
TOSFOS DH Machvi Rav Huna Chad mi'Didhu

úåñôåú ã"ä îçåé øá äåðà çã îãéãäå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what was different about Rav Yehudah's eyes.)

ôéøåù øá éäåãä ùäéä ìôðéå ôé' á÷åðè' ùäéå òéðéå îùåðåú åìà ôéøù áîä äéå îùåðåú


Explanation #1: [Of his] refers to Rav Yehudah, who was in front of [Rav Huna at the time]. Rashi explained that [Rav Yehudah's] eyes were unusual. He did not specify how they were unusual.

åø''ú îôøù ãøá éäåãä àøéê áãåøå äåä ãàîø áôø÷ äîôìú (ðãä ãó ëã:) åøá äåðà àéðéù âåöà äåä ëãàé' áîñëú (úòðéåú ôø÷à ãçñéãéí) [ö"ì áôø÷ áðé äòéø (îâéìä ëæ:) - ùéèä î÷åáöú] åîùåí äëé ìà äéå òéðéå ðëøåú ÷èðåú ë''ë îùì ñúí áðé àãí


Explanation #2 (R. Tam): Rav Yehudah was tallest of his generation, like it says in Nidah (24b), and Rav Huna was short, like it says in Megilah (27b), and therefore his eyes were not noticeably so much smaller than those of Stam people;

àáì îùì øá éäåãä äéå ðëøåú ùäéå âãåìåú äøáä åìëê ä÷ôéã øá éäåãä


However, they were noticeably [much smaller] than those of Rav Yehudah, which were very big. Therefore, Rav Yehudah was upset;

åäééðå ùéðåé ãòéðå àçú âãåìä åàçú ÷èðä


The Shinuy is that one is big and one is small.

åàò''â ãìà äåé îåîà ìòðéï àçåìé òáåãä òã ùúäà âãåìä ëùì òâì àå ÷èðä ëùì àååæ


Implied question: This is not a Mum to disqualify Avodah until one is as big as of a calf, or as small as of a goose (40b)!

îëì î÷åí àéï æä ùåä áæøòå ùì àäøï


Answer: In any case he is unlike other descendants of Aharon.


TOSFOS DH Einav Terutos

úåñôåú ã"ä òéðéå úøåèåú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why the Tana taught more severe cases of the same Mum.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ òâåìåú ëîå ëé úøåèä áñðäãøéï (ãó (÷æ) [ö"ì îá.]) âáé ìáðä


Explanation (Rashi): They were round, like Terutah, regarding the moon (Sanhedrin 42a. Our text there says like a Nafya (sifter));

åöéøðéåú ôéøù á÷åðè' òâåìåú éåúø îúøåèåú


Rashi explained that Tzinariyos are rounder than Terutos.

åúéîä ëéåï ãúðà ÷éìúà ë''ù çîéøúà


Question #1: Since the Tana taught minor (roundness, that it is a Mum), all the more so severe (roundness is a Mum)!

åëòðéï æä ÷ùä âáé ãúðà ãåîòåú ãåìôåú åèåøãåú ãåìôåú éåúø îãåîòåú åèåøãåú éåúø îãåìôåú


Question #2: Similarly, it is difficult that he taught "tears flow, Dolfos, and Tordos - Dolfos is more than flowing, and Tordos is more than Dolfos!

åùîà àéöèøéê ìîéúðé ëåìäå ìàùîåòéðï ãìà îéôñìé îùåí îåîà àìà îùåí ãàéï ùåä áæøòå ùì àäøï:


Answer: Perhaps he needed to teach all of them, to teach that they are not disqualified due to a Mum, rather, because he is unlike other descendants of Aharon.



TOSFOS DH v'Ein Shosin Mayim bi'Fnei Rabim

úåñôåú ã"ä åàéï ùåúéï îéí áôðé øáéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when this applies.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ãøê ú''ç ìäéåú öðåò áàëéìä åùúéä


Explanation #1 (Rashi): It is the way of a Chacham to be modest in eating and drinking.

åäà ãàîø áñåó ëéöã öåìéï (ôñçéí ãó ôå:) ãøá äåðà áøéä ãøá ðúï àùúé ëñà áúøé æîðé åìà îäãø àôéä å÷àîø äúí ëìä úðï


Implied question: It says in Pesachim (86b) that Rav Huna brei d'Rav Nasan drank a cup in two times (he paused one in the middle), and did not turn his face away. [He] said there that the Mishnah says that a Kalah [turns away, but men do not].

