
VEGETABLES AND ESROGS (Yerushalmi Ma'asros Perek 1 Halachah 3 Daf 3b)

îùðä åáéø÷ ä÷éùåàéï åäãìåòéï åäàáèéçéï åäîìôôåðåú äúôåçéí åäàúøåâéí çééáéí âãåìéí å÷èðéí. øáé ùîòåï ôåèø àú äàúøåâéí á÷åèðï.


(Mishnah): For vegetables - cucumbers, gourds, watermelons and melons; (for fruit trees) apples and Esrogs - both large and small are obligated. R. Shimon exempts Esrogs when they are still small.

äçééá áù÷ãéí äîøéí ôèåø îï äîúå÷éí äçééá áîúå÷éí ôèåø îï äîøéí:


When bitter almonds are obligated, sweet almonds are exempt. And when sweet almonds are obligated, bitter ones are exempt. (Bitter ones are only edible when small and sweet ones are only edible when large.)

âîøà [ãó ä òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] úîï úðéðï äìå÷ç ùãä éø÷ áñåøéà òã ùìà áàå ìòåðú äîòùøåú çééá îùáàå ìòåðú äîòùøåú ôèåø åìå÷è ëãøëå åìå÷ç åëà àú àîø äëéï.


(Gemara) Question (Mishnah later 5:2): 'If one buys a vegetable field in Suria, if bought before the time of Ma'asros, it is obligated. If it was bought after that, it is exempt and he may harvest regularly'. But our Mishnah taught that vegetables are obligated even when they are small?

çæ÷éä àîø áùãä ùì ÷éùåàéï åùì ãéìåòéï äéà îúðéúà.


Answer #1 (Chizkiyah): Our Mishnah is referring to cucumbers and gourds that are edible when small. The later Mishnah is discussing other vegetables.

àîø øáé æòéøà àôéìå úéîø áùãä éø÷ òöîå òåã äåà éù ìå âáåì îùéáéà ùìù ôúéìåú.


Answer #2 (R. Zeira): Our Mishnah could also be discussing other vegetables - our Mishnah is not referring to excessively small ones - it's merely teaching that one does not need to wait until they are a third grown, but they must minimally have three leaves.

ðäåøàé áø ùéðéà àîø îùåí øáé ùîòåï úôåçéí ÷èðéí ôèåøéí úôåçéí âãåìéí çééáéí. úôåçé îéìé îéìä áéï âãåìéí áéï ÷èðéí çééáéí.


Tosefta (Nehurai bar Shinei citing R. Shimon): Small apples are exempt; large apples are obligated. Round apples like gallnuts are obligated, whether large or small.

åãà îúðéúà îä äéà îàï ãàîø (÷èðéí)[úôåçéí ñúí] áîçìå÷ú îàï ãàîø úôåçé îéìé îéìä ãáøé äëì.


Who does our Mishnah follow? If you explain that our Mishnah refers to regular apples, when the Mishnah taught that small applies are obligated, it does not follow R. Shimon. But if you explain that our Mishnah refers to gallnut-like apples, it follows both opinions (of this Tosefta).

àúøåâ äáåñø øáé ò÷éáä àåîø àéðå ôøé åçëîéí àåîøéí ôøé.


A half ripe Esrog - R. Akiva says that it is not considered a fruit. The Chachamim consider it a fruit.

[ãó å òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé àéìà øáé éñà áùí øáé ìòæø àúéà ãøáé ùîòåï áùéèú øáé ò÷éáä øáå. ëîä ãøáé ò÷éáä àîø àéðå ôøé ëï øáé [ãó ã òîåã à] ùîòåï àåîø àéðå ôøé.


(R. Ila/ R. Yasa citing R. Elazar): R. Shimon (who exempts a small Esrog from Maaser) follows R. Akiva, his teacher, that it's not a fruit.

àîø øáé éåñé ëì ùäåà ëùø ììåìá çééá áîòùøåú åëì ùàéðå ëùø ììåìá àéðå çééá áîòùøåú.


(R. Yosi): Whatever is qualified to be used for taking the Lulav is obligated in Ma'asros; whatever is not, is exempt.

äúéáåï äøé äîðåîø äøé âãì áèôåñ äøé òùåé ëëãåø äøé äåà ôñåì ììåìá åçééá áîòùøåú.


Question: But a Baraisa teaches that a spotty Esrog, an Esrog grown in a mould and a round Esrog are Pasul for use in taking the Lulav, but they are still obligated in Ma'asros?

îñúáøà øáé ùîòåï éåãé ìøáé ò÷éáä åøáé ò÷éáä ìà éåãé ìø''ù. ø''ù éåãé ìø''ò ãëúéá ôøé åàéðå ôøé. ø''ò ìà éåãé ìø''ù äøé äîðåîø äøé âãì áèôåñ äøé òùåé ëëãåø äøé äåà ôñåì ììåìá åçééá áîòùøåú:


Rather, it's logical that R. Shimon agrees with R. Akiva but not vice-versa. R. Shimon agrees with R. Akiva, as the Torah requires it to be a fruit to be obligated. But R. Akiva does not agree with R. Shimon - a half ripe Esrog is like the other disqualifications of Esrog, such as spotty, grown in a mould and round, since it is not considered 'Hadar' - beautiful, as required by the Torah; but nevertheless, it is still obligated in Ma'asros.

äçééá áù÷ãéí äîøéí ôèåø áîúå÷éí ÷èðéí äçééá áîúå÷éí (÷èðéí) ôèåø áîøéí âãåìéí.


The meaning of the Mishnah's teaching (see above (b)) about almonds is - When bitter almonds are obligated, sweet almonds are exempt when they are small. And when sweet almonds are obligated, bitter ones are exempt when they are large.

úðé øáé éùîòàì áé øáé éåñé îùåí àáéå ù÷éãéí äîøéí äøé àìå ôèåøéï åîúå÷éí àéðï çééáéí òã ùúôøåù ÷ìéôúï äçéöåðä.


Baraisa (R. Yishmael bei R. Yosi citing his father): Bitter almonds are exempt and sweet ones are only obligated when the nut separates from the outer shell.

äåøé øáé çðéðà áöéôåøéï ëäãà ãøáé éùîòàì áé øáé éåñé.


R. Chanina ruled in Tziporin like the statement of R. Yishmael bei R. Yosi.

áîä äåøé


Question: About which case did he rule?

öéôåøàé àîøé áîøéí. øáé æòéøà àîø áîúå÷éí.


Answer: The Chachamim of Tzipori said that it was about bitter almonds. R. Zeira said that it was about sweet ones.

àîø øáé éåçðï éøãå ìëàï ðúçééáå òìå ëáø ðôèøå.


(R. Yochanan): When the small bitter almonds arrived from Tzipori, (where they exempt them) to Tiveria (where they obligate them), they became obligated. But when those nuts were taken back to Tzipori, they again became exempt (because they had originally been exempt before they were taken to Tiveria).

[ãó å òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] äåøé øáé ôéðçñ ëéåï ùøàä ùìùä ùôéøùä ÷ìéôúï äçéöåðä ùäåà úåøí àú ëì ä÷åôä.


R. Pinchas ruled that once he saw three sweet almonds that had separated from their outer shells, he would tithe the entire box.

àîø øáé îðà åáìáã ùìà éúøåí î÷åôä òì çáéøúä:


(R. Mana): As long as one doesn't tithe from one box for another.