[84a - 34 lines; 84b - 17 lines]
1)[line 1]בני עלייהBNEI ALIYAH- people that live in an upper story that is higher than the balcony (and at least 20 Tefachim above the Chatzer)
2)[line 1]דקסלקי במרפסתKA'SALKEI B'MIRPESES- they go up to the upper story by way of the balcony
3)[line 6]לזה בפתח ולזה בפתח הואL'ZEH PESACH UL'ZEH PESACH HU- if the hill is less than ten Tefachim tall, then it is presumably within ten Tefachim of the Mirpeses as well, and any area within ten Tefachim either above or below is considered to be easy to use
4)[line 7]אף לחצרAF L'CHATZER- it belongs to the Chatzer as well (and is therefore an example of (l'Zeh Pesach ul'Zeh Pesach)
5)[line 10]רשותא דתרוייהו הואRESHUSA D'TARVAIHU HU- it is equally difficult for both the residents of the Chatzer (due to its height) and the residents of the Mirpeses (due to its distance) to use it (even according to Shmuel)
6)[line 16]בור מאי איכא למימר?BOR, MAI IKA L'MEIMAR?- see Insights
7)[line 18]והא חסרא!V'HA CHASARA!- but the level of the water goes down as water is removed (and is therefore used by the people of the balcony through Shilshul, not k'Pesach)!
8)[line 22]בטיבלאB'TIVLA- we are dealing with a pit full of Tevel (produce that has not been tithed) which is Muktzah, and cannot be moved
9)[line 29]זיזZIZ- a projection at least four Tefachim wide by four Tefachim deep
10)[last line]למעלה מעשרהL'MA'ALAH ME'ASARAH- above ten Tefachim. This is the meaning of the words "b'Asarah ha'Elyonim" in the Beraisa.
11)[line 1]שתי גזוזטראות זו למעלה מזוSHTEI GEZUZTERA'OS ZU L'MA'ALEH MI'ZU- two platforms [jutting out from a wall over a body of water, in which] one is [more than ten Tefachim] below [and less than four Tefachim off to the side of] the other
12)[line 1]עשו לעליונהASU L'ELYONAH- they (the residents of the upper platform) made [a four-by-four Tefach hole with Mechitzos at least ten Tefachim in height below it] in the upper one [in order to be able to draw water even on Shabbos] (see the Mishnah on Daf 87b and the Gemara on Daf 88a)
13)[line 2]ולא עשו לתחתונהV'LO ASU L'TACHTONAH- they (the residents of the lower platform) did not make [such a hole] for the lower one (but rather, they throw a bucket on a string up and over through the hole in the upper platform)
14)[line 2]אסורות עד שיערבוASUROS AD SHE'YE'ARVU- the upper platform in such a case is considered a joint Reshus and therefore the members of the two platforms must make an Eruv in order for either to draw water. This is true even though the upper platform has the use of the hole through Shilshul and the lower one requires a combination of Zerikah and Shilshul. This is problematic for Rav, who stated that a Reshus is granted an area which it uses through Shilshul, where a different Reshus uses it through Zerikah (only), since Shilshul is considered the easier use. If that were true, the upper platform in our scenario should all the more so be granted exclusive use of the hole (since the lower one must combine both Zerikah and Shilshul)!
15)[line 4]דרך עליונהDERECH ELYONAH- i.e. the inhabitants themselves climb up by way of a ladder
16)[line 12]גג הסמוך לרשות הרבים צריך סולם קבוע להתירוGAG HA'SAMUCH LI'RESHUS HA'RABIM TZARICH SULAM KAVU'A L'HATIRO- This case involves a ten-Tefach-high roof alongside a Reshus ha'Rabim. Rav Nachman requires a fixed ladder from the balcony to the roof in order to allow those who live off of that balcony to carry to and from the roof to their house. Abaye assumes that the only reason for this must be that the balcony has a wall around it, separating it from the Reshus ha'Rabim, but that Mechitzah has a ten-Amah breach in it. Since it is open to the Reshus ha'Rabim and within ten Tefachim of it as well, unless there is a clear indication that the roof belongs to the balcony, we assume it to be one Reshus with the Reshus ha'Rabim.
17)[last line]בכומתא וסודראKUMSA V'SUDRA- a hat and a scarf. Although the Gemara (Shabbos 8a) states that an area nine Tefachim tall is the only comfortable height to rest a burden upon, this applies only to heavy burdens, not overly warm clothing during the summer.