[22a - 57 lines; 22b - 38 lines]
1)[line 2]צוליןTZOLIN- roast
2)[line 5]קיתוןKITON- a pitcher [of water]
3a)[line 15]שערב לזהSHE'IREV L'ZEH- that he made an Eruv Tavshilin of baked and cooked items
b)[line 15]ולא ערב לזהV'LO IREV L'ZEH- and did not make an Eruv Tavshilin of insulated water
4)[line 18]של חליותSHEL CHULIYOS- made of segments
5)[line 20]יש / אין בנין בכלים ויש / אין סתירה בכליםYESH / EIN BINYAN B'CHELIM V'YESH / EIN SETIRAH B'CHELIM
(a)Binyan (building) and Setirah (dismantling) are two of the thirty-nine Avos Melachos (creative acts of labor) that are prohibited on Shabbos (Mishnah to Shabbos 73a).
(b)Beis Shamai explain that these prohibitions apply not only to buildings attached to the ground, but to movable utensils as well. Beis Hillel maintain that Binyan and Setirah do not apply to utensils.
6)[line 22]שמעיהSHAM'EI- his attendant
7)[line 22]זקף לה לשרגאZAKAF LAH L'SHERAGA- tilted an earthenware oil lamp (O.F. croisel) [so that the oil within would no longer touch the wick, in order to conserve the oil]
8)[line 24]מבעירMAV'IR- igniting a fire (one of the thirty-nine Melachos that are prohibited on Shabbos)
9)[line 24]המסתפקHA'MISTAPEK- one who removes oil [in order to eat it]
10)[line 24]מכבהMECHABEH- extinguishing a fire (one of the thirty-nine Melachos that are prohibited on Shabbos)
11)[line 25]לאו אדעתאיLAV A'DAITA'I- I was unaware [that my attendant did such a thing]
12)[line 25]קנבאKINBA- a) (O.F. mochier) trimming [the charred part of the wick from the remaining wick] (RASHI, TOSFOS DH Kinba); b) According to the Girsa KINSA - removing twigs that have not yet caught from a large bonfire (RIF, cited by the ROSH 2:18)
13)[line 27]מפני דבר אחרMIPNEI DAVAR ACHER- in order to have relations [which may not be done in the presence of direct light]
14)[line 30]לכפות עליו את הכליLI'CHFOS ALAV ES HA'KLI- to overturn a vessel upon it
15)[line 32]בקעתBEKA'AS- (O.F. estele) a [burning] block of wood
16)[line 32]כדי לחוס עליהKEDEI LA'CHUS ALEHA- in order to save [the rest of the block from burning]
17)[line 34]רבי יהודה היאREBBI YEHUDAH HI- [the opinion of] Rebbi Yehudah [who permits the performance of Melachah on Yom Tov for any purpose for which one has a need (28b)]
18)[line 36]הדלקהHA'DELEIKAH- a fire
19)[line 44]לכחול את העיןLIKCHOL ES HA'AYIN- to apply Kechol (a blue tinted powder with medicinal properties) around one's eyes
20a)[line 45]ריראRIRA- a disease (O.F. chacide) in which the eye produces a discharge (O.F. beve)
b)[line 45]דיצאDITZA- a disease that produces a pricking pain in the eye
c)[line 45]דמאDAMA- (O.F. sancterude) a burst blood vessel in the eye
d)[line 45]דמעתאDIM'ASA- continuous tearing of the eye
e)[line 45]קדחתאKADACHTA- (O.F. eschalfaison) an infection that includes a fever
f)[line 46]תחלת אוכלאTECHILAS UCHLA- the beginning symptoms of any of the above diseases
21)[line 47]פצוחי עינאPATZUCHEI EINA- brightening (i.e., improving) eyesight
22)[line 54]דקא עמיץ ופתחD'KA AMITZ U'FASACH- for you close and open [your eyes]
23)[line 55]דקאי כותךD'KA'I KAVASACH- who agreed with you[r objection and asked me the same question]
24)[line 55]מסייע אין בו ממשMESAYEI'A EIN BO MAMASH
(a)Regarding any action prohibited by the Torah, one is liable to receive punishment only if he is the only one to perform the forbidden action. If two people jointly perform the action, they are both Patur. An example of this is two people who together carry a very heavy object from a Reshus ha'Yachid to a Reshus ha'Rabim.
(b)This is only true, however, if neither of the two were able to accomplish the action without the help of the other. If one of the two would have been able to perform the entire action on his own and the other merely helped a bit (Mesayei'a), than the first is guilty while the second is not considered to have done any action at all.
25)[last line]יתעסקו בו עממיןYIS'ASKU BO AMAMIM- Nochrim should take care of [all of] his [needs that require the performance of Melachah, such as sewing shrouds, digging a grave, etc.]
