[8a - 48 lines; 8b - 45 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
[1] Gemara 8a [line 1]:
The words "ki'Vnei Adam" ëáðé àãí
should be "mi'Bnei Adam" îáðé àãí (RASHI and SHITAH MEKUBETZES #1)
[2] Gemara 8a [line 8]:
The word "Yoled" éåìã
should be "Molid" îåìéã (SHITAH MEKUBETZES)
[3] Gemara 8a [line 20]:
The word "v'Chozeres" åçåæøú
should be "v'Chazrah" åçæøä
[4] Rashi 8a DH Kol ã"ä ëì:
[5] Rashi 8a DH Ela [at the end of the page] : ã"ä àìà
The words "7 Pe'amim 12 Chodesh, Hainu Echad l'Sheva" ùáò ôòîéí ùúéí òùøä çãù äééðå àçã ìùáò
should be "7 Pe'amim 12 Chodesh, Hainu Al Echad Sheva" ùáò ôòîéí ùúéí òùøä çãù äééðå òì àçã ùáò
[6] Gemara 8b [line 15]:
"Reisha d'Chevsa Amri Lach?" øéùà ãçéåúà àîøé ìê
[7] Gemara 8b [line 19]:
The words "d'Iy Chazu Kar'a d'Aila... ud'Nafka..." ãàé çæå ëøòà ãòééìà... åãðô÷à
should be "d'Iy Chazu Kar'a d'Nafka... ud'Aila..." ãàé çæå ëøòà ãðô÷à... åãòééìà (RASHASH)
[8] Gemara 8b [line 20]:
"Katli Lehu l'Gava'i, Afcha l'Sandelei" ÷èìé ìäå ìâåàé àôëä ìñðãìéä
Rashi (DH Afchei) ã"ä àôëé did not have these words in his texts (RASHASH)
[9] Gemara 8b [line 42]:
The words "Aisu Budya" àééúå áåãéà
should be "Aisi Budya" àééúé áåãéà
[10] Gemara 8b [line 44]:
"Kol Chad v'Chad" ëì çã åçã
[11] Rashi 8b DH mi'Gava'i îâååàé
The words "Bara'i" áøàé and "Gava'i" âååàé that are found in parentheses in the entire Dibur are the addition of the Tzon Kodashim and are apparently mistaken, because the exact opposite is true (RASHASH)
[12] Ibid:
The words "O Echad Yotzei" àå àçã éåöà
should be "O Achar she'Yatza" àå àçø ùéöà
[13] Rashi 8b DH Afchei : ã"ä àôëé
The words "v'Dimu she'Shnei Bnei Adam Hen, v'Echad Nichnas v'Echad Yotzei" åãéîå ùùðé áðé àãí äï åàçã ðëðñ åàçã éåöà
should be "v'Dimu she'Shnei Bnei Adam Hen, v'Echad Nichnas v'Yatzah" åãéîå ùùðé áðé àãí äï åàçã ðëðñ åéöà
(That is, they thought that a second person stepped on the threshold, besides Rebbi Yehoshua ben Chananya, and that person both entered and exited — M. KORNFELD, see INSIGHTS)
1)[line 2]áðé éîàBNEI YAMA- (O.F. sereine) mermaids, sirens. See Insights.
2a)[line 4]àååæAVAZ- domestic goose
b)[line 4]åàååæ áøV'AVAZ BAR- wild goose
3)[line 7]ùæëøåúå îáçåõSHE'ZACHRUSO MIBA'CHUTZ- that its male organ is on the outside of its body
4)[line 15]á÷éðä ùì úøðâåìéïB'KINAH SHEL TARNEGOLIN- in the nest of hay upon which a hen lays her eggs
5)[line 28]ìåæLUZ- hazel tree (RASHI); almond tree (TOSFOS)
6)[line 30]úåúTUT- berry
7)[line 36]ðîøNAMER- and the leopard
8)[line 36]áøãìñBARDELAS- (a) (O.F. puteis) and the ferret; a small, half-tamed, flesh-eating animal similar to a weasel; (b) a polecat; a small dark brown flesh-eating animal similar to a weasel; (c) a striped wild animal of the genus felis leopard; striped hyena (RASHI Avodah Zarah 42); (d) marten (Tosfos Sanhedrin 15b DH veha'Bardelas)
9)[line 37]ôéìPIL- and the elephant
10)[line 37]÷åóKOF- (O.F. singe) and the ape
11)[line 37]÷éôåóKIPOF- (O.F. merkaze) and the [type of] tailed monkey
12)[line 38]áðåú ùåçBNOS SHU'ACH- a species of inferior white figs, the flowers of which develop into fruits over a 3-year period
13)[line 38]àôòäEF'EH- viper, adder
14)[line 42]îåëññéíMUCHSASIM- a type of Benos Shu'ach (see above, entry #12)
15)[line 7]÷ììä äåà, ÷ììä ùãé òéìåéäKELALAH HU, KELALAH SHADI ILAVEI- it was said as a curse, and thus he placed on him the greatest possible curse
16)[line 9]ñáé ãáé àúåðàSABEI D'VEI ATUNA- the Elders (sages) of the Academy of Athens; this was most probably one of the famous academies of Athens, founded in the days of Plato and Aristotle hundreds of years earlier. Even after Rome conquered Greece, these academies maintained uninterrupted activity until their closure by the edicts of the Emperor Justinian in 529 C.E. (-from "The Juggler and the King," quoting "The History of the Later Roman Empire").
