
TO WHOM IS A SELLER MAKNEH? (Yerushalmi Perek 9 Halachah 5 Daf 39a)

תני הנותן מעות לחבירו ליקח לו חטים ולקח לו שעורים אם פחתו פחתו לו ואם הותירו הותירו לו


(Beraisa #1): If one gave coins to his friend to buy for him wheat, and he bought barley, if [the seller] gave to him too little, [the Shali'ach] suffers the loss. If he gave to him extra, he [the Shali'ach] gets the extra.

[דף לט עמוד ב] ותני חורין אם פחתו פחתו לו ואם הותירו הותירו לשניהן.


(Beraisa #2): If he gave to him too little, he [the Shali'ach] suffers the loss. If he gave to him extra, the extra is [shared among] both of them.

מאי טעמא דר' יודן


Question: What is the reason of R. Yehudah (the author of Beraisa #1 - Demai 6:8)?

שלא נתכוין המוכר לזכות אלא (לבעל המעות) [צ''ל לוקח - רידב''ז]


Answer: The seller intended only for the buyer (the one who gave to him the money) to acquire.

ולמה אין חולק עמו


Objection: Why does he not divide with him? (The profit came also through the Meshale'ach's money!)

שאסור ליהנות מחבירו.


Answer: One may not benefit from another. (The seller intended only for the buyer.)

מעתה אפילו אמר לו ליקח לו חטים ולקח לו חטים


Question: If so, we should say [that the buyer keeps the extra] even if he told him to buy for him wheat, and he bought for him wheat!

לא נתכוין המוכר לזכות אלא לבעל המעות ובשעה שאמר לו ליקח חטים ולקח לו שעורים לא נתכוון מוכר לזכות אלא ללוקח


Answer: [Then,] the seller intended only for the owner of the coins to acquire. When he told him to buy wheat, and he bought barley, the seller intended only for the buyer to acquire.

וקיים מה בידיה.


Objection: Does [the seller] know (whether or not the Shali'ach deviated)?!

א''ר נסא בשעה שקיים שליחותו לא נתכוון המוכר לזכות לבעל המעות לא קיים שליחותו נתכוון לזכות ללוקח


Answer #3 (R. Nasa): (The seller always intends for the buyer in front of him.) When he fulfilled his Shelichus, the seller did not intend for the owner of the coins to acquire. (Rather, the owner acquires, for his Shali'ach is in place of him.) When he did not fulfill his Shelichus, [the seller] intended for the buyer (i.e. Shali'ach, who buys for himself) to acquire.

ולמה חולק עמו


Question: [In Beraisa #2] why does he divide with him? (The author, R. Yosi, holds that the seller intends for the owner of the coins!)

[דף לה עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] אמר הואיל ובאת לו הנייה מתחת ידו אף הוא חולק עמו.


Answer: Since [the seller] benefited through him (the Shali'ach chose to buy from him, he wants that the Shali'ach) divide [the extra] with him.