[12a - 54 lines; 12b- 50 lines]

1)[line 1]מקבלי קיבולתMEKABLEI KIBOLES- work that has been contracted [and therefore Halachically belongs to the artisan until he completes it]

2)[line 1]התחוםHA'TECHUM- the 2,000-Amah limit of a city, the distance which one may walk in any direction (from the city) on Shabbos (see Background to Eruvin 44:1)

3)[line 3]מתאMASA- a city

4)[line 8]דאזליAZLEI- they went

5)[line 10]אפדנאAPDANA- (a) a reception room in a palace (RASHI to Shabbos 77b); (b) a mansion (ARUCH); (c) a courtyard (ARUCH)

6)[line 11]איקלעIKLA- he happened to come

7)[line 12]ולא עלו לגביהLO ALU L'GABEI- they did not want to go into the house what was built by Nochri contractors who worked on Shabbos and Yom Tov to build it

8)[line 13]בגוויהB'GAVEI- inside

9)[line 15]סיועי סייע בתיבנא בהדייהוSIYU'EI SIYA B'TIVNA BA'HADAIHU- Mar Zutra himself supplied them with straw for bricks on Shabbos and Yom Tov and this was forbidden

10)[line 16]שרא להו לאבונגריSHARA LEHU L'AVUNGAREI- Rav Chama allowed the Reish Galusa's waiters to do their work on Chol ha'Mo'ed since they did not receive a salary

11a)[line 17]דבי ריש גלותאD'VEI RESH GALUSA- the house of the Reish Galusa

b)[line 17]למיעבד להו עבידתאL'MEI'AVAD L'HU AVIDTA- to do their work

12)[line 18]דאגרAGAR- wage

13)[line 19]שקליSHAKLEI- he took

14a)[line 19]שרשויי הוא דקא משרשו ליהSHARASHUYEI HU D'KA MESHARSHEI LEI- [since they receive no wages,] they only intend to benefit him, [and the amount of work that they do on Chol ha'Mo'ed is not considered Melachah]

b)[line 20]ולית לן בהV'LEIS LAN BAH- and we have no concern about it (it is not considered a Melachah)

15a)[line 26]ימדודYIMDOD- measure

b)[line 26]ישקולYISHKOL- weigh

c)[line 27]ימנהYIMNEH- count

16)[line 28]מרביעיןMARBI'IN- bring a male animal upon a female animal

17)[line 29]בבכורBECHOR

(a)The Kedushah of Bechor rests on every firstborn male of an ox, goat or sheep when it comes out of its mother's womb. Nevertheless, there is a Mitzvah for a person to sanctify it himself (Erchin 29a, based on Devarim 15:19). He must then give it to a Kohen; it may not be redeemed.

(b)If the animal has no Mum (blemish), the Kohen must bring it as a Korban during its first year. After its blood and Emurim (see Background to Pesachim 43:15a and 95:9) are offered on the Mizbe'ach, its meat is eaten in Yerushalayim during the following two days and the intervening night by Kohanim, their wives, children and slaves.

(c)If the animal has a Mum, it must be slaughtered and eaten during its first year. If it developed a Mum after the first year, it must be slaughtered and eaten within thirty days. The Kohen can give it away or sell it, even to a non-Kohen. However, it may not be sold in a meat market or weighed in the usual manner.

(d)Whether or not it has a Mum, it is forbidden to work with a Bechor or to shear it. Any fleece that is removed from a Bechor, even if it came off on its own, is Asur b'Hana'ah. If, upon Shechitah, the animal is found to be a Tereifah, it is Asur b'Hana'ah and must be buried.

(e)Now that there is no Beis ha'Mikdash, a Kohen must care for a Bechor until it develops a Mum. Alternatively, he can sell it, even if it has no Mum, to a non-Kohen, who may eat it after it develops a Mum. It may not be bought, however, in order to be sold for a profit (Sefer ha'Chinuch #393, #445).

18)[line 29]בפסולי המוקדשיןPESULEI HA'MUKDASHIN

(a)Pesulei ha'Mukdashin are Korbanos that became unfit to be offered upon the Mizbe'ach because of a Mum (blemish). After they are redeemed, it is still forbidden to work with them and to shear them. The milk they produce is also forbidden. They are only permitted to be eaten after being slaughtered (Bechoros 15b).

