MENACHOS 89(4 Sivan) - Dedicated by Rabbi Kornfeld's father, Mr. David Kornfeld, in memory of the members of his family who perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers in the Holocaust, Hashem Yikom Damam: His mother (Mirel bas Yakov Mordechai), brothers (Shraga Feivel, Aryeh Leib and Yisachar Dov sons of Mordechai), grandfather (Reb Yakov Mordechai ben Reb David Shpira) and aunt (Charne bas Yakov Mordechai, the wife of Reb Moshe Aryeh Cohen zt'l). Their Yahrzeit is observed on 4 Sivan.


TYING A HORSE TO A CARRIAGE (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 8 Halachah 3 Daf 38a)

îùðä àéï ÷åùøéï àú äñåñ ìà áöããé ä÷øåï åìà ìàçø ä÷øåï. åìà àú äìéáã÷ñ ìâîìéí.


(Mishnah): One may not tie a horse to the sides of a carriage or behind it; nor may one tie a Libian donkey to (a carriage pulled by) camels.

øáé éäåãä àåîø ëì äðåìãéí îï äñåñ àó òì ôé ùàáéäï çîåø îåúøéï æä òí æä.


(R. Yehuda): All that are born from a mare, even if their father is a donkey, are permitted one with another.

åëï äðåìãéï îï äçîåø àó òì ôé ùàáéäï ñåñ îåúøéï æä òí æä àáì äðåìãéí îï äñåñ òí äðåìãéï îï äçîåø àñåøéï æä òí æä:


Similarly, those that are born from a female donkey, even if their father is a horse, they are permitted one to another; but those that are born to a mare and those that are born to a female donkey are prohibited one with another.

âîøà àéï ÷åùøéï àú äñåñ ìà ìöããé ä÷øåï åìà ìàçø ä÷øåï.


(Gemara): The Mishnah taught that one may not tie a horse to the sides of a carriage or behind it...

úðé øáé îàéø ôåèø. àí äéä îñééòå áéï áîòìä áéï áéøéãä äëì îåãéï ùäåà [ãó ìç òîåã á] àñåø.


(Baraisa): R. Meir exempts from lashes in these cases. But if the horse that is tied to the sides assists them when they are climbing a hill or descending, all agree that it is prohibited.

àîø øáé éåçðï îôðé ùæä ðåùà òöìåúå ùì æä åæä ðåùà òöìåúå ùì æä.


(R. Yochanan): The Chachamim always prohibit because one assists the other when it eases off.

øá àîø îôðé ùðåùàéï àú äçáì ùáðúéí.


(Rav): It's because they carry the rope that is between them.

[ãó òâ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé éøîéä áòé ÷ùøï áùòøï.


Question (R. Yirmiyah): What if they were tied by their hair?

îä ðï ÷ééîéï àí áù÷ùøå áùòøå ëê àðå àåîøéí àñåø ìäøëéá áäîä òì âáé çáéøúä àí áù÷ùøå äçáì áùòøå ðàîø îôðé ùäï ðåùàéï àú äçáì ùáðúéí:


What's the case? If when there tied by their hair (certainly it's permitted, as Kilayim is only prohibited when they work together); why would it be prohibited for one animal to carry another?! If the rope is tied to its hair, certainly Rav would prohibit it, since they carry the rope between them!

øáé éåðä àîø àéúôìâåï øá åøáé éåçðï. øáé éåçðï àîø îôðé ùæä ðåùà òöìåúå ùì æä åæä ðåùà òöìåúå ùì æä. øá àîø îôðé ùäï ðåùàéï àú äçáì ùáðúéí.


(R. Yona): Rav and R. Yochanan disagreed over the reason that the Chachamim prohibited - R. Yochanan said it's because one assists the other when it eases off. Rav said it's because they carry the rope between them.

îä ðô÷ îï áéðéäåï


Question: What is the practical difference between the reasons?

÷ùøå (áùòøå)[áçáì]


Answer: If a rope was tied to the hair of the horse. (According to R. Yochanan, since it would be painful to push the carriage, it will not do it. But according to Rav, since they are carrying the rope together, it is prohibited.)

[àáì áùòøå áéï òì ãòúéä ãøá áéï òì ãòúéä ãøáé éåçðï] (ôèåø)[îåúø].


But if it was only tied to its hairs (without a rope), all agree that it is permitted. (It is painful, so the horse won't push; therefore it's permitted according to R. Yochanan; and since it's not carrying any load, it is permitted according to Rav.)

