ISUR MIXED WITH MIN0 AND EINO MINO (Yerushalmi Orlah Perek 2 Halachah 3 Daf 13a)
øáé éåðä áòé åìîä [ìà] úðéðï âøéñé' ùðúáùìå òí äàåøæ
Question (R. Yonah): (Our Mishnah taught beans cooked with lentils.) Why did it not teach beans that were cooked with rice (which harms the taste? This is a bigger Chidush!)
àìà îúðéúï ëîàï ãàîø ðåúðé èòí ìôâí îåúø åàôéìå ëîàï ãàîø ðåúðé èòí ìôâí îåúø îåãä äåà äëà ùäåà àñåø.
Answer: Our Mishnah is like the opinion that Nosen Ta'am li'Fgam (something detrimental to the taste) is permitted. (The rice would be permitted.) Even the opinion that Nosen Ta'am li'Fgam is permitted, he agrees here that it is forbidden (for it improves the taste of the lentils. We explained this like GRA.)
âøéñéï ùì úøåîä (ùðôìå) [ö"ì ùðúáùìå - úîéí ãòéí æ] òí òãùéí ùì çåìéï åéù áäï ðåúï èòí øéáä òìéäï òãùéí ùì çåìéï îåúø.
If beans of Terumah were cooked with Chulin lentils, and they give taste, and he added to them Chulin lentils, it is permitted.
òã ëîä éøáä
Question: How much must he add?
úôìåâúà ãøáé åãøáé éùîòàì áé ø' éåñé. òì ãòúéä ãøáé ãå àîø òã ùéøáå òì ëåìäåï. [ãó ëä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] òì ãòúéä ãøáé éùîòàì áé øáé éåñé ãå àîø òã ùéøáå òì äðåôìéï.
Answer: Rebbi and R. Yishmael bei R. Yosi argue about this. According to Rebbi, he says until he adds a majority over all of them (the entire mixture, for Chatichah Na'aseh Neveilah, i.e. what absorbs Asur taste becomes like Isur itself). According to R. Yishmael bei R. Yosi, he says until he adds a majority over what fell (the Terumah, for Ein Chatichah Na'aseh Neveilah).
âøéñéï ùðúáùìå òí òãùéï ùì çåìéï åàéï áäï ðåúï èòí. øéáä òìéäï âøéñéï ùì çåìéï îéï îòåøø àú îéðå ìàñåø.
Question: If beans of Terumah were cooked with Chulin lentils, and they do not give taste, and he added to them Chulin beans, it arouses its own species to forbid (Terumah forbids 100 times its own amount, Min b'Mino. Even though the beans were Batel, now they are aroused to forbid the other beans and themselves.)
ìà úäà âãåìä îééï ðñê. ëîä ãúéîø áééï ðñê àú øåàä àú ääéúø ëîé ùàéðå àåúå äàéñåø àí éù áå áðåúï èòí àñåø åàí ìàå îåúø.
Answer: This is no greater (more forbidden) than Yayin Nesech! Just like you say about Yayin Nesech (that became mixed with Heter wine and another species), you view the Heter [wine] as if it is not. If the Isur is Nosen Ta'am [to the other species], it is forbidden, and if not, it is permitted;
åäëà àú øåàä àú ääéúø ëîé ùàéðå àåúå äàéñåø àí éù áå áðåúï èòí àñåø åàí ìàå îåúø.
And [also] here, you view the Heter [beans] as if they are not. If the Isur is Nosen Ta'am [to the lentils], they are, and if not, they are permitted;
äãà àîøä øéáä òìéäï âøéñéï ùì úøåîä (îåúø) [ö"ì àñåø - äøáä îôøùéí]
Inference: [since we needed to teach that if he added Chulin beans, it is permitted,] this shows that if he added Terumah beans, it is forbidden. (We do not say that since the Terumah was one permitted, it is always permitted. We explained this like TAMIM DE'IM 7.)