îùîò äúí ùãøê ìùúåú áôðé øáéí áìà çæøú ôðéå


Inference: It is normal to drink in front of many people without turning his face away!

äééðå áùòú ñòåãä ãåîéà ãëìä


Answer: That is at the time of a meal, similar to a Kalah.

åáäìëåú ãøê àøõ àîøéðï ãáøáéí äåôê ôðéå ìöã àçø åéùúä îéí


Citation: In Hilchos Derech Eretz we say that amidst Rabim, he turns his face to another side and drinks water.

ðøàä ãð÷è îéí ìôé ùàéï øâéìéï ìùúåú ëåìï îéí àìà äöîà áìáã àáì ùàø ãáøéí øâéìéï ìùúåú éçã


Inference: It mentioned water, for not everyone drinks water, only one who is thirsty. However, other matters it is common to drink together [so he need not turn away].

åø''ú àåîø ãä''÷ ãàôéìå ìàåúï äöðåòéí ùìà ìùúåú îéí áôðé øáéí ìà ìéäåé öðåò ìäèéì îéí ùîà éîúéï åéñúëï


Explanation #2 (R. Tam): Here it means that even those who are modest and do not drink in front of Rabim, one should not be modest not to urinate [in front of them], lest he delay and be endangered [to become sterile].


TOSFOS DH Eimasai Lo Yihyeh Becha Akar v'Akarah bi'Zman shebi'Vhemtecha

úåñôåú ã"ä àéîúé ìà éäéä áê ò÷ø åò÷øä áæîï ùááäîúê

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions how they could fulfill this in the Midbar.)

úéîä äéàê éëåìéï ìäùéí òöîï ëáäîä áäèìú îéí ùäéå öøéëéï ìöàú çåõ îï äîçðä åìäøçé÷ â' ôøñàåú ëãàîøé' áô' áúøà ãéåîà (ãó òä:) ãàéï ðôðéí ìà áöãéäí åìà ìôðéäí àìà ìàçøéäí


Question: How could they make themselves like an animal regarding urinating? They needed to leave the Machaneh and distance three Parsa'os (about 12 kilometers), like it says in Yoma (75b) that we do not defecate to the side [of Machaneh Yisrael] or in front, only to the back;


Note: Machaneh Yisrael was a square of side three Parsa'os. For those who were in front, they needed to go three Parsa'os.

åäééðå àôéìå á÷èðéí ãáôø÷ îé ùîúå (áøëåú ãó ëä.) îå÷îà åéúã úäéä ìê îçåõ ìîçðä åéöàú åâå' á÷èðéí


And this is even for urinating, for in Brachos (25a) we establish "v'Yad Tihyeh Lecha mi'Chutz la'Machaneh v'Yatzasah..." to discuss urinating! (Eizehu Mekoman brings several answers to this.)


TOSFOS DH she'Lo Tehei Tefilascha Akurah Lifnei ha'Makom...

úåñôåú ã"ä ùìà úäà úôìúê ò÷åøä ìôðé äî÷åí áæîï ùàúä îùéí òöîê ëáäîä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos brings two opinions about what Tefilah is discussed.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ùìà úäà ò÷åøä ëùàúä îúôìì òì áðéí


Explanation #1 (Rashi): You will not be barren when you pray for children.

åðøàä ãìëì úôìä ÷àîø ëãàîø ùàéï äòåìí îú÷ééí àìà áîé ùîùéí òöîå ëáäîä ëãëúéá àãí åáäîä úåùéò ä' åáîé ùîùéí òöîå ëîé ùàéðå ëãëúéá (àéåá ëå) úåìä àøõ òì áìéîä (çåìéï ãó ôè.)


Explanation #2: It seems that we discuss all Tefilah, like it says "the world exists only [in the merit of] one who makes himself like an animal, like it says "Adam u'Vehemah Toshi'a Hash-m", and [in the merit of] one who makes himself as if he does not exist, like it says "Toleh Eretz Al Blimah" (Chulin 89a).


TOSFOS DH Lo Yashtin Adam Mayim Lo Al Gabei Kli Cheres...

úåñôåú ã"ä ìà éùúéï àãí îéí ìà òì (âáé) [ëìé] çøñ åìà òì âáé î÷åí ÷ùä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is only in Bavel.)