åìà äìéáã÷ñ àéú úðéé úðé ðéáø÷åñ. îàï ãàîø ìéáã÷ñ (ùí ìéáåé) òì ùí (ãðéàì éà) ìåáéí åëåùéí áîöòãéå.


(The Mishnah taught) Nor may one tie a Libian donkey (Livdakas) (to camels). Some have the text Nivrakus. The text of Livdakas comes from the pasuk (Daniel 11:43), "and the Lubians and the Cushites will be at his steps."

î"ã ðéáø÷åñ àáäèñ. îäå àáäèñ çîø ñì÷.


According to the text of Nivrakus, it is an Avhatus, which is a donkey from Selek.

øáé éåðä øá äåùòéà áòé âøéí äáàéí îìéáåé îäå ìäîúéï ìäí ùìùä ãåøåú.


Question (R. Yona and Rav Hoshiya): Must converts from Libui wait three generations (like those from Mitzrayim (Egypt), in order to marry a regular Jew)?

àîø øáé éåðä áåöøééä îï îä ãàðï çîéï ääï ôåìà îöøéé ëã øèéá àéðåï öååçéï ìéä ìåáé ëã äåà ðâéá àéðåï öååçéï ìéä ôåì îöøéé [äãà àîøä äéà ìåá äéà îöøéí] äãà àîøä âø îìåáé öøéê ìäîúéï â' ãåøåú. (äãà àîøä äéà ìåá äéà îöøéí).


Answer (R. Yona Botzraya): From the fact that when the Egyptian bean is still moist, people call it the Lubian bean and when it's dry they call it the Egyptian bean, this shows that they are the same place and a Lubian convert must also wait three generations.

øáé éöç÷ áø ðçîï áùí øáé äåùòéä äìëä ëãáøé äúìîéã.


(R. Yitzchak bar Nachman citing R. Hoshiya): The Halacha follows the student (i.e. R. Yona Botzraya, who was R. Hoshiya's student).

[ãó òâ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ãáøé çëîéí ëì îéï ôøéãåú àçã.


(R. Yehuda taught in the Mishnah that all that are born from a mare, even if their father is a donkey, are permitted one with another.) But according to the Chachamim, (whether born from a male horse and female donkey or vice-versa) all mules are the same species.

åàìå äï äñéîðéï


Question: (According to R. Yehuda) what are the signs of being born from a mare or a female donkey?

àîø øáé éåðä ëì ùàæðéå ÷èðåú àîå ñåñä åàáéå çîåø. âãåìåú àîå çîåøä åàáéå ñåñ.


Answer (R. Yona): If it has small ears, its mother is a horse and its father is a donkey. If it has large ears, its mother is a donkey and its father is a horse.

øáé îðà îô÷ã ìàéìéï ãøáé éåãï ðùéàä àéï áòéúåï îéæáåï îåìååï àúåï æáðéï ìå àæðéäåï ã÷é÷éï ùàîå ñåñä åàáéå [ãó ìè òîåã à] çîåø.


R. Mana ordered those from the household of R. Yehuda Nesiyah, "If you wish to buy female mules, buy ones with small ears, then you will know that its mother is a horse and its father is a donkey" (and you will be able to avoid Kilayim).

äìåáï îï äàéù ùîîðå îåç åòöîåú åäâéãéí. åäàåãí îï äàùä ùîîðå äòåø åäáùø åäãí. åäøåç åäðôù åäðùîä îùì ä÷á"ä. åùìùúï ùåúôéï áå.


The 'white' comes from the male, from which the brain, the bones and the sinews come. The 'red' comes from the female, from which the skin, the flesh and blood comes. The Ruach, the Nefesh and the Neshama come from Hash-m. All three (father, mother and Hash-m) are partners in a person (and must be respected accordingly).

øáé áà øáé éäåãä áùí øá îåãéí çëîéí ìøáé éäåãä áñåñ áï ñåñ áï çîåø òí çîåø áï çîåø áï ñåñ.


(R. Ba/ R Yehuda citing Rav): The Chachamim agree to R. Yehuda to permit a horse, son of a horse, son of a donkey, together with a donkey, daughter of a donkey, daughter of a horse.

øáé çâéé øáé æòéøà áùí øáé àéñé áðé òæéí áðé øçìéí àñåøéí æä òí æä.


(R. Chaggai/ R. Zeira citing R. Issi): Offspring of goats and sheep are Kilayim with each other.

åìà ëï ðï àîøéï òæ áï òæ áï øçì òí øçì áï øçì áï òæ:


Clarification: (He did not mean that they are completely Kilayim with each other. He was saying that) a goat, son of a goat, son of a ewe is prohibited with a ewe, daughter of a ewe, daughter of a goat.