Place of the World
The Hebrew word for G-d is א-ל ("E-l"). This is the main word denoting "divinity" in Hebrew and from here the term "Elokim" (א-להים) is derived. "E-l" connotes almighty power which is essentially what G-d is - the Almighty Power behind everything in the universe. "E-l" is the Creator of the world and its supreme Ruler.In Genesis 21:33 "and Avraham called there in the Name of the L-ord, the G-d of the world (E-l Olam)".
Here we see, "E-l Olam" (G-d of the world) as an explanation of the "Name of the L-ord" (Tetragramaton). For "E-l" means "the Divinity/G-d" in Hebrew.
Observe that the three most common Names of G-d in the Torah (Elokim, Tetragramaton, A-donai) sum to the Gematria of "E-l Olam" (177). This teaches that there is One Power behind everything. The various Names of G-d, the Sefirot, etc. etc. are all just different divine Names and attributes of the One G-d, E-l Olam - the G-d of the World.
In the Beginning..
According to the Kabala, the world began as a "middle point" which expanded into a perfect circle. G-d so to speak "withdrew" His infinite light to make an "empty space" (Makom Panui) in order to make room for the Creation (Etz Chaim 1).As before, the Hebrew word for "point" (Nekuda) has standard Gematria 165 and small Gematria 21. Observe that the prime factors of the opening word "Bereisheit" (in the beginning..) are the exact midpoints of 165 and 21.
Gematria of נקודה (Nekudah="point") | ||||
Standard Gematria | = | 165 | midpoint: | 83 |
Small Gematria | = | 21 | midpoint: | 11 |
(Bereisheit) בראשית | = | 913 | =11×83 |
165 + 21 = 186, the famous Gematria of "Makom" (Place), the Name of G-d connoting He is the "Place" of the world. For G-d is not in the world but rather the world is in G-d.

In this number appear two important Gematrias 186 (Makom/Place) and 913 (Bereisheit).
(note: E-l Olam + words, letters, kollel=186)
Let us peer into the creation number - Pi to see if 186,913 tells a story:
177th Star of David | ||
37532094758565668626 | 18691377693236555385533736 | |
^ <-- 193,510 digit | ||
186913 first appears in Pi at the 193,510 digit of Pi |
Observe that just after 186,913 appears 776=Nekudah Emtzait (middle point). The location in Pi = 193,510 = 193+510=703 (sum of thousands).
I showed this sequence to Oren Evron and he replied (see section "6 days and Sabbath" for background):
This is wonderful.
Not only does it fit to the creation of Makom Panui (empty space) by using 186 Makom and 913 Bereisheit, but the sum of thousands of its first "location" (makom) is itself 703, where the Tetrahedron transforming 2,701 to 3D looks like 703 from each side (2594 dots) and inside is what? The Makom Panui (empty space)?! That tetrahedron is "empty", empty of everything, not even a single point is inside, although there might be the blueprint of the Center Point inside. And the following or the "previous" (depends how you look at it) number in Pi as you said is 776 = Nekudah Emtzait and 26 from the other side.
Ok, so I started looking at this, and 26 is prior to the sequence, which is important both because of the obvious name of Hash-em and also as it is the root of the Center Point of the Center Point of 2,701 and 776 hints at that, not so much as 676 but still hints at that. 776 hints more at 457 as 457 is the Center Point of 913 and this specific 776 is right after or right before 913 (and 186).
Look at that! 186913 = 409 × 457 !! i.e this happens once every 457 numbers... And 776 hints at the center point of 913 = 457!
The sum of digits of 186913 is 28, the number of letters of 1st verse.
מקום בראשית (Place of Bereisheit) has small gematria 28 and 10 letters. (2 + 8 = 10 and 7 + 0 + 3 = 10)
The values of the location of this number 193,510 are:
Sum of thousands = 703 = Triangle 37 (And the sum of thousands of 2,701 etc.)
Sum of Digits = 19 = center point of 37.
Amazingly, the "previous letters" of מקום בראשית (Makom Bereisheit) are לצהמ אקארטש = 776 !!!
The "previous letters" of "Makom" are לצהמ = 165 = Nekudah!!
And the "previous letters" of Beresheit are אקארטש = 611 = Emtzait!!!
So the above 776 "previous letters" is made of 611 and 165 showing that what we mean by 776 = "nekudah emtzait" (middle point) REALLY IS what we are looking at here!
Before you can have "location" and/or "Space" which are both attributes of the word "Makom" (Place) you must have the first "Point". Before you can create all of it you need to use the wisdom of Torah.
So before "Makom" = 165 = Nekudah.
Before Beresheit = 611 = Torah / Emzait
This is so, so profound!
Root of Nekudah

