CHULIN 31-43 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.


COOKING SHEVIIS WITH TERUMAH (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 8 Halachah 7 Daf 23b)

îùðä àéï îáùìéï éø÷ ùì ùáéòéú áùîï ùì úøåîä ùìà éáéàðå ìéãé ôñåì øáé ùîòåï îúéø


(Mishnah): One may not cook Sheviis vegetables in Terumah oil, lest they become unfit (if the oil becomes Tamei). R. Shimon permits it.

åäàçøåï àçøåï ðúôñ [ãó ëã òîåã à] áùáéòéú åäôéøé ìòöîå àñåø:


The last item that's exchanged receives the sanctity of Sheviis but the fruit always remains with its sanctity.

âîøà úîï úðéðï åáëåìï äëäðéí øùàéï ìùðåú áàëéìúï åìàåëìï öìåééï ùìå÷éï åîáåùìéí åìéúï ìúåëï úáìé çåìéï åúáìé úøåîä ãáøé ø''ù


(Gemara) (Mishnah in Maseches Zevachim) (R. Shimon): In all sacrifices that are eaten, the Kohanim may eat them roasted, heavily boiled or boiled and add any spices, whether Chulin or Terumah.

ø''î àåîø ìà éúï ìúåëï ùìà éáéà àú äúøåîä ìéãé ôñåì


(R. Meir): He should not add Terumah spices, so that Terumah should not become disqualified (when the time limit of the sacrifice ends).

àúéà ãéçéãàé ãäëà ëñúîà ãúîï [ãó ñæ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åãéçéãéàé ãäëà ëñúîà ãúîï


Question: Our Mishnah brings the individual view of R. Shimon against the Stam (meaning the unnamed first opinion that is the view of the Chachamim), and the Halacha always follows the Stam. But in contrast, the Mishnah in Zevachim brings a similar case with the view of R. Shimon against R. Meir and when R. Meir and R. Shimon disagree, the Halacha follows R. Shimon...?

àìà ãñúîà ãäëà ø''î ãúîï ø''î åø''ù äìëä ëø''ù


Rather, the Stam opinion here is (not the Chachamim, but rather) that of R. Meir of that Mishnah and the Halacha follows R. Shimon (so there's no contradiction).

àîø øáé éåñé àùúàìéú ìàéìéï ãáéú øáé éðàé àîøé ðäéâéï äåéðï îáùìéï òì éã òì éã åàåëìéï


Disagreeing (R. Yosi): I asked those people of the House of R. Yannai if one must be concerned for bringing Kodshim to disqualification. They said, "(To avoid this) we would cook a Sheviis vegetable in small quantities in Terumah oil and we would eat them (so that none should remain).

îàé ëãåï äìëä ëø''î ãúîï äéà øáðï ãäëà


What does this show? In fact, the Halacha follows R. Meir of that Mishnah, which is the Rabbanan of our Mishnah (despite the rule that we usually follow R. Shimon rather than R. Meir when they disagree).

äàçøåï àçøåï ðúôñ áùáéòéú åäôéøé òöîå àñåø äà ëéöã ì÷ç áôéøåú ùáéòéú áùø àéìå åàéìå îúáòøéï áùáéòéú ì÷ç ááùø ãâéí éöà áùø ðúôùå ãâéí ì÷ç áãâéí ùîï éöàå ãâéí åðëðñ ùîï äàçøåï àçøåï ðúôñ áùáéòéú åäôéøé òöîå àñåø


The Mishnah taught that the last item that's exchanged receives the sanctity of Sheviis but the fruit always remains with its sanctity. How is this? If he bought meat with Sheviis fruit, both must have Biur in Sheviis. If he bought fish with the meat, the meat is discharged of and the fish receives the sanctity of Sheviis. If he bought oil with the fish, the fish is discharged of and the oil receives the sanctity of Sheviis. The latter one always receives it and the fruit itself remains prohibited.

áòå îéðéä îøáé éåçðï ùáéòéú îäå ùúöà ãøê çéìåì


Question (to R. Yochanan): Could the sanctity of Sheviis be removed using Chilul (redemption) rather than a sale?

àîø ìéä åìîä ìà


Answer (R. Yochanan): Why not?!

àîø ø''à àéï ùáéòéú éåöà ãøê çéìåì àìà ãøê îëéøä


(R. Elazar disagreed): It cannot be removed through Chilul, only through a sale.

îúðéúà îñééò ìãéï åîúðéúà îñééò ìãéï


Each opinion has a Baraisa that supports him...

îúðéúà îñééò ìø''é ëì îé ùéù ìå îòåú îãîé ùáéòéú åäåà øåöä ìçììï òì òéñúå îçììï


(Baraisa for R. Yochanan): Whoever has monies of Sheviis and wishes to redeem them onto his dough, he may do so.

îúðéúà îñééò ìøáé àìòæø îé ùéù ìå ñìò îãîé ùáéòéú åäåà øåöä ìé÷ç çìå÷ äåìê àöì çðååðé äøâéì àöìå åàîø úï ìé áæå ôéøåú åäåà ðåúï ìå åäåà àåîø ìå äøé ôéøåú äàìå ðúåðéí ìê áîúðä åäçðååðé àåîø ìå äøé ñìò æå ðúåðä ìê áîúðä åçåæø ìå÷ç ìå çìå÷


(Baraisa for R. Elazar): One who has a Selah coin of Sheviis and he wishes to buy a cloak, he should go to a shopkeeper who he is familiar with and say, "Give me fruits for this (money)''. (The fruits receive the sanctity of Sheviis.) Then he says to the shopkeeper, "The fruits are yours as a gift''. The shopkeeper then eats them with the sanctity of Sheviis and he should tell the customer, "This Selah coin (that no longer has the sanctity of Sheviis) is yours as a gift''. The customer can then use the money to buy a cloak. (The fact that the Baraisa required this complicated process shows that Chilul doesn't work.)

[ãó ñç òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé éåçðï ùúé çîøà åéäéá ôøéèåé


R. Yochanan drank Sheviis wine and then paid for them afterwards (so that the money wouldn't receive the sanctity of Sheviis).

òã ëãåï øáé éåçðï ãäåà îúééçîåï äà ùàø ëì àãí ãìà îúééçîåï


Question: That's fine for R. Yochanan who was a trusted person, but what should others do?

øáé éò÷á áø àçà áùí øáé àáéðà îçåé ìéä )ëäãà)[áäãà] åðñá (ëäãà)[áäãà]


Answer (R. Yaakov bar Acha citing Avina): Show him the money in one hand and take the wine in the other.

øáé çæ÷éä äåä àîø à''ì äá ìé îï ÷åîåé îï âå ãå àîø ìéä äá ìé îï ÷åîåé ëîàï ãìà éäá ìéä îï ãîé ùáéòéú:


R. Chizkiyah would tell the shopkeeper, "Give me the wine first (before I give you the money)''. And since he acquired the wine beforehand, the payment becomes just like a loan repayment rather than using the money with the sanctity of Sheviis.