MENACHOS 90 (5 Sivan) - Dedicated l'Zecher Nishmas Reb Chaim Aryeh ben Aharon Stern Z'L by Shmuel Gut of Brooklyn, N.Y.


KILAYIM OF VARIOUS SPECIES (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 8 Halachah 4 Daf 39a)

îùðä äôøåèéåú àñåøåú åäøîê îåúø åàãðé äùãä çéä øáé éåñé àåîø îèîàåú áàäì ëàãí.


(Mishnah): Prutios (mules that it's unclear whether its mother was a mare or a donkey) are prohibited (one to another); Rammach (a mule whose mother is a horse) is permitted with another (Rammach). Adnei Sadeh (lit. Masters of the field. This refers to some type of ape-like creature - it's a Chaya (beast). R. Yosi says that their corpses bring Tumah to an Ohel like a man.

[ãó òã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ä÷åôã åçåìãú äñðàéï çéä


The hedgehog and 'the mole of the bushes' are beasts.

çåìãú äñðàéï øáé éåñé àåîø áéú ùîàé àåî' îèîà áëæéú áîùà åëòãùä áîâò.


A mole of the bushes - R. Yosi says - Beis Shammai say that it conveys Tumah if one carries a K'zayis (an olive size) of it and if one touches a lentil size of it.

ùåø äáø îéï áäîä. øáé éåñé àåîø îéï çéä. ëìá îéï çéä. øáé îàéø àåîø îéï áäîä. äçæéø îéï áäîä. äòøåã îéï çéä. äôéì åä÷åó îéï çéä. åàãí îåúø òí ëåìï ìçøåù åìîùåê:


A wild ox is a Behemah; R. Yosi says that it is a Chaya. A dog is a Chaya; R. Meir says that it is a Behemah. A Chazir (pig) is a Behemah. An Arod is a Chaya. An elephant and a monkey are Chayos. A person may himself plow and pull together with all of these.

âîøà äôøåèéåú àñåøåú åäøîê îåúø ëå'. øáé àéîé áùí øáé ìòæø øîëä ãìà ëìéðñ. ëîä ãúéîø (àñúø ç) áðé äøîëéí


(Gemara): (The Mishnah taught that) Prutios are prohibited (one to another); Rammach are permitted one to another etc. R. Imi citing R. Elazar, said that Rammach is a small horse that has never been reined, as the pasuk says (Esther 8:10), "bred from Rammach horses".

àãðé äùãä çéä. ééñé òø÷é áø ðù ãèåø äåà åäåà çéé îï èéáåøééä àéôñ÷ èéáåøééä ìà çéé.


The Mishnah taught that Adnei Sadeh are a Chaya. Yosi of Arakim grew up in the mountains. He said that an Adnei Sadeh's life-force comes through the cord that connects its navel to the ground. If the cord becomes severed, it cannot live.

[ãó òã òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] øáé çîà áø òå÷áà áùí øáé éåñé áï çðéðä èòîà ãøáé éåñé (áîãáø éè) åëì àùø éâò òì ôðé äùãä áâãì òì ôðé äùãä.


(R. Chama bar Ukva citing R. Yosi ben Chaninah): R. Yosi's source (that their corpses bring Tumah to an Ohel like a man) is the pasuk (Bamidbar 19:16), "On the open field - anyone who touches (the dead etc...will be impure for 7 days)" - R. Yosi reads the phrase 'Al Pnei HaSadeh' as the first in the list of things that cause Tumah - the body of a creature that grows on the open field (i.e. Adnei Sadeh).

äéøåãåú åäðòîéú äøé äï ëòåó ìëì ãáø. åäðçù äøé äåà ëçéä.


Yerodos and Na'amis (ostriches) are considered birds. A snake is a Chaya.

øáé çééä áùí øáé éåçðï ùùä ñôé÷åú äï


(R. Chiya citing R. Yochanan): (The Mishnah taught - A mole of the bushes - R. Yosi says - Beis Shammai say that it conveys Tumah by carrying a K'zayis (an olive size) and by touching a lentil size.) They were stringent in the six following cases that were a matter of doubt...

äöìó áàéìï ëáéú ùîàé.


Tzlaf (caper) is prohibited in a vineyard like Beis Shammai (despite the doubt whether it is a tree or a vegetable).

(ëìé çøñ á)ëìé ðúø [áëìé çøñ] ëáéú ùîàé.


Tumah of earthenware vessels applies to Neser (sun-dried) vessels (made from white earth), like Beis Shammai.

