
THE RIPENING OF VARIOUS FRUITS (Yerushalmi Ma'asros Perek 1 Halachah 2 Daf 3a)

äøéîåðéí îùéîñå. øáé æòéøà áùí øáé éñà îùéúîòê äàåëì úçú éãéå.


The Mishnah taught - Pomegranates - when their pits become soft. R. Zeira citing R. Yasa said that it's when the flesh becomes squashed when it's held (and releases juices).

øáé éåãä áø ôæé áùí øáé éäåùò áï ìåé îùéëðéñå îçöä.


(R. Yuda ben Pazi citing R. Yehoshua ben Levi): When they reach a half ripened.

øáé éåðä áòé ãéìîà îï øáðéï ãàâãúà äåà ùîò ìä. (ãáøéí à) àçéðå äîñå àú ìááéðå ôìâéï ìááéðå.


Question (R. Yona): What's his source for this? Perhaps he heard it from the Rabbanan who expound Agadata, as the pasuk states (Devarim 1:28), "Our brothers have broken our hearts (in two)''.

äúîøéí îùéèéìå ùàåø. øáé çééà áø ååà àîø îùéúîìà äçøõ.


The Mishnah taught - Dates - when they swell up (like yeast). R. Chiya bar Vava said - when their groove (that appears early in their growth) is filled.

øáé éåðä áòé îä ðï ÷ééîéï àí ëùéúîìà äçøõ ðåáìú äéà àí îùúôøåù âøòéðä îúåê äàåëì áùìä äéà ëì öåøëä.


Question (R. Yona): What's the case? At that point, it is still unripe; if its pit has separated from its flesh, it's fully ripened...?

øáðéï ã÷éñøéï àîøå [îùéùèçí] åéäéå éôåú ìàëéìä:


Answer (Rabbanan of Kisarin): If they would be detached and spread out and would be ready to eat, they are obligated.

äôøñ÷éï îùéèéìå âéãéí. øáé æòéøà áùí àéñé îùéèéìå âéãéí àãåîéí:


The Mishnah taught - Peaches - when they form veins. R. Zeira cited from Isi - When they form red veins.

äàâåæéí åäù÷ãéí îùéòùå îâåøä øáé éåãä àåîø äàâåæéí åäù÷ãéí îùéòùå ÷ìéôä. àîøå á÷ìéôä äúçúåðä ùäéà ñîåëä ìàåëì.


The Mishnah taught - Walnuts [and almonds] - when they separate from the outer shell. R. Yehuda said - Walnuts and almonds - when their skins have formed. They explained that their skin refers to the thin skin that's close to the actual nut.

îåãéí çëîéí ìøáé éåãä áàìöøéï åáàéôñè÷éï åáàéöèøåáéìéï îùéòùå ÷ìéôä.


The Chachamim agree to R. Yehuda that for Altzerin, Pistachio and Isterublin nuts, it is when their skins have formed.

úðé øáé çéððà áø ôôà çøåáéï ùéìùåìï äéà çðèï.


Baraisa (R. Chinana bar Papa): For carobs, even though the Mishnah taught that their obligation of Ma'asros comes when they form black dots; but as for Sheviis and for establishing their year of Maaser, it's when they form a chain.

åëì äùçåøéï. ëâåï òðáé äãñ åòðáé ñðä.


The Mishnah taught - the same applies to all black fruit. For example, myrtle berries and thorn-bush berries.

îùéð÷éãå. úðé øáé çéððà áø ôôà îùéòùå ð÷åãåú ð÷åãåú ùçåøåú.


The Mishnah taught - 'Misheyankidu' - meaning when they form black spots.

äôøéùéï. àéñôøâìéï åìîä ð÷øà ùîï ôøéùéï ùàéï ìê îéï àéìï ùäåà ôøéù ì÷ãéøä àìà æä áìáã.


The Mishnah taught - 'Perishin' - meaning Ispargalin (quinces); and why are they called 'Perishin'? As there is no other fruit of a tree that is exclusively eaten cooked ('Parish l'Kederah') rather than raw, other than this.

[ãó ä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åëì äìáðéí. ëâåï àéìéï îøôééúä.