äðê çåîøåú ãå÷à áááì ëãàîø èòîà îùåí ãäðé îåãøé ãááì îäãøé îéà ìòéèí ùòì ðäø ôøú


Explanation: These stringencies are only in Bavel, like it says the reason, because the inclines of Bavel return water to Eitam on the Peras (Euphrates) river;

ããøê äîéí [ö"ì ùáááì - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ììëú ãøê äéìåëí ìòéï òéèí ãôøú îúòøá áëì îéîåú ùáòåìí ëãàîø ì÷îï áô''è (ãó ðä.) äðåãø îîéîé ôøú àñåø áëì îéîåú ùáòåìí


The water of Bavel flows to Ein Eitam, for the Peras mixes with all waters of the world, like it says below (55a) "one who vows from water of the Peras, he is forbidden all waters in the world";

åàôéìå òéðàúà ãîãìééà àîøéðï ì÷îï ãäðäå ñåìîé ãôøú ðéðäå


And even elevated springs (higher than the Peras), we say below (55b) "they are [fed from underground] ladders of the Peras."

åáñåëä (ãó ðâ.) ðîé àîøéðï ãëøéðï ôåøúà (åðáòé) [ö"ì åðô÷é - öàï ÷ãùéí] îéà äðäå ñåìîé ãôøú äåå


Also in Sukah (53a), we say "we dig a little and water comes out" - these are ladders of the Peras.

åàò''â ãñåìîé ãôøú îúòøáéï áëì îéîåú ùáòåìí


Implied question: Since the ladders of the Peras mix with all waters of the world, we should forbid [urinating in a urinal or on a hard place] in all waters in the world!

àéï ìàñåø àìà ùáááì ëãôøéùéú ùãøê äéìåëå ùì ôøú îúòøá áòéï òéèí


Answer: We forbid only in Bavel, like I explained, because the water of the Peras mixes with Ein Eitam.

åäåä îùîò îëàï ãôøú äåìê îááì ìà''é àáì ùàìúé ìàçã îà''é åàîø ìé ùéåøã îà''é ìááì


Question: Here it connotes that the Peras flows from Bavel to Eretz Yisrael. However, I asked someone from Eretz Yisrael, and he said that it descends from Eretz Yisrael to Bavel!

åëï îåëç ì÷îï áô''è (ãó ðä:) ãàîøéðï îèøà áîòøáà ñäãà øáà ôøú åëï ôéøù ùí á÷åðè'


Strengthening of question: And so it is proven below (55b). We say that the Peras is a great witness of rain in Eretz Yisrael. Also Rashi explained so.

åæäå ãåç÷ ìåîø ãàôéìå äåìê îááì ìà''é ðéëø ëùâãì äðäø îçîú øåá âùîéí åîúøáä äðäø ìàçåøéå îúåê øáåé äîéí


Poor Answer: It is difficult to say that even though the Peras flows from Bavel to Eretz Yisrael, it is recognized when the river increases due to much rain, and the river increases backwards (upstream) due to the increase of water (downstream).


TOSFOS DH Hai Itsa Lo Teikum Lehedya b'Apei Yenuka

úåñôåú ã"ä äàé àéúúà ìà úé÷åí ìäãéà áàôé éðå÷à

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is not due to exposing herself.)

àò''â ùàéðä îâìä òöîä àéëà çåöôà ëùäéà îèéìä îéí åäúéðå÷ òåîã áôðéä


Explanation: Even if she does not expose herself, it is brazen to urinate when the baby is in front of her.

ãäà àéï ãøê àùä ìâìåú òöîä ìôðéä ìà ì÷èðéí åìà ìâãåìéí ëãîåëç áô' îé ùîúå (áøëåú ãó ëâ:)


Source: A woman does not normally expose herself in front, not to urinate and not to defecate, like is proven in Brachos (23b, and even so we forbid in front of a baby).


TOSFOS DH li'Ydei Hadrokan v'Chulei li'Ydei Yerakon

úåñôåú ã"ä ìéãé äãøå÷ï ëå' ìéãé éø÷åï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that Hadrokan and Yerakon are the same.)

îùîò ãäãøå÷ï åéø÷åï úøé îéìé ðéðäå


Inference: Hadrokan and Yerakon are two kinds [of illnesses].

åîéäå ðøàä ùäí òðéï àçã ãàîøé' áéáîåú (ãó ñ:) äòáéøåí ìôðé öéõ ëì ùøàåéä ìáéàä ôðéä îåøé÷åú ãàîø ñéîï ìòáéøä äãøå÷ï:


Retraction: It seems that they are the same matter, for we say in Yevamos (60b) that they passed [captive girls taken from Midyan] in front of the Tzitz. Any girl proper (old enough) for Bi'ah, her face Morikos (turned yellow - the root of this word is Yerakon), for it was said that a Siman of Aveirah is Hadrokan.