KERISUS 18 (8 Elul) - Dedicated in memory of Esther Miryam bas Harav Chaim Zev and her husband Harav Refael Yisrael ben Harav Moshe (Snow), whose Yahrzeits are 7 Elul and 8 Elul respectively. Sponsored by their son and daughter in law, Moshe and Rivka Snow.


THE SHI'UR OF BITUL FOR TERUMAH (Yerushalmi Orlah Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 9b)

úîï úðéðï øáé ìéòæø àåîø úøåîä òåìä áàçã åîàä øáé éäåùò àåîø áîàä åòåã.


(Mishnah - R. Li'ezer): Terumah is Batel in 101. R. Yehoshua says, in 100 and more (even less than 101).

úîï àîø çæ÷éä øáé àáäå áùí øáé ìòæø ëì î÷åí ùùðä [øáé] îçìå÷ú åàçø ëê çæø åùðä ñúí äìëä ëñúí.


There, R. Chizkiyah cited R. Avahu citing R. Lazar to say that wherever Rebbi taught an argument [in the Mishnah] and afterwards a Stam Mishnah, the Halachah follows the Stam. (Since our Stam Mishnah says 101, like R. Eliezer, this is the Halachah.)

îï îä ãúðéðï ñàä úøåîä ùðôìä ìîàä åàîø øáé ìòæø ìéú ëàï ìåîø ìúåê îàä àìà ìúåê úùòéí åúùòä. ëîä ãúðéðï øáé ìéòæø åøáé éäåùò


Rebuttal: Since [the coming] Mishnah taught 'a Se'ah of Terumah that fell into 100 [of Chulin]', and R. Lazar said that the Mishnah does not say 'into 100', rather, 'into 99' (and another half-Se'ah joins with the Chulin to be Mevatel the Terumah, this is like R. Yehoshua), it is as if there are Stam Mishnayos, [one like] R. Li'ezer and [one like] R. Yehoshua (so we cannot learn from here whom the Halachah follows. We explained this like MAHARA FULDA.)

[ãó éç òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îðééï ùäï òåìéï.


Question: What is the source that they are Batel [in 101]?

àîø øáé éåðä ëúéá [áîãáø éç ëè] îëì çìáå àú î÷ãùå îîðå. ãáø ùàú îøéí îîðå ùàí éôåì ìúåëå äåà î÷ãùå. åëîä äåà àçã îîàä.


Answer (R. Yonah): It says "mi'Kol Chelbo Es Mikdesho Mimenu" - what you are Merim from it (separate for Terumas Ma'aser), if it falls into it, it is Mekadesh (forbids) it. How much is this? [Terumas Ma'aser] is one part in 100.

øáé ìéòæø àåîø îåñéó ñàä åîòìä. øáé éäåùò àåîø îåñéó ëì ùäåà åîòìä.


R. Li'ezer says, he adds a Se'ah and it is Batel [in 101]. R. Yehoshua says, he adds any amount, and it is Batel [in more than 100].

øáé éåñé áï îùåìí àåîø åòåã ÷á ìîàä ñàä ùúåú ìîãåîò.


R. Yosi ben Meshulam says, he adds a Kav to 100 Se'ah, a sixth of the Meduma (the amount of Terumah that fell in).

úðé øáé ùîòåï àåîø úøåîä òåìä áîàä î÷ì åçåîø


(Beraisa - R. Shimon): Terumah is Batel in 100 from a Kal v'Chomer;

àí àéñåø îúåê àéñåø òåìä àéñåø îúåê äéúø ìà ëì ùëï.


If Isur amidst Isur is Oleh (one removes one part of Terumas Ma'aser from 100 parts of Tevel, and this permits it), Isur amidst Heter (Terumah that fell into 100 parts of Chulin), is it not all the more so Oleh (Batel)?!

[úøåîä] àéú úðéé úðé àéñåø îúåê äéúø åàéú úðéé úðé äéúø îúåê äéúø.


Terumah - some teach that it is [called] Isur amidst Heter (like our text of the Beraisa of R. Shimon), and some teach that it is [called] Heter amidst Heter;

îàï ãàîø àéñåø îúåê äéúø ùëï úøåîä àñåøä ìæøéí. îàï ãàîø äéúø îúåê äéúø ùëï úøåîä îåúøú ìëäðéí.


The one who says Isur amidst Heter, for Terumah is forbidden to Zarim. The one who says Heter amidst Heter, for Terumah is permitted to Kohanim.

àéú ãôúø ìä ëåìä ìëäðéí îàï ãàîø àéñåø îúåê äéúø (áîãåîò áúøåîä èîàä. [ãó éç òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] î"ã äéúø áîãåîò) [ö"ì áúøåîä èîàä. î"ã äéúø îúåê äéúø - äâø"à] áúøåîä èäåøä.


Some explain all of it regarding Kohanim. The one who says Isur amidst Heter, discusses Tamei Terumah. The one who says Heter amidst Heter, discusses Tahor Terumah. (We explained this like GRA.)