In Hebrew, most words have a 3 letter root.
The 3 letter root of Nekudah is נקד (Nikud).
The Gematrias of Nikud (נקד) are:
Standard Gematria | = | 154 |
Ordinal Gematria | = | 37 |
Small Gematria | = | 10 |
As we saw in section "Pi and Genesis", the ratio 22/7 = 3.14285 is 99.96 percent of Pi. The next ratio that comes closer to Pi is 333/106. We also saw that the Gematrias of the First Letters of Genesis 1:1 = 22 and the number of words = 7.
Observe how the 3 letter root of "Nekudah" = נקד (Nikud) = 154 = 22 × 7
As we saw in "Pi and Genesis", the first 611 (Torah) digits of Pi sum to 2701. These 611 digits split to:
611 = 154 + 457 | ||
Sum of first 154 digits of Pi | = | 703 |
Sum of next 457 digits of Pi | = | 1998 |
Total = 703 + 1998 =2701 |
Where 154 is the root of Nekudah and 457 is the midpoint of the word Bereisheit. Pure perfection! (heard from Oren Evron)
154 is also the Gematria of עולם הבא (Olam Haba-the world to come). For this is the ROOT purpose of creation - to bestow the greatest possible good unto man.
Place of the Igulim (Circles/Sefirot)

Let us look where 776-54285 first appears in Pi:

109-737-186 = Makom-Place (186) that G-d defined by saying "Dai", She'ammar Leolamo Dai (737) is a CIRCLE עגול (109) !!! Absolutely amazing b"H !!!
It seems Pi is a VERY deep and fundamental construct of reality, it is connected to events, to shapes, to space time, to processes, to statistics, to the laws of nature i.e G-d's way of moving and changing things, both as Sh-adai and Elokim (Oren Evron).
Pi × Bereisheit
The circle is the ultimate symmetrical figure. For all of its points are equidistant from one central point.The central point is the Nekudah, the infinitely concealed point which creates and sustains the universe every second. Everything in the universe is "equidistant" from G-d, so to speak, which means He can watch over every person and every electron in the universe simultaneously as Rabeinu Bahyeh writes in "Duties of the Heart" (Gate 4 ch.3):
He watches over and directs the lives of all men, He does not abandon any of them nor neglects any of them. None of their matters, small or great are hidden from Him, and no matter can distract Him from remembering another matter, as written: "Why should you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel, 'My way has been hidden from the L-ord, and my judgment is passed over from my G-d'?" (Isaiah 40:27), and "Do you not know - if you have not heard - an everlasting G-d is the L-ord, the Creator of the ends of the world; He neither tires nor wearies; there is no fathoming His understanding " (Isaiah 40:28)
Pi defines the shape of the circle and comes from the holy Name "Sh-adai" (314) which is the Sefirah of Yesod. From Yesod comes the divine flow to the creations according to what they are capable of receiving.
The two holy Names "E-l Sh-adai" often appear together in the Torah. For besides "E-l" being the Hebrew word for the Divinity (G-d), it is also a holy Name. "E-l" is the most merciful Name of G-d, pure boundless kindness. "E-l" is connected to the Sefirah of Daat (as a reflection of Keter).
And in Shaarei Orah (Gate 7): "E-l is the secret of the divine trait which is all complete mercy. Before this Name, all judgments submit and are unable to stand before it. Avraham toiled all his life after this divine trait until he finally merited it, as written:"and Avraham called there in the Name of the L-ord, the G-d of the world (E-l Olam)" (Genesis 21:33)
The holy Name Sh-adai on the other hand, means "who said to His world 'enough'". For the giving must be according to the capacities of the receiver. Thus, these two Names "E-l Sh-adai" work together and often appear together in the torah.
Interestingly, 314 = 2 × 157 = 2 × 37th prime (157=37th prime). For the underlying lights of Sh-adai are from 37=wisdom of the higher Sefirot - Chochmah-wisdom and Binah-understanding (2=Beit).
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