùä àéëà ìîéîø äãåø ëàéìå òåîãú àáì òåîãú àé àôùø ìä ìæð÷
However, when it oozes, since she holds it in, we can say that it returned [to the Makor], as if she was standing. However, when she stands, it is impossible to flow.
åôøéê îæð÷ú ðîé ðäé ãìà äãåø ìî÷åø îéäå îàï ìéîà ìï ãáäãé îé øâìéí àúà ãðéîà åãàé ìàå îî÷åø äåà ãàúà ëéåï ãàúå áäãé îé øâìéí àìà îî÷åí îé øâìéí áàå åîëä éù áä
Explanation #1 (cont.): We ask that also when it flows, granted, it does not return to the Makor. However, who will tell us that [the blood] came with the urine, that we should say that it is Vadai not from the Makor, since it came with urine, rather, it came from the place of urine, and she has a wound?
ãìîà áúø ãúîå îéà àúà ãí îî÷åø åìà îîé øâìéí ò''ë ìùåï øù''é
Perhaps after the urine finished, blood came from the Makor, and not from the urine! Until here is from Rashi.
å÷ùä òì îä ùôé' ãòåîãú àé àôùø ìä ìæð÷ à''ë àîàé ð÷è ëìì òåîãú ìà ìéúðé àìà éåùáú åìéôìåâ áéï îæð÷ú ìùåúúú
Question: Rashi explained that when she stands, [urine] cannot flow. If so, why did [R. Meir] mention standing? He should mention only sitting, and distinguish between flowing and oozing!
åéù ìééùá ô''ä ãð÷è òåîãú îùåí ãôñé÷à ìéä ãìòåìí ùåúúú äéà
Answer #1: He mentioned standing because then it is uniform that it always oozes.
àé ðîé îùåí ø' éåñé ð÷è ìä ãàôé' áòåîãú ùàéï øçîä ðôúç îèäø
Answer #2: He mentioned standing due to R. Yosi, [who holds that] even when she stands, and her womb is not open, he is Metaher. (Rosh - when the womb is not open, the urine cannot flow freely, so perhaps it returned to the Makor.)
åòåã éù ìåîø ãòåîãú ùôéø àôùø ìä ìæð÷ åäî÷ùä äéä ñáåø ãîúðéúéï àééøé áëì òðéï áéï áùúéúä áéï áæðå÷ åìäëé ôøéê îàé ùðà òåîãú ãèîàä îùåí çãà øéòåúà ãàéï øçîä ðôúç àò''â ãîæð÷ú
Explanation #2: When she stands, [urine] can flow. The Makshan thought that our Mishnah discusses every case, whether oozing or flowing. Therefore, he asked about why it is different when she stands, that he is Metamei due to one Re'usa, that her womb is not open, even though [the urine] flows;
éåùáú ðîé úäà èîàä äéëà ãùåúúú
Also when she sits, she should be Temei'ah when it oozes!
åîùðé ãëåìä àééøé ãåå÷à áîæð÷ú
[The Gemara] answers that it discusses only flowing.
åäà ãìà îôìéâ áéåùáú âåôä åìéúðé ãèîàä áùåúúú
Implied question: Why didn't [R. Meir] distinguish within the case of sitting, and teach that she is Temei'ah when it oozes?
îùåí ãáòé ìàùîåòéðï ãòåîãú èîàä äéà àôé' îæð÷ú
Answer: He wanted to teach that when she stands she is Temei'ah, even if it flows.
åòåã é''ì ãäî÷ùä ñáø ãàééøé îúðé' áùåúúú ãáîæð÷ú àôé' òåîãú èäåøä ãìéëà ìîéîø äãåø äåàéì åîæð÷ú
Explanation #3: The Makshan thought that our Mishnah discusses oozing, for when it flows, even if she stands she is Tehorah, for we cannot say that the urine returned, since it flows;
åìäëé ôøéê éåùáú ëéåï ãùåúúú åàéëà çãà ìøéòåúà
Therefore he asked that when she sits, since it oozes, and there is one Re'usa;
åîùðé ãàééøé áîæð÷ú åàôéìå äëé òåîãú èîàä ãàéëà ìîéîø äãåø ëå' åáòéðï úøúé ìèéáåúà
He answers that it flows, and even so, when she stands, she is Temei'ah, for we can say that the urine returned... and we require both factors to favor (that she is Tehorah, i.e. she sat and it flows).
TOSFOS DH Dilma Basar d'Tamu Maya
úåñôåú ã"ä ãìîà áúø ãúîå îéà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations of this.)
ôéøåù àôéìå áîæð÷ú ãìîà áúø ùäðéçä îìæð÷ åùåúúú äãåø ìî÷åø åàúé ãí
Explanation #1: Even if it flows, perhaps after it ceased flowing and it oozes, it returned to the Makor and blood came.
àáì òì ôé' ä÷åðèøñ ãôé' ãìàçø ùëìå îé øâìéí àúà ãí ëé àåøçà
Explanation #2 (Rashi): After the urine finished, blood came normally.
÷ùä ãàí ëï áùòä ùîæð÷ú ðîé ìôøåê ãéìîà áà ãí ëãøëå ëùàø àùä ùäéà øåàä
Question: If so, also when it flows, we should ask that perhaps blood came normally, like another woman who sees [not when urinating]!
àìà åãàé ôùéèà ìéä îãìà çæàé ÷åãí òùééú öøëéä àå àçø ëê àí ëï äãí ìàå îîéìà àúà àìà òì éãé îé øâìéí ùçæøå ìî÷åø åàúà ãí
Answer: Rather, surely it is obvious to him that since she did not see before urinating or afterwards, if so, the blood did not come automatically, rather, through the urine, which returned to the Makor and blood came;
åùîà áùòú æéðå÷ àé àôùø ìãí ìáà ëãøëå ùîçîú äæéðå÷ ðñúí äîòééï ùì ãí
Perhaps at the time it flows, it is impossible for blood to come normally, for due to flowing, the source of blood is closed.
TOSFOS DH v'Chen Ori Lei R. Aba l'Kala
úåñôåú ã"ä åëï àåøé ìéä øáé àáà ì÷ìà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Kala is a Chacham.)
ðøàä ã÷ìà ùí çëí
Explanation: "Kala" is in the name of a Chacham.
àáì ì''â ì÷åìà ãîä ìå ìäæëéøå
Assertion: The text does not say "l'Kula" (leniently). There would be no reason to mention this!
TOSFOS DH mid'Lo ka'Amar R. Meir v'R. Yosi Metaherin
úåñôåú ã"ä îãìà ÷àîø ø' îàéø åø' éåñé îèäøéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we could not infer oppositely.)
åà''ú àãøáä îãìà ÷àîø øáé îàéø åøáé ùîòåï îèîàéï ùîò îéðä ùøáé îàéø îèäø
Question: Just the contrary! Since it does not say "R. Meir and R. Shimon are Metamei", this teaches that R. Meir is Metaher!
åé''ì ãìà äåä îöé ìîéúðé äëé ãäà îñé÷ ãçæ÷ú ãîéí îï äàùä
Answer: We could not have taught so, for we conclude that the Chazakah is that blood comes from the woman;
åîäà îñé÷ ì÷îï ãø' ùîòåï îèîà àôéìå áàéù åàùä éåùáéí åøáé îàéø îèäø àôéìå áàùä éåùáú:
From here we conclude below that R. Shimon is Metamei even when a man and a woman sit, and R. Meir is Metaher even when a woman sits.