1)[line 1]בור שבין שתי חצירותBOR SHE'BEIN SHTEI RESHUYOS- a pit in no-man's land between two Chatzeros (neither Chatzer has an opening into the area)

2)[line 2]מוציא זיז כל שהואMOTZI ZIZ KOL SHEHU- each Chatzer may extend a projection (of minimal width) [from the wall to the pit] (this is necessary only as a reminder that if the Chatzeros used this area, an Eruv would be necessary in order to draw water from the pit)

3)[line 4]קניאKANYA- a reed (which is even less visible)

4)[line 5]דשמואלהיאD 'SHMUEL HI- this teaching was learned from Shmuel. Rav Yehudah learned Torah from two teachers, Rav and Shmuel.

5)[line 6]אין אדם אוסר על חבירו דרך אוירEIN ADAM OSER AL CHAVEIRO DERECH AVIR- a person's use of the airspace of one domain does not prohibit someone else from using that domain on Shabbos (it is not considered a shared domain). This means that one's use of the airspace (that is, a "horizontal" use of the area, such as throwing into the area or passing into it a distance of four Tefachim or more, as opposed to a purely "vertical use" such as lifting something up or placing something down) is not considered a significant enough usage to prohibit others from using that area, and therefore even a reminder is unnecessary.

6)[line 7]ודשמואל מהיכאUD'SHMUEL ME'HEICHA- The Gemara at this point is not aware that Rav Yehudah's ruling regarding a pit between two Chatzeros was a quote from his Rebbi, Shmuel. The Gemara's answer is that from the fact that Shmuel allowed even a projection as a reminder, his student Rav Yehudah inferred that this is not specific to a projection but that any minimal object may serve as a reminder. Some reminder, however, is necessary.

7)[line 12]דאפיקD'APIK- that he stuck out a piece of wood

8)[line 23]שני בתים ושלש חורבות ביניהםSHNEI BATIM V'SHALOSH CHURVOS BEINEIHEM- two houses sandwiching three abandoned ruins in a row. Each one of the ruins has serious breaches in its walls such that from his window into the ruin closest to him, the inhabitant of each house can throw an object into the ruin farthest from him. Each has an advantage over the other when it comes to the ruin closest to him, however, in that he can use the area just below his window through Shilshul.


9a)[line 3]אחוי לי אושפיזיהACHVI LI USHPIZEI- show me his inn (i.e. where he is now)

b)[line 3]אחוי ליACHAVEI LEI- he showed it to him

10)[line 4]והא מר הוא דאמר...V'HA MAR HU D'AMAR...- Rebbi Eliezer understood that the reason why Rav forbade the inhabitants of the houses to use the middle ruin was due to the fact that each of them used its airspace (Adam Oser Al Chaveiro Derech Avir). He therefore could not understand why they should be allowed to use the ruins closest to themselves, considering that they were accessible to the other house through Zerikah. Although the closer house had the advantage of being able to use the area just below his window through Shilshul, Rav himself had said that one who has the use of an area through Shilshul as opposed to Zerikah is not granted the exclusive use of that area.

11a)[line 7]כשורהK'SHURAH (KI SHURAH)- (a) as a (straight) line, row; (b) According to the Girsa of the Oxford manuscript, KI KESHURAH, like a beam.

b)[line 7]כחצובהK'CHATZUVAH- as [the points made by the feet of] a tripod (see picture in Gemara). Rav explained to Rebbi Eliezer that he was of the opinion that Ein Adam Oser Al Chaveiro Derech Avir. The "middle" ruin in the case discussed lay not in between the other two ruins, but directly between the houses themselves. The reason why it was forbidden for both inhabitants to use this area was that they were both able to use it through Shilshul.

12)[line 10]מקום שאין בו ד' על ד' מותרMAKOM SHE'EIN BAH ARBA'AH AL ARBA'AH- an area whose surface area does not exceed four Tefachim in any direction (known as a Makom Petur (see introduction to Insights on Eruvin); such an area is Halachically dealt with like an airspace)

13)[line 11]מותרMUTAR- i.e., without any reminder necessary

14a)[line 13]רשויות דאורייתאRESHUYOS D'ORAISA- from a Reshus ha'Yachid to a Reshus ha'Rabim or vice versa

b)[line 13]רשויות דרבנןRESHUYOS D'RABANAN- from a Reshus ha'Yachid to a Reshus ha'Yachid

15)[line 16]שני בתיםSHNEI BATIM- two houses [belonging to one person]

16)[line 18]ושמואל אמר מותרU'SHMUEL AMAR MUTAR- even though the opinion of Shmuel is that Adam Oser Al Chaveiro Derech Avir, the Gemara has already explained that he is lenient in Reshuyos d'Oraisa

17a)[line 19]דמדלי חדD'MADLEI CHAD- that one house is higher

b)[line 20]ומתתי חדU'METATEI CHAD- and one house is lower

18)[line 20]דמגנדר ונפילMIGANDAR V'NAFIL- [Rav is afraid that when someone from the lower house attempts to throw an object up to the higher house, it will] roll and fall [into the Reshus ha'Rabim]

19)[line 20]ואתי לאיתוייV'ASI L'ASUYEI- and he might retrieve it [from Reshus ha'Rabim and carry it into his house, thereby transgressing the Melachah of Hotza'ah]

20a)[line 21]בבית שערBEIS SHA'AR- a gateway that may be enclosed by walls on all four sides and covered by a roof (MISHNAH BERURAH 370:1)

b)[line 22]אכסדרהACHSADRAH- an area that is covered by a roof and has no Mechitzos (RASHI 90b DH Achsadrah b'Vik'ah); an area that is covered by a roof and is enclosed on three of its sides (TOSFOS 25a DH Achsadrah b'Vik'ah).

c)[line 22]ומרפסתMIRPESES- a common balcony from which the residents of a second story go down by way of a ladder to the courtyard, and from there to a Reshus ha'Rabim

21)[line 23]בית התבןBEIS HA'TEVEN- a storage house for straw

22)[line 26]תפיסת ידTEFISAS YAD- authority, possession (with the connotation of occupancy; i.e. the landlord retains part of the building for storage)

23)[line 39]שהיו מסוביןSHE'HAYU MESUBIN- who were dining together

24)[line 39]וקדש עליהן היוםKADASH ALEIHEN HA'YOM- Shabbos began

25)[line 46]חצירו של בונייס בן בונייסCHATZERO SHEL BUNYAS BEN BUNYAS- the courtyard of Bunyas ben Bunyas (a wealthy landlord who had so many vessels that he stored some in every one of the many rooms which he rented out)

26)[last line]פנו מקום לבן מאה מנהPENU MAKOM L'VEN ME'AH MANEH- make room for he of one hundred vessels (i.e. prepare a place worthy of our distinguished visitor)