MENACHOS 96 - dedicated by Mrs. Rita Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her husband, Reb Yitzchok Yakov ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Irving Grunberger helped many people quietly in an unassuming manner and he is dearly missed by all who knew him. His Yahrzeit is 10 Sivan.


DEATH AND BURIAL IN ERETZ YISRAEL (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 9 Halachah 3 Daf 42b)

ëúéá (áøàùéú îæ) åðùàúðé îîöøéí å÷áøúðé á÷áåøúí. éò÷á ëì äï ãäåà îä äåà îðëé.


Question: The pasuk states (Bereishis 47:30), "...and carrying me out of Mitzrayim (to bury me in Eretz Yisrael)" - why did Yaakov ask for this? Why couldn't he rely on his own merits to protect him wherever he would be buried?

øáé ìòæø àîø ãáøéí áâá. øáé çðéðà àîø ãáøéí áâá. øáé éäåùò áï ìåé àîø ãáøéí áâá.


Answer (R. Elazar/ R. Chanina/ R. Yehoshua ben Levi): There is a hidden reason.

îäå ãáøéí áâá. ø"ù áï ì÷éù àîø (úäéìéí ÷èæ) àúäìê ìôðé ä' áàøöåú äçééí. åäìà àéï àøöåú äçééí àìà öåø åçáøåúéä å÷éñøéï åçáøåúéä úîï æåìú úîï ùåáòà.


What's the hidden reason? R. Shimon ben Lakish said - the pasuk states (Tehillim 116:10), "I will walk before Hash-m in the lands of the living". (Why is Eretz Yisrael referred to in this way?) If he meant life in this world, he could have referred to Tzur and its environs or Kisarin and its environs that have a plenty of fruits...?

ø"ù áï ì÷éù îùåí áø ÷ôøà àøõ ùîéúéä çééï úçéìä ìéîåú äîùéç. åîä èòí ðåúï ðùîä ìòí òìéä.


Rather, R. Shimon ben Lakish said from Bar Kapara that it's called 'the lands of the living' since the dead there will be the first to be resurrected. This is learned from the pasuk (Yeshaya 42:5), "...Who gives a soul to the people upon it".

àìà îòúä øáåúéðå ùáâåìä äôñéãå.


Question: Will the Rabbis of the Diaspora lose out (and not be resurrected)?

àîø øáé ñéîéé îçìéã ä÷á"ä ìôðéäï àú äàøõ åäï îúâìâìéï ëðåãåú åëéåï ùäï îâéòéï ìà"é ðôùï çåæøåú òìéäï. åîä èòí (åäðçúé àúëí òì àãîú éùøàì) åðúúé øåçé áëí åçééúí [åëå'].


Answer (R. Simai): Hash-m will make for them tunnels in the ground and they will roll like bottles. When they will reach Eretz Yisrael, their souls will be returned to them. What's the source for this? The pasuk states (Yechezkel 37:14), "And I will put My spirit into you, and you shall live, (and I will set you on your land)".

øáé áøëéä ùàì ìøáé çìáå øáé çìáå ùàì ìøáé àéîé øáé àéîé ùàì ìø"à øáé ìòæø ùàì ìøáé çðéðä. åàéú ãàîøéï øáé çðéðä ùàì ìøáé éäåùò áï ìåé àôéìå ëâåï éøáòí áï ðáè åçáéøéå.


Question (R. Berachya to R. Chalbo/ R. Chalbo to R. Imi/ R. Imi to R. Elazar/ R. Elazar to R. Chanina/Some say R. Chanina to R. Yehoshua ben Levi): Will even Reshaim like Yeravam ben Nevat and his friends, who were buried in Eretz Yisrael, be resurrected?

àîø ìéä âôøéú åîìç ùøôä ëì àøöä.


Answer (R. Yehoshua ben Levi): The pasuk states (Devarim 29:22), "Sulfur and salt consumed its entire land".

àîø øáé áøëéä îï äï ùàì ìäï åäï ùàì ìäï ìà ùîòéðï îéðä ëìåí.


(R. Berachya): The question was asked by many to many, but we still have no answer.

îéé ëãåï ëéåï ùðùøôä à"é ðòùä áäï îéãú äãéï.


Answer: Since Eretz Yisrael burned (while they were buried there, they would have received) their punishment (and they can now be resurrected).

