[85a - 32 lines; 85b - 54 lines]

1)[line 5]éåçðà åîîøàYOCHANA U'MAMREI- the two chief magicians of Egypt at the time that Moshe Rabeinu came to Par'oh to ask that the Jewish slaves be freed

2)[line 5]úáï àúä îëðéñ ìòôøééí?TEVEN ATAH MACHNIS L'AFRIYIM?- (a) Are you trying to bring hay into Afriyim, [a town that has so much grain that it is full of hay]? (RASHI); (b) Are you trying to bring magic, which is based on falsehood (and is comparable to hay), into Egypt, which is replete with falsehood? (MAHARSHA)

3)[line 6]ìîúà éø÷à, éø÷à ù÷åìL'MASA YARKA, YARKA SHEKOL- bring vegetables to an area that has a vegetable market, (a) so that when the local vegetable merchants finish selling their produce, you will be able to sell yours (SHITAH MEKUBETZES #1); (b) because the quality of vegetables varies from merchant to merchant. While your magic is false, like poor-quality vegetables, my "magic" is the very best quality, since it is the work of HaSh-m (MAHARSHA)

4)[line 8]áéú äæáìéíBEIS HA'ZEVALIM- a field that needs to be fertilized (a) lest it not be fertilized enough, and the grain will be of inferior quality (RASHI KESAV YAD, 1st explanation); (b) lest the fertilizer spoil the taste of the grain (RASHI KESAV YAD, 2nd explanation)

5)[line 8]áéú äùìçéíBEIS HA'SHELACHIM- a field that receives its water from irrigation or a wellspring, the crops of which are poor and unfit to use for the Minchas ha'Omer

6)[line 8]áéú äàéìïBEIS HA'ILAN- [grain grown in] an orchard, since the trees draw nourishment from the soil and cause the grain to be of inferior quality

7)[line 10]ðøäNARAH- he plowed it

8)[line 11]ñåìúSOLES- fine flour

9)[line 13]àá÷AVAK- (a) dust (RASHI); (b) thin, inferior-quality flour (RASHI KESAV YAD)

10)[line 13]òã ùéðôðäAD SHE'YENAPENAH- until one sifts it

11)[line 14]äúìéòäHISLI'AH- if it became wormy

12)[line 18]çéèé ëøæééíCHITEI KARZAYIM- (a) wheat from a town called "Karzayim," in Eretz Yisrael (this is referring to Menachos other than the Minchas ha'Omer - TOSFOS, 1st explanation); (b) a town called "Chitei Karzayim," in Eretz Yisrael (and it is referring to barley that is harvested for the Minchas ha'Omer - TOSFOS, 2nd explanation)

13)[line 19]ëôø àçéíKEFAR ACHIM- a town called "Kefar Achim," in Eretz Yisrael

14)[line 19]àìîìà ñîåëåú ìéøåùìéí äéå îáéàéï îäïILMALEI SEMUCHOS LI'YERUSHALAYIM, HAYU MEVI'IN MEHEN- if they were next to Yerushalayim, we would have brought grain from them

15)[line 21]äùãåú äîåãøîåúHA'SADOS HA'MUDRAMOS- (a) the fields south of Yerushalayim (RASHI cited by TOSFOS); (b) fields with a southern exposure (TOSFOS)

16)[line 22]äîðåðøåú ìëêHA'MENUNAROS L'CHACH- that are plowed for this purpose (for harvesting the barley for the Minchas ha'Omer)

17a)[line 22]ùáäï çîä æåøçúSHE'BAHEN CHAMAH ZORACHAS- that in them the sun shines when it rises

b)[line 22]åîäï çîä ùå÷òúU'MEHEN CHAMAH SHOKA'AS- and the sun sets while it is still shining on them

18)[line 25]ëãé ùúäà ñîåëä ìçîäKEDEI SHE'TEHEI SEMUCHAH L'ACHAMAH- in order that it start growing just in time for the springtime sun to shine upon it

