
TOSFOS DH Ha Ika Yaveles

úåñôåú ã"ä äà àéëà éáìú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses learning man from animals and vice-versa.)

ä''ð äåé îöé ìîéôøê îçøåõ ãìà ëúéá áàãí åùééê áàãí (çåèéï åáî÷åí) [ö"ì çøåõ áî÷åí - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] òöí ëîå ááäîä


Observation: Likewise, he could have asked from Charutz (a crack), which is not written about man, and Charutz applies to man in the place of a bone, just like in an animal;

åëï ðúå÷ åëøåú ìà ëúéáé áàãí (åâáï ìà) [ö"ì àìà ëúéáé ááäîä åëï âáï ãëúéá áàãí åìà - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ëúéá ááäîä åàò''â ãùééê [ááäîä] ìîàï ãîôøù ì÷îï ùùãøúå ò÷åîä åìà îå÷é ìä áâáéðé òéðéå


Similarly, Natuk and Karus are not written about man, rather, they are written about animals, and similarly Giben is written about man, and it is not written about animals, even though it applies to animals, according to the opinion that explains below (43b) this his spine is bent, and he does not establish it to discuss eyebrows.

åà''ú àéï ìå áéöéí àå ùàéï ìå àìà áéöä àçú ãúðï ìòéì (ãó î.) âáé áäîä äøé æä [îåí] åàéï [æä] àìà îîøåç àùê ã÷àîø ú''÷ ì÷ðï áôéø÷éï àéï ìå áéöéí àå ùàéï ìå àìà áéöä àçú æäå îøåç àùê äàîåø áúåøä åéìôéðï áäîä îàãí áâ''ù ãáñîåê


Question: If he does not have Beitzim, or he has only one Beitzah, a Mishnah above (40a) about animals says that this is a Mum, and this is Meru'ach Ashech that the Tana says below (44b) "if he does not have Beitzim, or he has only one Beitzah, this is Meru'ach Ashech of the Torah", and we learn animals from man through the Gezeirah Shavah below;

úéðç ìú''÷ àìà ìøáé éùîòàì åø''ò ãàîøé çñø àùê îéáòé ìéä îðà ìäå ãàéðäå âåôééäå çùáé ìéä îåîà áôéø÷éï ãìòéì


This is fine for the first Tana, but for R. Yishmael and R. Akiva, who say [unlike that Tana, for if so,] the Torah should have said Chaser Ashech, what is their source? They themselves consider it a Mum above (40a)!

åàé ðô÷à ìï îîåîéï ùáâìåé åàéðï çåæøéï


Suggestion: They learn it, for it is an exposed Mum that does not return.

à''ë ìú''÷ ìîä ìé ÷øà ìäëé


Rejection #1: If so, why does the first Tana need a verse for it?

åàéðäå ðîé äåä îå÷îé ÷øà ìäëé àé ìàå îùåí ãçñø àùê îáòé ìéä


Rejection: #2: Also [R. Yishmael and R. Akiva] would have established the verse for this, if not that [if so, the Torah] should have said Chaser Ashech!

ãàéï ìçì÷ áéï àãí ìáäîä îùåí ãáäîä éù ìä ùðé ëéñéï åçùéá îåí èôé


Implied suggestion: We can distinguish people and animals, for an animal has two pouches, so it is a bigger Mum. (An exposed Mum that does not return teaches for animals, but we need a verse for people.)

ãäà àôé' àéï ìå áéöéí ëìì (ìîòåèé) îáòé ìéä ìîòåèé îîøåç àùê


Rejection: Even if he does not have Beitzim at all, we need to exclude it from Meru'ach Ashech! (Since an animal that has two pouches and only one Beitzah is a Ba'al Mum, all the more so a person who has one pouch and no Beitzah is a Ba'al Mum!)

åùîà é''ì áëé äàé âååðà ùééê ìåîø ãðùðä áùáéì ãáø ùðúçãù áä ëãø' éùîòàì ãáñîåê


Answer: Perhaps in such a case we can say that it was repeated due to a Chidush in it (a person with only one Beitzah, which we could not learn from animals), like R. Yishmael taught below.

åðéçà ðîé äùúà àôé' éù îåîéï ùðëúáå àò''â ãäåå ðô÷é îîåí ùáâìåé åàéðå çåæø


Support: Now it is fine even if there are Mumin that are written, even though we would have learned them from an exposed Mum that does not return.


TOSFOS DH Garav d'Kasav Rachmana Lamah Li Le'afnuyei

úåñôåú ã"ä âøá ãëúá øçîðà ì''ì (ìîòåèé) [ö"ì ìàôðåéé - äøù"ù]

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies that it is fully Mufneh.)

