
Why does the Torah use the double Lashon "Paro'ach Tifrach"?


Sifra #1: To teach us that the Din of P'richah applies even if the Nega covers the body is stages. 1


Sifra #2: To teach us that the Din of P'richah applies even if it appears on the body from top to bottom - and not from the bottom upwards, in the way that a plant grows. 2


Sifra #3: To teach us that the Din of P'richah applies even if it grows on the body from a Tahor location on to a Tamei one 3 and not specifically from a Tamei location on to a Tahor one.


See Torah Temimah, note 61.


See Torah Temimah, note 62.


See Torah Temimah, note 63


Why does the Torah insert the (otherwise superfluous) word "ve'Im Paro'ach Tifrach ha'Tzara'as"?


Sifra: To teach us that the Din P'richah extends to all the different kinds of Nega'im - and not exclusively to Se'eis. 1


Refer also to 13:13:1:1 and note.


Why does the Torah insert the (otherwise superfluous) word "ve'Chis'sah ha'Tzara'as ... "?


Sifra: To preclude a Bohak from the the Din of P'richah, even though it is a Siman of Taharah - like healthy flesh.


Seeing as, in order to be Tahor, the Tzara'as needs to spread over the entire body, what are the implications of the words "Eis Kol Or ha'Nega"?


Ramban: Theyt imply that the Tzara'as covers the area that was initially stricken plus the rest of the body from head to foot - from which we can extrapolate that if the initial area that was stricken turns into a Bohak 1 or heals completely, the Metzora is Tamei. 2


Sifra: they imply that the P'richah only needs to cover the parts of the body that are subject to Nega'im - to preclude the location of a 'rebellious boil' or 'a rebellious burn'. 3


A Tahor plague (See Pasuk 39).


Refer also to 13:10:3:1*.


See Torah Temimah.


Why does the Torah write "me'Rosho ve'Ad Raglav"?


Sifra: To preclude the head and the legs themselves from the Din of P'richah - "me'Rosho", 've'Lo Rosho; "Ad Raglav", 've'Lo Raglav'.


Why does the Torah add "le'Chol Mar'eh Einei ha'Kohen"?


Rashi: To preclude a Kohen with impaired eyesight from examining Nega'im. 1


Sifra): To preclude concealed parts of the body (Such as the underarm). 2 The Mishnah in Nega'im, 2:4 explains how men and women pose for the inspection, and we are not concerned for what cannot be seen when they are in in that position.


Nega'im, 3:3: To preclude a Kohen who is blind even in only one eye and a Kohen whose eyesight is poor. 3


Refer to 13:12:2:3 and see Torah Temimah, note 69.


Or inside the ear, the nose or the mouth (Torah Temimah).


See Oznayim la'Torah as to why the Torah inserts this ruling here and not earlier, when the Metzora first came to the Kohen to be examined.


When Tzara'as spreads over the entire body, why is the 'Metzora' Tahor?


Moshav Zekenim #1: Because, when the Nega spreads, it does not enter the flesh deeply, and it is only when it does not spread over the entire body that it consumes and descends. 1


Moshav Zekenim #2: Because when one's entire body is covered with Tzara'as, everyone knows about it, and it is not necessary to announce it. 2


Because nobody can be totally Tamei. (Heard from R. Aharon Lopiansky.)


Oznayim la'Torah #1: Even though this Din is a Chok (that has no logical explanation), one may suggest that it is because, seeing as number of limbs and sinews of a person correspond to the number of Mitzvos Asei and Lo Sa'aseh, respedctively, and Hashem strikes a person on the limb with which he sinned, there is no such Jew who is devoid of Mitzvos, and who does not possess at leadst one limb that is without sin. Consequently, it is clear that, if a Jew who is stricken on all his limbs, the Tzara'as is not the spiritual illness that the Parshah is discussing, but the physical ailment of leprosy. 3


Oznayim la'Torah #2: The purpose of Tzara'as is to cause the Metzora to do Tehuvsah through which he will atone for his sin. If the Tzara'as has spread to his whole body, he is considered like dead - a Kaparah in itself, and he needs no further actions to atttwain it. 4


Seemingly, also if it spreads over most of the body, it should not enter deeply! (PF)


But People do not see under his clothes, only exposed areas? Moreover, everyone knows when someone's face and hands are covered with Tzara'as (PF).


See Oznayim la'Torah DH 'Kulo Hafach Lavan' #1, who elaborates.


See Oznayim la'Torah DH 'Kulo Hafach Lavan' #2, who elaborates.


The Mishnah in Nega'im, 2:4 explains how women pose to enable inspection of underarms, Beis ha'Ervah and under the breast. How is a Kohen permitted to see that?


Perhaps a woman expert in Nega'im sees, and tells the Kohen what to say. The Rambam (Hilchos Tum'as Tzara'as 9:2) says that if a Kohen does not know, a Chacham may examine the Nega and instruct the Kohen to say 'Tahor' or 'Tamei' (PF).


Tiferes Yisrael (2:4:24): Only the Nega is exposed; the rest of her body is covered. 1


We can use a boy 2 who is younger than nine, who is not subject to Hirhur that will brng him to Tum'ah (PF). In fact, the G'riz (in Nazir, 57b DH 'Tosfos' permits a Kohen Katan to see Nega'im. 3


Peirush ha'Mishnayos says that she is inspected without clothes; perhaps he means that the area being inspected is bare - that we do not cover it with a very fine see-through cloth. Tiferes Yisrael (3:1:4) holds that also the Kohen must see the Nega, like Rashi and Tosfos (Erchin 3a), as opposed to the Rambam (refer to 13:12:152:1). However, if the Tzara'as spread to her entire body, the Kohen must see everything to be Metaher! (PF). The Mordechai in Yevamos, 12:58 cites opinions as to whether or not men may check Simanei Gadlus in women.


Even though R. Meir (Nidah 50a) equates Nega'im to monetary laws, and one opinion (in Tosfos 50a DH Kol) holds that women are permitted to judge, the Minchas Chinuch (169:13) and the Ezras Kohanim (on the Sifra, Tosfos ha'Azarah 1:11) maintain that a Kohenes is not authorised to issue rulings concerning Nega'im, and I did not see anyone who disagrees (PF).


In any event, we cannot answer that since he the Kohen is engaged in his work, he will not come to Hirhur' (forbidden thoughts) - See Avodah Zarah 20b - since here he is not performing an action, but merely looking at the Nega.

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