19a)[line 25]åòåùä ÷ðä æøúV'OSAH KANEH ZERES- and it grows grain, the stalks of which are one Zeres long

b)[line 26]åùéáåìú æøúééíV'SHIBOLES ZERATAYIM- and the ears [of grain] two Zerasim long

20a)[line 26]÷åöøKOTZER- to reap

b)[line 26]îòîøME'AMER- to gather into a bundle

c)[line 27]ãùDASH- to thresh [with reeds and stalks, so that the kernels are not crushed (Menachos 66a)]

d)[line 27]æåøäZOREH- to winnow

e)[line 27]áåøøBORER- to select [rocks and other undesirable objects from the kernels]

f)[line 27]èåçïTOCHEN- to grind

g)[line 27]ëàï áòáåãäMERAKED- to sift


21a)[line 1]ëàï áòáåãäKAN B'AVUDAH- this refers to a cultivated field (that does not need additional plowing)

b)[line 2]ëàï áùàéðä òáåãäKAN BESHE'EINAH AVUDAH- this refers to an uncultivated field (that needs additional plowing)

22)[line 8]á÷òú áéú î÷ìäBIK'AS BEIS MAKLEH- a place in Eretz Yisrael near Yerushalayim

23)[line 9]ëáú â' ñàéï äéúäK'VAS SHELOSHAH SE'IN HAYESAH- it would grow approximately three Se'in of barley (the amount needed to reap for the Minchas ha'Omer)

24)[line 12]÷øðà ãàøòàKARNA D'AR'A- a corner of his field

25)[line 14]òáãä òì çã úøéAVDAH AL CHAD TREI- it produce twice as much grain as was sown

26)[line 14]îæáéï ìäå ìçéèé ìñîéãàMAZBIN LEHU L'CHITEI LI'SEMIDA- and he sold it as wheat for very fine flour

27a)[line 17]áøåá çèäB'ROV CHITAH- most of each grain of wheat

b)[line 17]áøåá ñàäB'ROV SE'AH- most of the measure

28)[line 18]îäå ùéì÷ä òìéäï îùåí áòì îåí?MAHU SHE'YILKEH ALEIHEN MISHUM BA'AL MUM? - will he receive Malkus like one who consecrates an animal with a blemish (MAKDISH BA'AL MUM)

A person who consecrates a Ba'al Mum, an animal with a blemish (see Background to Menachos 78:38), transgresses five prohibitions and is liable to Malkus (lashes) five times (Temurah 6b).

29)[line 21]ëì òõ ùðîöà áå úåìòú ôñåì ìâáé îæáçKOL ETZ SHE'NIMTZA VO TOLA'AS PASUL L'GABEI MIZBE'ACH- any piece of wood that has a worm in it is unfit to burn upon the Mizbe'ach

30)[line 23]âåøøåGORERO- he scrapes it off

31a)[line 26]ú÷åòTEKO'A- a place in Nachalas Asher know for the quality of its oil. It is postulated that it was located on the mountain across from Meron, in a place called Charvas Shama, where Jewish ruins were found

b)[line 26]àìôà ìùîïALFA L'SHEMEN- and were the best places from which to grow olives for the olive oil of Menachos. ("Alpha" is the first letter of the Greek alphabet)

32)[line 27]øâáREGEV- a place in Eretz Yisrael, on the eastern bank of the Yarden River

33)[line 30]åìà îï îä ùðæøò áéðéäíV'LO MIN MAH SHE'NIZRA BEINEIHEM- and not from olive trees that have had grain planted in between them since the grain draws nourishment from the soil and causes the olives to be of inferior quality

34a)[line 31]àðô÷èïANPAKTAN- oil from olives that have only grown to one third of their estimated final size

b)[line 31]àí äáéà ëùøIM HEVI KASHER- if one used this type of oil, the Minchah is valid