úðé áùí øáé éäåãä ùáò ùðéí òùú à"é ðùøôú äãà äåà ãëúéá (ãðéàì è) åäâáéø áøéú ìøáéí ùáåò àçã.


Baraisa (R. Yehuda): Eretz Yisrael burned for 7 years (at the time of the destruction of the Temple), as the pasuk states (Daniel 9:27), "And he will strengthen the covenant with the princes for seven (years)".

ëåúéí ùáä îä äéå òåùéí [ãó ôà òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îèìéåú îèìéåú åäéúä ðùøôú.


What did the Cusim who lived in Eretz Yisrael do to plant (at that time when the land was burned)? It didn't all burn at the same time - it burned in sections.

ëúéá (éøîéäå ë) åàúä ôùçåø åëì éåùáé áéúê úìëå áùáé åááì úáåà åùí úîåú åùí ú÷áø øáé àáà áø æîéðà àîø øáé çìáå åøáé çîà áø çðéðà çã àîø îú ùí åð÷áø ùí [ãó îâ òîåã à] éù áéãå ùúéí. îú ùí åð÷áø ëàï éù áéãå àçú. åçøðä àîø ÷áåøä ùáëàï îëôøú òì îéúä ùìäï.


The pasuk states (Yirmiyah 20:6), "And you, Pashchur, and all those who dwell in your houses shall go into captivity, and you shall come to Bavel and there you shall die and there you shall be buried". There was a dispute between R. Abba bar Zamina in the name of R. Chelbo and R. Chama bar Chanina. One said 'you will die there and there you will be buried there' is considered two punishments; if you will die there and be buried here (in Eretz Yisrael) it is only one punishment. The other opinion said that burial here is an atonement for dying in Chutz LaAretz.


A PERSON'S LEGS ARE HIS GUARANTOR (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 9 Halachah 3 Daf 42b)

øáé éåðä áùí øáé çîà áø çðéðä øéâìéé ãáø ðùà òøáúéä ìîé÷îúéä ëì äï ãäåà îúáò. ëúéá (îìëéí à ëá) åéàîø îé éôúä àú àçàá åéòì åéôåì áøîåú âìòã. åéîåú áúåê áéúå åìà úîï.


(R. Yona citing R. Chama bar Chanina): A person's legs are his guarantor to bring him wherever he needs to be (to die). The pasuk states (Melachim 1:22:20), "Who will entice Achav and have him go up and fall in Ramos Gilad?" so that he would die there rather than in his home.

àìéçåøó åàçéä úøéï àéñáèéøéé ãùìîä çîà îìàê îåúà îñúëì áåï åçøé÷ áùéðåé. àîø îìä åéäáåï áçììà. àæì åðñáåï îï úîï àúà ÷àéí ìéä âçéê ì÷áìéä. à"ì ääéà ùòúà äåéúà àéçøå÷ áùéðééê åëãåï àú âçéê ìï. à"ì øçîðà àîø ãéðñá ìàìéçåøó åàçéä îï çììà åàîøéú îàï éäéá ìé àæì åàéèôì áåï (æ)îï úîï.


Elichoref and Achya were scribes of Shlomo HaMelech. Shlomo once saw the Malach HaMaves (Angel of Death) looking at them and grinding his teeth (in anger). Shlomo said a Name (of the names of Hash-m) and they became suspended in the air (so that the Malach HaMaves couldn't get to them). The Malach went and took them from there. Shlomo saw the Malach laughing. Shlomo asked him why he had originally been angry and why he was now laughing. The Malach HaMaves said, "Hash-m told me to take them from the air and I didn't know how they would get there. But you decided to send them there so that I could fulfil my mission." Shlomo went and took them from there in order to take care of their burial.

úøéï áøåéé ãøáé øàåáï áø àéñèøåáéìåñ úìîéãåé ãøáé çîà îìàëä ãîåúà îñúëì áåï åçø÷ áùéðåé åàîø ðâìéðåï ìãøåîä ùîà äâìåú îëôøú. àæì åðñáåï îï úîï.


Two sons of R. Reuven bar Istrubilus were students of Rebbi. Rebbi saw the Malach HaMaves looking at them and grinding his teeth. Rebbi told them to exile themselves to the south (so that exile could atone for them and save their lives). The Malach HaMaves took them from there (as it had been decreed that they would die in the south).