(The Mishnah taught - Pears, Krustumlin pears, quinces and crab apples - when they begin to grow bald) and the same applies to all white fruit. For example, Marpaya.

îùé÷øéçå. øáé çéððà áø ôôà àîø îùéòùå ÷øçåú ÷øçåú ìáðåú.


The Mishnah taught - 'Misheyakrichu' - R. Chinana bar Papa said when they begin to grow bald.

úðé øáé ùîòåï áï éåçé îùéæçéìå îéí.


Baraisa (R. Shimon ben Yochai): (Since, as the Gemara will explain, when they begin to grow bald is not a clear sign, one should view them as obligated) when liquid comes out (when they are cut).

àúà òåáãà ÷åîé øáé çðéðà åáòà ìîéòáã ëøáé çéððà áø ôôà. çæø åàîø åëé îçîú äàåëì äï î÷øéçåú ìà îçîú äúåìòú ùéù áäï.


A case came before R. Chanina and he wished to rule like R. Chinana bar Pappa. He then retracted and said that balding is not a clear sign, since it might be because of worms rather than ripening.

äúìúï îùúöîéç. ëéðé îúðéúà ëãé ùúæøò åúöîéç. ëéöã äåà [ãó â òîåã á] áåã÷ øáé ùîåàì áø ðçîï áùí øáé éåðúï ðåèì îìà ÷åîöå åðåúï ìúåê äñôì ùì îéí àí ù÷ò øåáä çééáú åàí ìàå ôèåøä.


The Mishnah taught that fenugreek is obligated when its seeds can be planted. A Baraisa taught that it must be able to be planted and grow. How should he check? R. Shmuel bar Nachman citing R. Yonasan said that he should take a handful and put it in a basin of water. If most of it sinks, it's obligated in Maaser; if not, it is exempt.

øáé éåðä áòé îòúä îä ùùé÷ò éäà çééá åîä ùìà ùé÷ò éäà ôèåø. àìà áøåá ëì ôøéãä åôøéãä àéúàîøú.


Objection (R. Yona): If so, whatever sank should be obligated and whatever did not should be exempt? Rather, it means that if most of a seed sinks, that seed is obligated.

àîø øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï åëéðé áøåá ëì ôøéãä åôøéãä àéúàîøú.


(R. Yosi bei R. Bun): That's the way that the Mishnah must be learned.

à''ø æòéøà ëúéá (ãáøéí éã) òùø úòùø àú ëì úáåàú æøòê ãáø ùäåà ðæøò åîöîéç éöà ôçåú îùìéù ùàéðå ðæøò åîöîéç.


(R. Zeira): The pasuk states (Devarim 14:22), "You shall tithe all of your seed crop'' - this refers to something that is sown and grows. This excludes seeds that are less than a third grown, since they cannot be sown and grow.

øáé çéððà áùí øáé æéúéí åòðáéí ùìà äáéàå ùìéù àó äîù÷éï äéåöà îäï ìäëùéø àéðï îëùéøéí.


(R. Chinana citing Rebbi): Olives and grapes that didn't grow a third - their juices cannot cause foods to contract Tumah.

øáé çééä áùí øáé çðéðà æéúéí îàéîúé çééáåú áîòùøåú îùéáëø öîééà ÷ééèà. ìà áéëø öîééà ÷ééèà îùáéëøå áðåú ùáò. ìà áéëøå áðåú ùáò îùéåøå îøåéåú ùðééä ùáîå÷öä.


(R. Chiya citing R. Chanina): When are olives obligated in Ma'asros (i.e. that they have visibly grown a third)? When the first figs are ready for harvesting. And if there are no figs in that place, one can observe when the first Bnos Sheva figs are ready for harvesting. If there are none there, it's when the second harvest of the figs is done and they are put away to dry.

øáé ìòæø áé øáé éåñé áùí ø' úðçåí áø çééà îùéáëøå áðåú ùáò ìáðåú.


(R. Elazar bei R. Yosi citing R. Tanchum bar Chiya): When the first white Bnos Sheva figs are ready for harvesting.

àîø øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï åáìáã áðåú ùáò ùáàåúå î÷åí:


(R. Yosi bei R. Bun): As long as it's the Bnos Sheva of that place.