35a)[line 32]âøâøéïGARGERIN- (lit. berries) olives

b)[line 32]ùðùøå áîéíSHE'NISHRU B'MAYIM- (a) that fell into water and remained there for a long time (RASHI, 1st explanation); (b) that were soaked in water in order to make them fit for extracting oil (RASHI, 2nd explanation)

36a)[line 33]ëáùéíKEVASHIM- (a) pickled olives (RASHI, 1st explanation); (b) olives that need to be pickled in order to make them fit for extracting oil (RASHI, 2nd explanation)

b)[line 33]ùìå÷éíSHELUKIM- (a) olives that were boiled (RASHI, 1st explanation); (b) olives that need to be boiled in order to make them fit for extracting oil (RASHI, 2nd explanation)

37)[line 34]"åÇéÌÄùÑÀìÇç éåÉàÈá úÌÀ÷åÉòÈä åÇéÌÄ÷ÌÇç îÄùÑÌÈí àÄùÑÌÈä çÂëÈîÈä ...""VA'YISHLACH YOAV TEKO'AH VA'YIKACH MI'SHAM ISHAH CHACHAMAH..."- "And Yoav sent to Teko'ah and took from there a wise woman..." (Shmuel II 14:2)

38)[line 35]îúåê ùøâéìéï áùîï æéúMI'TOCH SHE'REGILIN B'SHEMEN ZAYIS- since they used to eat much olive oil

39)[line 36]"... åÀèÉáÅì áÌÇùÑÌÆîÆï øÇâÀìåÉ.""... V'TOVEL BA'SHEMEN RAGLO"- "... and he immerses his foot in oil" (Devarim 33:24)

40)[line 36]çì÷å ùì àùøCHELKO SHEL ASHER- the portion of the tribe of Asher, in the northern Galilee

41)[line 37]ùîåùê ùîï ëîòéïSHE'MOSHECH SHEMEN K'MA'AYAN- that produces oil like a spring

42)[line 37]ìåã÷éàLUDKIYA- Laodicea ad Lycum, a city in Lydia, a district of Asia Minor

43)[line 38]ôåìîåñèåñPOLMOSTUS- an agent

44)[line 38]áîàä øéáåàB'ME'AH RIBO- for one million Maneh of silver

45)[line 39]öåøTZOR- a city in Eretz Yisrael, in between Yerushalayim and the north, (but not the city of Tyre, located on the southern coast of Lebanon - TOSFOS DH Halach)

46)[line 39]âåù çìáGUSH CHALAV- a city in the Galilee, in the portion of Asher, known for its abundant production of olive oil, which is now the Arab village "Jish"

47)[line 40]òåæ÷ úçú æéúéåOZEK TACHAS ZEISAV- digging a circular canal around the base of his olive trees

48)[line 42]äôùéì ëìéå ìàçåøéåHIFSHIL KELAV LA'ACHORAV- he slung his garments/utensils over his shoulder, preparing to go (this is the manner of the poor)

49)[line 42]äéä îñ÷ì åáà áãøêHAVAH MESAKEL U'VA VA'DERECH- he took out stones as he walked

50)[line 44]÷åî÷îåí ùì çîéïKUMKEMUM SHEL CHAMIN- a jug of hot water

51)[line 45]ñôìSEFEL- a bowl

52)[line 51]ì÷ìñåL'KALSO- to praise him

53)[line 52]ðåùä áéNOSHEH BI- (lit. who demands repayment from me) to whom I owe

54)[line 53]"éÅùÑ îÄúÀòÇùÑÌÅø, åÀàÅéï ëÌÉì; îÄúÀøåÉùÑÅùÑ, åÀäåÉï øÈá.""YESH MIS'ASHER, V'EIN KOL; MISROSHESH, V'HON RAV"- "There is one who pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; there is one who pretends to be poor, yet has great riches." (Mishlei 13:7)