26)[line 1]מה שאין כן בביצהMAH SHE'EIN KEN B'BEITZAH- whereas an egg [that is laid on the first day of Rosh Hashanah] is different [and one may not eat it on the second day]
27)[line 3]מעברי ליה לאלולME'ABRI LEI L'ELUL- they will add a thirtieth day to [the month of] Elul [resulting in two days of Rosh Hashanah]
28)[line 4]עזראEZRA- the leader of Klal Yisrael who led them from Bavel to Eretz Yisrael following the seventy-year-long Babylonian exile; known as Ezra ha'Sofer
29)[line 6]פת עבהPAS AVAH- thick Matzah
30)[line 8]לחם הפניםLECHEM HA'PANIM
(a)The Lechem ha'Panim (Showbread) refers to the twelve loaves arranged in two stacks (Sedarim) - six loaves to a stack - on the Golden Table of the Mishkan or Beis ha'Mikdash. The loaves are one Tefach thick and may not be Chametz. Fresh loaves are arranged on the Table every Shabbos and are left there through the following Shabbos. The loaves are eaten by Kohanim after their removal (Vayikra 24:5-9).
(b)The house of Garmo were those responsible for the baking of the Lechem ha'Panim. Their expertise lay in the art of shaping the Lechem ha'Panim, which were baked in a particularly unusual form.
31a)[line 9]זריזיןZERIZIN- those especially meticulous [in the baking of the Lechem ha'Panim; namely, the house of Garmo (see previous entry)]
b)[line 10]פת עמלהPAS AMEILAH- (O.F. breide) bread [made from] well-worked [dough]. The dough for the Lechem ha'Panim was kneaded 300 times and pounded 500 times.
c)[line 11]עצים יבשיםETZIM YEVEISHIM- dry wood (which was the only kind used in the Beis ha'Mikdash)
d)[line 12]תנור חםTANUR CHAM- a hot oven [such as the one in the Beis ha'Mikdash which was always warm, in which case the bread bakes quickly and has less of a chance of becoming Chametz]
e)[line 13]תנור של מתכתTANUR SHEL MATECHES- a metal oven [such as the one in the Beis ha'Mikdash, in which case it gets very hot and the dough has less of a chance of becoming Chametz]
32)[line 14]שאלית את רבי ביחודSHE'ELIS ES REBBI B'YICHUD- I asked my Rebbi a) privately; b) in a way that left no doubt
33)[line 16]רבינו הקדושREBEINU HA'KADOSH- this is the Tana known as Rebbi
34)[line 17]דנפישא בלישהD'NEFISHA B'LISHA- a) there is a lot of dough (RASHI); b) each loaf is very large (TOSFOS)
35)[line 17]אתריהASREI- the place in which he lived
36)[line 21]מכבדין בית המטותMECHABDIN BEIS HA'MITOS- one may sweep the dining area, where people recline as they eat. The reason why this might be problematic is that our Mishnah assumes a dirt floor, in which case one may even out the holes in the floor. This may be considered Boneh (building), which is prohibited on Shabbos and Yom Tov.
37)[line 22]מניחין את המוגמרMANICHIM ES HA'MUGMAR- one may place incense [on coals]
38)[line 22]גדי מקולסGEDI MEKULAS- a helmeted kid-goat [in which a the hooves and entrails hang next to the animal on the spit similar to the way in which the weapons of a warrior hang at his side (RASHI); b) the hooves and entrails hang on the spit above the animal's head as it roasts (RASHI to Pesachim 74)]
39a)[line 23]לגמרL'GAMER- to perfume clothing and vessels
b)[line 23]להריחL'HARI'ACH- to perfume the air
40)[line 27]סדיניןSEDININ- sheets
41)[line 32]ערדסקאותIRDASKA'OS- (O.F. encensiers) censers (containers for burning incense)
42)[line 32]מעשנין אותןME'ASHNIN OSAN- they would fill them with incense-laden smoke
43)[line 32]פוקקין נקביהןPOKEKIN NIKVEIHEN- they would stop up their openings
44)[line 33]למחר כשאורחים נכנסיןL'MACHAR KESHE'ORCHIM NICHNASIN ...- It is clear from this account that the purpose of the incense placed upon the coals discussed in our Mishnah was to perfume the air, not clothing and vessels.
45)[line 36]לעשןL'ASHEN- to smoke [fruits with incense on Yom Tov in order to enhance their flavor]
46)[line 37]שמכבהSHE'MECHABEH- [through placing incense upon coals,] one [partly] extinguishes [the coals]. This is permitted on Yom Tov only for that which is considered pleasurable by everyone, but not every person is interested in incense-smoked fruits.
47)[last line]גחלתGACHELES- a coal