úéîä äà àéöèøéê ìëãàîø øáà áôéø÷éï ãìòéì (ãó îà.) ãìäëé ëúá øçîðà âøá ìîéîø ãçøåõ áî÷åí áùø ìà äåé îåîà


Question: We need it for like Rava taught above (41a) - the Torah wrote "Garav" to teach that Charutz in the place of flesh is not a Mum!

åîéäå úøé âøá åúøé éìôú ëúéáé çã áàãí åçã ááäîä åàééúø çã ìàôðåéé


Answer: Garav is written twice, and Yalefes is written twice, once in people and once in animals. One of them is extra to make [the Gezeirah Shavah] Mufneh.

àáì ò''ë ìà äåé îåôðä àìà îöã àçã åàéëà ìî''ã á''÷ (ãó ëä:) ãîùéáéï


Question #1: You are forced to say that it is Mufneh only from one side, and there is an opinion in Bava Kama (25b, that in such a case, if we can challenge it,) we challenge it!

åòåã ãîãð÷è ááøééúà ú''ì âøá âøá éìôú éìôú ì''ì ìîòáã âæéøä ùåä áúøååééäå îùîò ãð÷éè äëé îùåí ãáëì äðé úøé ãåëúé ëúéá âøá áäãé éìôú ìàôðåéé


Question #2: Since the Beraisa said "it says Garav-Garav Yalefes-Yalefes" - why must it make a Gezeirah Shavah from both of them? It connotes that it said so because in all these two places, Garav is written with Yalefes to make it Mufneh!

åé''ì ãîùåí ãøùà ãøáà ãìòéì ìà îôé÷ äôðàä îäëà ëéåï ãìôé ãøùà [ö"ì ãéãéä - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ìà îéúå÷îà âøá ìâåôéä àìà ììîã (äçøåí áî÷åí áùø) [ö"ì ãçøåõ áî÷åí áùø ìà äåé îåîà - ç÷ ðúï]


Answer: Rava's Drashah above does not stop it from being Mufneh here, since according to his Drashah, we do not establish Garav for itself, rather, to teach that Charutz in the place of flesh is not a Mum.


TOSFOS DH Giben v'Charum d'Lo Eisnehu bi'Vehemah

úåñôåú ã"ä âáï åçøåí ãìà àéúðäå ááäîä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this is like the first Tana below.)

äééðå ìú''÷ ãì÷îï áôéø÷éï ãîå÷é âáï áâáéðé òéðéí àáì ìøáé çðéðà áï àðèéâðåñ ãàîø ùéù ìå ùðé âáéï åùðé ùãøàåú ùééê ùôéø ááäîä


Explanation: This is according to the first Tana below (43b) who establishes Giben to discuss eyebrows, but according to R. Chanina ben Antigenus, who says that [it looks like] he has two backs and two spines, this properly applies to an animal.

åìäëé ìà ÷àîø ðîé îøåç àùê ãìéúéä [ö"ì ááäîä - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ìø' çðéðà áï àðèéâðåñ ãàîø ëì ùîøàéå çùåëéí ãìà àééøé àìéáéä


Support: This is why it does not say also Meru'ach Ashech, which does not apply to animals according to R. Chanina ben Antigenus, who says (44b) that he has a dark appearance, for we do not discuss according to him.


TOSFOS DH Lamah Li d'Kasav Rachmana Mum b'Adam...

úåñôåú ã"ä ìîä ìé ãëúá øçîðà îåí áàãí îåí ááëåø îåí á÷ãùéí öøéëé ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that now we do learn them from each other.)

úéîä ìîàé ã÷àîø öøéëé ãîùîò ãìà éìôéðï îäããé îðìï áàãí åá÷ãùéí ëì îåí ùáâìåé åàéðå çåæø


Question #1: According to what it says that they are needed, which implies that we do not learn them from each other, what is the source for man and Kodshim, an exposed Mum that does not return?

ãâáé áëåø äåà ããøùéðï ìéä ìòéì áôø÷ òì àìå îåîéï (ãó ìæ.) îëìì åôøè


We expound this regarding Bechor, above (37a) from a Klal u'Ferat!

åëï îåîéï (ãâáé àãí åá÷ãùéí ãìà) [ö"ì ãëúéáé áàãí åá÷ãùéí åìà - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ëúéáé ááëåø ãàéëà ãìà ðô÷é îëì îåí øò ëâåï ã÷ úáìåì ëãôé' á÷åðèøñ áøéù ôéø÷éï


Question #2: Similarly, Mumim written about man and Kodshim that are not written about Bechor, for there are some that are not learned from "Kol Mum Ra", e.g. Dak and Tevalul, like Rashi explained above (DH v'Su - what is the source that they apply to Bechor)?

