[83a - 38 lines; 83b - 29 lines]

1)[line 1]טומאת אוכליןTUM'AS OCHLIN (TUM'AS OCHLIN U'MASHKIN)

(a)Food becomes Tamei when it comes into contact with a source of Tum'ah - but only if it first comes into contact with one of the seven liquids which enable food to become Tamei. This is called Hechsher. From then on, even after it dries, it can still become Tamei. The seven liquids which enable food to become Tamei are: water, dew, oil, wine, milk, blood, and bee's honey.

(b)In order for something edible to receive Tum'as Ochlin, it must be considered food. If a person intends to eat the item and he treats it as food, this gives it the status of food in terms of its ability to receive Tum'as Ochlin.

(c)In order to become Tamei, food must have a minimum size. This size is defined as an eighth of a standard loaf. According to Rebbi Yochanan ben Berokah who maintains that a standard loaf is one-fourth of a Kav (as the Gemara explained, according to Rav Chisda, that the merchant is assumed to take a 50% cut), this computes to 3/4 of a k'Beitzah (a Kav contains 24 Beitzim - see Background to 82:26b). The opinion of Rebbi Shimon is that a standard loaf is one-third of Kav. Therefore, the minimum Shi'ur of food that can become Tamei is one k'Beitzah.

(d)Once food becomes Tamei, it cannot become Tahor by immersing it in a Mikvah.

2)[line 3]דלא שוו שיעורייהו להדדיLO SHAVU SHI'URAIHU L'HADADI- there are many differing opinions as to what the minimum Shi'ur for Tum'as Ochlin is; it is not exactly half of the minimum amount of Tamei food which forbids one who consumes it from eating Terumah

3)[line 3]כמה שיעור חצי פרס?KAMAH SHI'UR CHATZI PRAS?- how large is a half of a Pras (the minimum amount of Tamei food which forbids the one who consumes it from eating Terumah)?

4)[line 4]קימעאKIM'A- a small amount

5)[line 5]שוחקותSOCHAKOS- large (lit. laughing)

6)[line 13]פשיטאPESHITA- What is Rav Chisda telling us that he has not already said (Daf 82b, line 45), when he told us that according to Rebbi Yochanan ben Berokah a standard loaf is one-quarter of a Kav? One Kav contains 24 k'Beitzim, and therefore a loaf is made up of 6 k'Beitzim. A quarter of that - one-half of a Pras - is therefore one-and-a-half k'Beitzim.

7)[line 14]שיגר בוניוסSHIGER BUNYAS- a man by the name of Bunyas sent

8)[line 14]מודיא דקונדיס דמן נאוסאMODEYA D'KUNDIS D'MIN NA'USA- a type of dry measure used in Na'usa

9a)[line 16]מדבריתMIDBARIS- the measure of a Se'ah as it was measured in Midbar Sinai, after Bnei Yisrael received the Torah. This measure contains 144 k'Beitzim.

b)[line 17]ירושלמיתYERUSHALMIS- the measure of a Se'ah as it was measured in Yerushalayim, where the sages added one-sixth (of the ensuing total, which is one-fifth of the original amount) to the Se'ah Midbaris. The total of k'Beitzim in this measure is therefore 172.8 k'Beitzim, which the Gemara rounds up to 173.

c)[line 18]ציפוריתTZIPORIS- the measure of a Se'ah as it was measured in Tzipori where the sages added one-sixth (of the ensuing total, which is one-fifth of the original amount) to the Se'ah Yerushalmis. The total of k'Beitzim in this measure is therefore 207.36 k'Beitzim (using the exact measure of a Se'ah Yerushalmis, 172.8), which the Gemara rounds down to 207.

10)[line 19]חלתאCHALESA- Chalah, the portion given to the Kohen, which is 1/24 of the total (see Background to Eruvin 81:4)

11)[line 19]חלתא כמה הויין? תמני!CHALESA KAMAH HAVYAN? TAMNI!- 1/24 of 207 is 8 15/24 of an egg. Even though this is more than eight and a half, the Gemara rounds down to eight.

