What is the translation of "Shicheis Lo Lo"?
Rashi (citing Targum Onkelos): 'They corrupted themselves, and not Him'. 1
Rashi in the original manuscript: "Shicheis lo" - They corrupted themselves - by indulging in Avodah Zarah, Giluy Arayos and Shefichus Damim. 2
Ramban: Refer to 32:5:2:3.
Rashbam: 'They corrupted themselves, and not anyone else. His children blemished only themselves'. 3
Targum Yonasan: 'They corrupted their good deeds'.
Hadar Zekenim and Rosh (both citing R. Moshe of Pontaiza): [Together with "Banav Mumam"], it means that they sinned against Him, and due to this, He does not call them His children. 4
Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim and Rosh: As the Navi writes in Yirmiyah 7:19 "ha'Osi Heim Mach'isim
What is the meaning of "Banav Mumam"?
Rashi #1: It means 'They were His children, but their corrupt deeds caused them to become blemished'
Rashi #2 (in the original manuscript): "Lo Banav Mumam" - their blemish lies in the fact that they adopted the title of 'His non-children'.
Ramban: It means 'Shicheis Lo Mumam es Lo Banav" - 'The corruptness 1 of His non-children 2 blemished them 3 before Him'.
Seforno: It means 'A crooked and twisted generation', they are not his innocent children; Because their blemish - by the Golden Calf, corrupted Hashem's intentions'. 4
Targum Yonasan: 'His beloved children were found to be blemished'.
Refer to 32:5:1:5.
Ramban: The Pasuk calls a blemish 'Hashchasah' - as in Vayikra, 22:25 and in Mal'achi, 1:14.
Ramban: As the Navi writes in Hoshe'a, 2:25. This is also how Rashi translated "Lo Banav" in his initial manuscript.
Ramban: It cannot have emanated from Hashem, because He is perfect (faultless) - as the previous Pasuk stated.
Seforno: As the Torah wrote in Sh'mos, 32:7 "Ki Shicheis Amcha" - where His intention was to make you a Mamleches Kohanim, to create a universal Kidush Hashem - See Seforno - but they ruined that by serving Avodah Zarah.
What is the difference between "Ikeish" and "Pesaltol"?
Rashi: "Ikeish" means 'bent; and "Pesaltol", 'twisted'. 1
Rashi: Like the thread (of Tzitzis) that one winds around the other threads.
Rashi writes that "Ikeish u'Fesaltol" means 'bent and twisted'. How does this apply to people?