(b)The Mishnah in Bechoros (5:1) states that Pesulei ha'Mukdashin may be sold in the marketplace and weighed with a Roman Libra, a pound. These acts are normally considered unfitting for Kodshim, and are prohibited to be done to a Bechor

19)[line 32]שתבעהSHE'TAV'AH- that indicated that it wanted relations

20)[line 33]שלא תצטנןSHE'LO TITZTANEN- so that it not become chilled

21)[line 34]לבקרותBAKRUS- cattle-yard, cattle farm

22)[line 34]מדייריןMEDAIRIN- fertilize a field by letting cattle wander in it for an extended period of time, dropping their excrement there

23)[line 35]ואין מסייעין אותןEIN MESAY'IN OSO- one is not allowed to assist his animals to come to his field to fertilize it

24)[line 36]לנערL'NA'ER- (a) to guard (RASHI); (b) to use means by which to expedite the discharge of excrements of the flock on the spot to be fertilized (YERUSHALMI, cited by the NIMUKEI YOSEF and other RISHONIM)

25a)[line 36]שכיר שבתSECHIR SHABBOS- a laborer who is hired for a week

b)[line 36]שכיר שבועSECHIR SHAVU'A- a laborer who is hired for a period of seven years

26a)[line 37]בטובהB'TOVAH- Rebbi permits a Jew to assist the farmhand in arranging this king of fertilization on Shabbos as long as he does it for free

b)[line 38]במזונותB'MEZONOS- on Yom Tov he is allowed to work for food

27)[line 39]הבורBOR- the vessel that the grapes are poured into when they are crushed in the vat

28)[line 40]עושה לו לימודיםOSEH LO LIMUDIM- he may make for it planks

29)[line 41]יחמיץYACHMITZ- wine that spoils

30)[line 41]וצריכאU'TZERICHAH- it was necessary for the Mishnah to discuss both the case of oil and that of wine because oil costs much more than wine

31)[line 41]קמייתאKAMAISA- the first case (of wine)

32a)[line 42]דמישחאMISHCHA- oil

b)[line 42]נפיש פסידיהNAFISH PESEIDEI- (lit. its loss is greater) wine costs more than oil

33)[line 42]חמראCHAMRA- wine

34)[line 43]בתרייתאBASRAISA- the second case (of oil)

35)[line 44]שינוי במועד בדבר האבדSHINUY B'MO'ED B'DAVAR HA'AVED- if one is doing permitted work on Chol Ha'Mo'ed, it should be done in a different way

36)[line 46]למישע חביתאL'MEISHA CHAVISA- to seal a lid with mud

37)[line 47]סיניSINAI- Rav Yosef, who had such an encyclopedic knowledge of Torah that it was as if he received it from Mount Sinai

38)[line 49]אםEM- my "mother" told me (Abaye was an orphan and he called his nursemaid "Em")

39)[line 49]בר שית סאוי ושייע מבר תמני ולא שייעBAR SHIS SAVEI V'SHI'A MI'BAR TAMNI V'LO SHI'A- a sealed, six-Se'ah barrel of beer is better than an eight-Se'ah one that is not sealed

40)[line 50]כהלכות כותיםK'HILCHOS KUSIM- like the laws of the Kusim, i.e. the fact that a Kusi practices a certain law meticulously does not indicate that he practices any other law of the Torah. Similarly, the laws of Chol ha'Mo'ed are extremely specific; they apply stringently in certain cases and not at all in others.

41)[line 51]למאי הלכתאL'MAI HILCHESA?- In what way are the laws of Chol Ha'Mo'ed like the laws dealing with Kusim?

42)[line 51]עקורותAKUROS- (lit. barren) one law cannot be inferred from another one

43)[line 52]זופתין כוזתאZOFSIN KUZESA- to spread on pitch a small cup

44a)[line 53]מר חייש לפסידאMAR CHAYASH LI'FESEIDA- this master (Rav Dimi) was worried about a financial loss

b)[line 53]ומר חייש לטירחאU'MAR CHAYASH L'TIRCHA- and this master (Shmuel) was worried about exerting too much effort

45)[last line]נקטינןNAKTINAN- we hold, we have a tradition


46a)[line 1]יש מהן פטור אבל אסורYESH ME'HEN PATUR AVAL ASUR- for some of them (the Melachos one may not do on Chol ha'Mo'ed), one is exempt but the act is forbidden

b)[line 1]ויש מהן מותר לכתחלהV'YESH ME'HEN MUTAR L'CHATCHILAH- and some of them are permitted completely