12)[line 20]ועודות דרביV'ODOS D'REBBI - Earlier (line 6), we were told that Rebbi measured a Se'ah-measure very carefully and discovered that each Kav had 25 1/4 k'Beitzim, which meant that every egg-volume had an additional 1/20 added to its volume. Spread over the 207 k'Beitzim of a Se'ah Tziporis, this adds up to an additional 10 7/20 k'Beitzim. This is why the measure had 217 k'Beitzim. (We see now that the Se'ah measure which Rebbi measured was none other than this one, sent to him by


13)[line 31]נכי חדאNECHI CHADA- minus one

14)[line 36]נמצאת שליש של ציפורי בועודיות של רביNIMTZEIS SHELISH SHEL TZIPORI BIV'ODOS SHEL REBBI...- one-third of the Se'ah Tziporis that Rebbi measured (which is 72 1/3 k'Beitzim) ends up being one-third of a k'Beitzah more than one-half of a Se'ah Midbaris (which is exactly 72 k'Beitzim)


15)[line 1]כדי עיסותיכםKEDEI ISOSEICHEM- The Gemara explains that the minimum amount of dough which one must take Chalah from is derived as follows: every member of Bnei Yisrael in the Midbar ate one Omer of Man per day ("Omer la'Gulgoles" - Shemos 16:16) An Omer is one-tenth of an Eifah, as the verse quoted by the Gemara (Shemos 16:36) states. 1 Eifah = 3 Se'ah = 18 Kav = 72 Log = 432 Beitzim. Therefore, one-tenth of an Eifah is the equivalent of 7 Lugin (or quarter-Kavim), plus 1 1/5 of a Beitzah (referred to in our Gemara as "v'Od").

16a)[line 6]בריא ומבורךBARI U'MEVORACH- health (in that he has not overeaten) and blessed (in that he has not eaten too little)

b)[line 6]רעבתןRA'AVTAN- a glutton

c)[line 7]מקולקל במעיוMEKULKAL B'ME'AV- it will ruin his digestive system

17)[line 8]מרפסתMIRPESES- a common balcony from which the residents of a second story go down by way of a ladder to the courtyard, and from there to a Reshus ha'Rabim

18)[line 9]ששכחו ולא עירבוSHE'SHACHECHU V'LO IRVU- that is, they did not make a joint Eruv, but rather each made their own Eruv.

19)[line 10]למרפסתL'MIRPESES- is part of the Reshus of the Mirpeses, and the residents of the Mirpeses may transfer objects to and from it to their Reshus

20)[line 10]חוליית הבורCHULYAS HA'BOR- the embankment of a pit (which is comprised of dirt from the pit)

21)[line 12]במופלגתMUFLEGES- far away

22)[line 14]לזה בפתח ולזה בפתחL'ZEH B'PESACH UL'ZEH B'PESACH- there is an area accessible and easily used by two adjacent Chazteros which have not made a joint Eruv

23)[line 15]היינו חלון שבין שתי חצירותHAINU CHALON SHE'BEIN SHTEI CHATZEROS- it has the same status of a four-by-four Tefach window between two Chatzeros which have not made a joint Eruv; namely, that neither may use it. This is because both Chatzeros have equally easy use of it.

24)[line 16]כותל... חריץKOSEL... CHARITZ...- In these two cases as well, neither Chatzer may use these areas as it is equally difficult for both Chatzeros to make use of them.

25)[line 17]בשלשולSHILSHUL- lowering

26)[line 19]היינו דרבה בר רב הונא אמר רב נחמןHAINU D'RABA BAR RAV HUNA AMAR RAV NACHMAN- this is the same as the statement of Rabah bar Rav Huna who said in the name of Rav Nachman (Daf 77a) that if the higher Chatzer has easy use of an area (that is, it is within at least ten Tefachim of it) which is at least ten Tefachim higher than the lower Chatzer, then the higher Chatzer is granted use of the area

27)[line 20]היינו דרב שיזבי אמר רב נחמןHAINU D'RAV SHIZVI AMAR RAV NACHMAN- this is the same as the statement of Rav Shizbi who said in the name of Rav Nachman (Daf 77a) that if the lower Chatzer has easy use of an area (that is, it is within at least ten Tefachim of it) which is at least ten Tefachim lower than the higher Chatzer, then the lower Chatzer is granted use of the area

28)[line 21]לזה בשלשול ולזה בזריקהL'ZEH B'SHILSHUL UL'ZEH BI'ZERIKAH- an area between two Chatzeros (which have not made an Eruv) which is at least ten Tefachim below the higher one and at least ten Tefachim above the lower one

29)[line 24]בנחתB'NACHAS- with [relative] ease (in comparison to the lower Chatzer)