åéù ìåîø äåàéì ãâìé âìé:


Answer: Since the Torah revealed [that they are Mumim in all three of these], it revealed (and we learn them from each other).



TOSFOS DH Amar Rava Lo Shanu v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øáà ìà ùðå ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that there is another text.)

éù âéøñà àçøú áñôøéí ìáã âéøñú ä÷åðèøñ


Remark: There is another text in Seforim other than Rashi's text (Shitah Mekubetzes brings it).


TOSFOS DH bi'Vehemah Asur b'Achilah

úåñôåú ã"ä ááäîä àñåø áàëéìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains unlike Rashi here and in Nidah.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ ãìà îäðé ìéä ùçéèä îèòí ðôì


Explanation #1 (Rashi): Shechitah does not help, because it is a Nefel.

îùîò ãàééøé ëùéöà ìàåéø äòåìí åàé àôùø ìåîø ëï ãáô' äîôìú (ðãä ãó ëã.) îå÷é ìä áðîöà áîòé àîå ãìà îéùúøé ìøá áùçéèú àîå åùîåàì ôìéâ òìéä äúí åùøé ìéä áùçéèú àîå


Objection (and Explanation #2): This implies that it was born. One cannot say so, for in Nidah (24a) we establish it when it was found in its mother's womb. According to Rav it is not permitted through Shechitah of its mother, and Shmuel argues there and permits it through Shechitah of its mother;

àáì áéöà ìàåéø àñåø àôéìå ìùîåàì


However, if it was born, it is forbidden even according to Shmuel!

åôøéê øá ùéîé äúí îîúðé' ãäëà


Citation: Rav Simi asks there from our Mishnah here.

åôéøù ùí á÷åðèøñ àúøåééäå ôøéê ìøá åùîåàì ãäê ø' çðéðà áï àðèéâðåñ âáé îåîé áäîä îúðéà åîéôñì ìéä ìâáåä îëìì ãìäãéåè ùøé


Explanation #1 (Rashi): He challenges both Rav and Shmuel, for R. Chanina ben Antigenus taught it regarding Mumim of an animal, and it is Pasul for Hakravah. This implies that it is permitted to people!

åä÷ùä òìéå ø''ú ãáäãéà úðé ìéä äëà âáé îåîé àãí


Objection (R. Tam): Here it is taught explicitly regarding Mumim of people!

àìà ìøá ãå÷à ôøéê ãàîø áàùä àéðå åìã [àìîà] ãìà çéé


Explanation #2: Rather, he challenges only Rav, who says that in a woman, it is not a child. This implies that it does not live;

åîãôñì ìéä äëà ìòáåãä îëìì ãçéé åëï îùîò ãìøá ãå÷à ôøéê


Since [R. Chanina] disqualifies him here for Avodah, this implies that he can live! It also connotes that he challenges only Rav.


TOSFOS DH Sachi Shemesh

úåñôåú ã"ä ñëé ùîù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he hates sunlight.)

îôøù áâîøà ñðé ùîù ëãôé' á÷åðèøñ ùùåðà àú äùîù åàéðå éëåì ìøàåú î÷åí ùäçîä æåøçú ùí


Explanation: The Gemara explains Sanei Shemesh, like Rashi explained, that he hates the sun, and he cannot see a place where the sun shines there;

åñëé äåà ìùåï çñåëé ùîù ùðîðò îîðå àåø äùîù


Sachi is an expression of Chasuchei Shemesh - the sun's light is withheld from him.


TOSFOS DH veshe'Nashru Mimenu Risei Einav

úåñôåú ã"ä åùðùøå îîðå øéñé òéðéå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Ris can refer to eyelash or eyelid.)

îùîò ù÷åøà øéñ ìùòøåú ùøâéìéí ìäéåú ðåùøéï îøåá ãîòä ëé ääåà ãøáï âîìéàì áçì÷ (ñðäãøéï ãó ÷ã:) âáé áëä úáëä


Inference: He calls "Ris" the hairs that often fall out due to many tears, like the case of R. Gamliel in Sanhedrin (104b) regarding "Bacho Tivkeh."

åæéîðéï ã÷øé øéñ òåø äî÷éó àú äòéï ëé ääåà ãôø÷éï ãìòéì (ãó ìç.) øéñ ùð÷á åùðñã÷ åîôøù úåøà áøà ãòéðéä:


Observation: Sometimes "Ris" is called the skin that surrounds the eye, like above (38a) "the Ris was punctured or cracked", and [Rav Papa] explains (38b) the outer row of the eye (eyelid).