47)[line 2]חצדו ליה חצדאCHATZDU LEI CHATZDA- had his crop harvested

48)[line 3]טוחנין קמחTOCHANIN KEMACH- grinding flour

49)[line 7]בתלושיןTELUSHIN- [it is permitted only] with detached produce

50a)[line 9]קוצרKOTZER- [he may] cut [his grain]

b)[line 9]ומעמרME'AMER- gather it into a bundle

c)[line 10]ודשDASH- thresh

d)[line 10]וזורהZOREH- winnow

e)[line 10]ובוררBORER- he may separate the desirable items from undesirable ones (or vice versa) in a mixture and put them aside for later

f)[line 10]וטוחןTOCHEN- grind in a mill

51)[line 10]שלא ידוש בפרותSHE'LO YIDOSH B'FEIROS- he should not thresh with an animal on Chol ha'Mo'ed even if he has nothing to eat

52)[line 11]יחידאה היאYECHIDA'AH HI- this is a minority opinion

53)[line 18]קוצציןKOTZETZIN- cut

54)[line 19]מטילין שכרMATILIN SHECHAR- it is permitted to make beer (by means of soaking barley or dates in water)

55)[line 21]יעריםYA'ARIM- he should not use a deceptive act (to claim that he is making beer for Chol ha'Mo'ed when he is actually making beer for after the festival)

56)[line 25]איקפדIKPAD- [Shmuel heard this] and he was angry

57)[line 26]פסידPASID- it is in danger of spoiling

58)[line 26]לא סיימוה קמיהLO SIMUHA KAMEI- (lit. they did not finish it in front of him) Shmuel was unaware of the fact that Rav had nothing else to eat

59)[line 27]רבי יהודה נשיאהREBBI YEHUDAH NESI'AH- he went outside on Shabbos wearing a fancy signet ring and also drank water that was boiled by a Nochri cook

60)[line 27]נפק בחומרתא דמדושאNAFAK CHUMRESA D'MEDUSHA- he went out with (a) a signet ring; (b) a type of fragrant spice or herb that is tied up in a knot and worn around the neck

61)[line 28]קפילא ארמאהKEFEILA ARAMA'AH- a Nochri baker

62)[line 29]השיריןSHEIRIM- bracelets; brooches (O.F. nosche)

63)[line 30]הנזמיםNEZAMIM- nose rings or earrings (Ibn Ezra to Bereishis 24:22)

64)[line 30]והטבעותTABA'OS- rings

65)[line 32]בישולי נכריםBISHULEI NOCHRIM

(a)A decree was enacted that foods cooked by Nochrim even in a Jew's house or in a Jew's pots are prohibited to eat. The decree was instituted to prevent intermarriage and to prevent the possibility that the Nochri might feed non-Kosher food to a Jew.

(b)Only foods that need to be cooked are included in the decree. If they are edible raw, the Nochri has not added to those foods a significant change to prohibit them. Furthermore, only foods that are important enough to be served to kings are prohibited if a Nochri cooked them. It is not customary to invite others to a banquet where less important foods are served, and therefore the Chachamim did not worry that these foods would bring about a mingling of Jews and Nochrim.

66)[line 34]לנסורתNESORES- wood-chips that fall when sawing; sawdust

67)[line 34]לייטLAYIT- cursed

68)[line 34]אבאIBA- a forest

69)[line 34]בשלנייאSHELANYA- a place in Bavel

70)[line 38]אישתמיט נרגאISHTAMIT NARGA- the axe slipped off its handle

71)[line 38]בעי למיפסקיה לשקיהBA'I L'MIFSEKEI L'SHAKEI- it almost split his thigh

72)[line 39]למיעקר כיתנאL'MI'AKAR KISNA- to uproot flax plants

73)[line 39]ולמיקטל כשותאL'MIKTAL KESHUSA- to cut hops (O.F. homlon)

74)[line 39]ולמיעקר שומשמיL'MI'AKAR SHUMSHEMEI- to uproot sesame plants

75)[line 40]לחפיפהCHAFIFAH- for covering [food or fruits]

76)[line 41]לנזייNIZYEI- seeds

77)[line 44]ושולהSHOLEH- draws out

78)[line 46]כשוריKESHUREI- large, heavy beams

79)[line 48]מדוכרי דנוראMEDUCHREI D'NURA- lit torches

80)[line 49]אוושא מילתאAVSHA MILSA- the thing "makes noise," i.e. becomes known