òåìà ðçåúà äåä àéãê úîï ùøé áëé. àîøéï ìéä îä ìê áëé àðï îñ÷éï ìê ìàøòà ãéùøàì àîø ìåï åîä äðééä ìé àðà îåáã îøâìéúé âå àøòà îñàáúà. ìà ãåîä äôåìèä áçé÷ àîå ìôåìèä áçé÷ ðëøéä.


Ulla, who would often travel to Chutz LaAretz, was on his death bed in Bavel. He began to cry. They asked him, "Why are you crying? We will take you for burial in Eretz Yisrael!" He replied, "What will it help me, since I am losing the jewel (my soul) in an impure land! One cannot compare it being released in the bosom of its mother to it being released in the bosom of a stranger."

øáé îàéø äåä àéãîê ìéä áàñééà àîø (àéîåøéï)[àîøéï] ìáðé àøòà ãéùøàì äà îùéçëåï ãéãëåï. àôéìå ëï àîø ìåï éäáé òøñé òì âéó éîà


R. Meir was in Asia and he was on his death bed. He said, "Tell the people of Eretz Yisrael that they should attend to their Rav that has passed away in Chutz LaAretz to bring him to burial there." Despite this, he ordered that while his coffin was still in Asia, it should be placed on the beach. (Leave it there and it will float by itself to Eretz Yisrael. This is what actually occurred and he was buried in Tiveria.)

ëúéá (úäéìéí ëã) ëé äåà òì éîéí éñãä åòì ðäøåú éëåððä. ùáòä éîéí ñåááéï àú à"é. éîà øáà. éîà ãèéáøéà. éîà ãñîëå. éîà ãîéìçà. éîà ãçåìúà. éîà ãùìééú. éîà ãàôîéà. åäà àéëà éîà ãçîõ. [ãó ôá òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ãé÷ìèéðåñ ä÷åä ðäøåú åòùàå.


The pasuk states (Tehillim 24:2), "For He founded it upon seas and established it upon rivers." Seven bodies of water surround Eretz Yisrael - the Great (Mediterranean) sea, the Tiveria (Kinneret) sea, the Samchu sea, the Milcha sea, the Chulta sea, the Shalias sea and the Afamia sea. What about the Chametz sea? It was man-made by the Roman king Diklatinus.

ëúé' (áîãáø ëà) äðù÷ôä òì ôðé äéùéîåï. àîø øáé çééà áøéà ëì îé ùäåà òåìä ìäø éùéîåï åîöà ëîéï ëáøä áéí èéáøéà æå äéà áåøä ùì îøéí.


The pasuk states (Bamidbar 21:20), "(The well of Miriam) overlooks the Yeshimon (surface of the wilderness)". R. Chiya said that if someone ascends Har Yeshimon and sees something sieve-like in the Kinneret, it is Miriam's well.

àîø øáé éåçðï ùòøåðä øáðéï åäà äéà îëååðà ëì ÷áéìú øòà îöéòéà ãëðéùúà òúé÷úà ãñøåðâéï.


(R. Yochanan): The Rabbanan calculated it and it was directly facing the central entrance of the old Synagogue of Serungin.

øáé áø ÷éøéà åøáé ìòæø äååï îèééìéï áàéñèøéï øàå àøåðåú ùäéå áàéï îçåöä ìàøõ ìàøõ.


Rebbi bar Kiria and R. Elazar were walking in the street. They saw coffins that were being brought from Chutz LaAretz to Eretz Yisrael.

àîø øáé áø ÷éøéà ìøáé ìòæø îä äåòéìå àéìå àðé ÷åøà òìéäí (éøîéäå á) åðçìúé ùîúí ìúåòáä áçééëí åúáåàå åúèîàå àú àøöé áîéúúëí.


(Rebbi bar Kiria to R. Elazar): What does it help them? I apply to them the pasuk (Yirmiyah 2:7), "...and made my heritage an abomination" - in your lives, you did this (by going to live in Chutz LaAretz) and you come and make my land impure in your death!

àîø ìéä ëéåï ùäï îâéòéï ìàøõ éùøàì äï ðåèìéï âåù òôø åîðéçéï òì àøåðï ãëúéá (ãáøéí ì) åëôø àãîúå òîå:


(R. Elazar replied): When they arrive in Eretz Yisrael, as an atonement, they take a clump of earth and put it on their coffin, as the pasuk states (Devatim 32:43), "...and He will appease His land and His people".