[75 - 50 lines; 75b - 43 lines]

1)[line 13]"אם המצא תמצא""IM HIMATZEI TIMATZEI"- "If the theft be at all found [in his hand alive, whether it be an ox, or a donkey, or a sheep; he shall restore double.]" (Shemos 22:3)

2)[line 15]"אשר ירשיעון""ASHER YARSHI'UN"- "[... or for any kind of lost thing, about which he will say that this is it, the cause of both parties shall come before the judges;] and whom the judges shall condemn, [he shall pay double to his neighbor.]" (Shemos 22:8)

3)[line 19]שממשמשים ובאיםSHE'MEMASHMESHIM U'VA'IM- they were approaching

4)[line 31]ביעתותא דעדיםBI'ASUSA D'EDIM- the fear of the witnesses

5)[line 38]שהרי פטר עצמו מכלוםSHE'HAREI PATAR ATZMO MI'KELUM- for he exempted himself from nothing (since it is obvious that he admit to the Tevichah or Mechirah only because he was afraid that Edim would come)

6)[line 39]קפחתי[נהו] לסבי דבי רבKIPACHTI[NHU] L'SAVEI D'VEI RAV- you have angered the elders of the Yeshiva (see Tosfos, Maharsha)


7)[line 21]עדות שבטלה מקצתה בטלה כולהEDUS SHE'BATLAH MIKTZASAH, BATLAH KULAH- when part of the details of the testimony of witnesses is proven to be invalid, the entire testimony is invalid

8)[line 23]והוא משלם תשלומי שלשה לפר ושנים לאילV'HU MESHALEM TASHLUMEI SHELOSHAH L'FAR U'SHNAYIM L'AYIL- and he (the Ganav) pays three times the value of the animal that he stole and sold (or slaughtered) for a cow, and two times the value of the animal for a ram

9)[line 34]בעדות שאי אתה יכול להזימהB'EDUS SH'IY ATAH YACHOL L'HAZIMAH- testimony of witnesses that does not allow for the possibility of being proven false through "Hazamah"

10)[line 42]סיועי הוא דקא מסייעי ליהSIYU'EI HU D'KA MESAYE'EI LEI- they are merely supporting his (the Ganav's) own admission