Why does R. Yose hold that Tumah in a cabinet in a building won't be Metamei the entire building?
Tumah won't definitely eventually be in the building, because it can be taken out in small pieces of less than a Kesayis or burned in the cabinet.
He doesn’t hold that Tumah spreads beyond the container that it’s in, even when it’s contained in a small place.
The case is one where we don’t know if the Meis is from a Yisrael or from a Nuchri.
Answers A and B.
Answers A and C.
Which Tumos is a Golel Metamei?
Maga and Ohel.
Only Maga.
Only Masa.
Maga, Masa, and Ohel.
Maga and Masa.
Which Tumos is an Etzem Ke’Seorah Metamei?
Only Maga.
Only Masa.
Maga and Masa.
Only Ohel.
Maga, Masa, and Ohel.
Which parts from a Neveilah transmit Tumah when touched? does someone become Tamei when touching a dead animal’s hide, and doesn’t become Tamei when touching a Neveilah Kulis bone?
The hide, when flesh is inside.
A closed Kulis bone, when flesh is inside.
The Cheilev while it covers the kidney.
Answers A and B.
Answers A and C.
When is a Sheretz egg Metamei someone who touches it?
Whenever it is Merukemes.
Whenever it is Merukemes, and it has even a tiny hole.
Whenever it is Merukemes, and it has a hole large enough for a small finger to go through.