çåìãú äñðàéí áùøöéí ëáéú ùîàé.


A mole of the bushes is viewed as a Sheretz, like Beis Shammai.

ôåì [ãó ìè òîåã á] îöøé áæøòéí.


An Egyptian bean (Perek 3 Halacha 2) the doubt being whether it is a vegetable or seed, despite the general rule that all species of seeds may not planted in one vegetable bed, but all species of vegetables may; they were stringent to prohibit both.

åàðãøåâéðåñ áàãí.


A human Androgenus (whose gender is unclear) - is given the stringencies of both.

ëåé áçéä ãáøé äëì.


Coy - all are doubtful whether it's a Chaya or a Behemah.

øáé çîà áø òå÷áà àîø åàîä èøé÷ñéï.


(R. Chama bar Ukva): There's also the case of the Amah Triksin (the Amah-wide wall that separated the Heichal from the Kodesh HaKodashim - the Holy of Holies in the Temple). There was a doubt as to whether the wall itself had the sanctity of the Heichal or of the Kodesh HaKodashim.

îäå åàîä èøé÷ñéï øáé éåðä áåöøééä àîø èøéëñåï îä îáôðéí îáçåõ.


What's the meaning of the phrase Amah Triksin? R. Yona Botzraya said it's a compound of the words Trik (inside) Sin (outside). What is it? Inside or outside?

[ãó òä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé éåñé îï îä ãëúéá (îìëéí à å) åàøáòéí áàîä äéä äáéú äåà ääéëì ìôðé äãà àîøä îáôðéí.


Answer (R. Yosi): From the pasuk (Melachim 1:6:17), "And the House was 40 Amah, that's the Heichal before (the Kodesh HaKodashim)" - this shows that the wall was considered inside.

àîø ìéä øáé îðà åäëúéá (ãáøé äéîéí á â) åéòù àú áéú ÷ãù ä÷ãùéí òùøéí àîä àåøê åòùøéí øåçá äãà àîøä îáçåõ:


(R. Mana to R. Yosi): The pasuk states (Divrei HaYamim 2:3:8), "And he made the House of the Holy of Holies, its length on the face of the width of the House, twenty Amos, and its width twenty Amos" - this shows that it was outside (as the wall was not calculated as part of the 20 by 20 Amah Kodesh HaKodashim).

ùåø áø îéï áäîä. øáðéï àîøéï îéëà äåä åòø÷ ìúîï. øáé éåñé àîø òé÷øéä îï úîï äåä.


A Shor Bar (wild ox) is a Behemah. Rabbanan say that this shows that it was originally domesticated and later escaped to the desert. R. Yosi said that they were always in the desert and the one in the city is a different species.

äà ùåø òí ùåø áø àéðï ëìàéí ãìà ëøáé éåñä ãøáé éåñä àîø ëìàéí. åàéìéï ãîúøâîéï åúåøé áø åøàîðéï ëøáé éåñä.


We can deduce though that there is no prohibition of Kilayim with an ox and a wild ox. This is unlike R. Yosa who said that there is a prohibition. And those that translate the pasuk that list species of Chaya (Devarim 14:5), "Te'o and Zamer" as Torei Bar (wild oxen) and Ramanin, are learning like R. Yosa (that wild oxen are Chayos).

øáé áà áùí øáé ùîåàì àååæ òí àååæ îãáø ëìàéí æä áæä.


(R. Ba citing R. Shmuel): A goose with a wild goose is Kilayim.

àååæ òí àååæ äéí úðé øáé éåãä áï ôæé ãáø ãìéä åìà éãòéï îàï úðé


A goose with a sea goose - R. Yudah ben Pazi taught over a Baraisa from Bar Daliah, but it wasn't clear what he meant.

÷ì åçåîø îä àí áùòä ùùðéäï áéáùä àú àîø àñåø. áùòä ùàçã áéáùä åàçã áéí ìà ëì ùëï.


Answer: It's a Kal Vechomer - if when both are from dry land it is prohibited, certainly when one is from the sea it will be prohibited!

åàãí îåúø áëåìï ìçøåù åìîùåê. ëúéá (ãáøéí ëá) ìà úçøåù áùåø åáçîåø éçãå. áùåø åáçîåø àéï àú çåøù. àáì çåøù àú áùåø òí àãí áçîåø òí àãí:


The Mishnah taught that a person may plow and pull together with any animal - the pasuk states (Devarim 22:10), "Don't plow with an ox and donkey together" - but you may have a person plow together with an ox or together with a donkey.