If Benei Chatzer forgot to Me'arev with Benei Mirpeses who can use a Tal 10 Tefachim tall?
No one.
Those who live בעליה.
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes B&C.
Same case ,accordig to Rav, can the חצר use a rimmed pit ?
Only empty.
Only filled with water.
Only filled with Tevel.
All the above.
None of the above.
Same case ,accordig to Rav, can the מרפסת use a rimmed pit ?
Only empty.
Only filled with water.
Only filled with Tevel.
All the above.
None of the above.
The Mishnah later in the Perek forbids both owners of suspended balconies at different heights, who built the required walls by only one of the balconies, to draw water via the Mechitzos how does Shmuel deal with this?
Machlokes Tanaim.
The owner of the lower balcony has access to the upper one.
They are within ten Tefachim of each other.
Changes Girsa..
B or C.
According to Shmuel a roof borders Reshus ha'Rabim, it is permitted only if there is a fixed ladder from a balcony to the roof.
False, never good.
False, even a movable one is good.
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes A&C.
According to Shmuel a roof borders Reshus ha'Rabim, it is permitted only if there is a fixed ladder from a balcony to the roof.