17)[line 9]àøáòéðäåARBE'INHU- mated them
18)[line 10]÷îùîùé ùîåùéKAMASHMESHEI SHEMUSHEI- they copulated
19)[line 11]æëéðäå åàéúéðäå ìéZACHINHU V'AISINHU LI- outwit them (in an argument) and bring them to me
20)[line 13]áéñúø÷éBISTARKEI- chairs (RASHI); cushions (ARUCH)
21)[line 15]øéùê ìæáåðéREISHACH LI'ZEVUNEI- do you have a head for sale? (lit. is your head for sale?)
22)[line 16]àé áòéú ãàéùá÷êIY BA'IS D'ISHAVKACH- if you want me to leave you alone
23)[line 16]ñâé àçåé ìéSAGI ACHAVI LI- go and show me
24)[line 17]ãîçåéD'MECHAVI- that shows
25)[line 17]ãøé ëøéëà ã÷ðéàDAREI KERICHA D'KANYA- carry a bundle of reeds
26)[line 18]ëîàï ã÷à îúôçK'MAN D'KA MISPACH- like someone who is resting
27)[line 18]ãøáðàéDARBENA'EI- guardsmen (RASHI); bran-flour, which was spread over the entranceway (RABEINU GERSHOM)
28)[line 19]ãàé çæå ëøòà ãòééìàD'IY CHAZU KAR'A D'AILA- that if they see a footprint headed inside
29)[line 19]àôëä ìñðãìéäAFCHAH L'SANDALEI- he turned his sandal around
30)[line 20]éðå÷é îìòéìYENUKEI MIL'EIL- the young sages were sitting in the upper decks
31)[line 20]ãàðï ÷ùéðï èôé åàéðäå ãøã÷éD'ANAN KASHINAN TEFEI, V'INHU DARDEKEI- we are older and they are young
32)[line 22]ìçééLECHAYEI- alright, fine
33)[line 24]ñéëúàSICHTA- peg
34)[line 24]ãöä ìúúàéDATZAH L'SATA'EI- he stuck (thrust) it into the lower part of the wall
35)[line 25]ãàåæéó åèøéóD'OZIF V'TARIF- that loaned money and then had to seize the borrower's property (when he defaulted)
36)[line 26]ìàâîàL'AGMA- to the pond
37)[line 26]÷èì ÷îà èåðàKATAL KAMA TUNA- he cut the first bundle of reeds
38)[line 27]òã ãàéúøîé àéðéù îãìé ìéäAD D'ISRAMI INISH MADLI LEI- until someone came along and helped him to lift [them all]
39)[line 27]îéìé ãáãéàéMILEI D'BEDI'EI- words of nonsense; lies
40)[line 28]ëåãðéúàKUDNISA- a female mule
41)[line 28]äåä úìé ìéäHAVAH TALI LEI- there was hanging
42)[line 29]ãîñé÷ ááé àáàD'MASIK B'VEI ABA- that he claims from his father's estate
43)[line 30]ëé ñøéàKI SARYA- when it spoils
44)[line 31]áñéìúà ãëåãðéúàB'SILTA D'KUDNISA- with the afterbirth of a mule
45)[line 33]ìéáðé åèéðàLIVNEI V'TINA- bricks and mortar
46)[line 34]îöéòúéä ãòìîàMETZI'ASA D'ALMA- the midpoint of the world
47)[line 34]àééúå àùìé åîùçåAISU ASHLEI U'MASHCHU- bring ropes and measure
48)[line 35]áéøà áãáøàBEIRA B'DAVRA- a well in the field
49)[line 35]àôùéìå ìé çáìé îôàøéAFSHILU LI CHAVLEI MI'PA'AREI- make me a rope from bran
50)[line 36]çééèéäCHAYTEI- sew it up
51)[line 36]ëøåëå ìé îéðéä âøãéKERUCHU LI MINEI GARDEI- unravel for me some threads from it
52)[line 38]îùøà ãñëéðéMISHRA D'SAKINEI- a furrow of swords
53)[line 39]ãæâúà àåëîúéD'ZAGSA UCHMESI- of a black chicken
54)[line 41]åøöåöàV'RETZUTZAH- and an unhatched chick
55)[line 42]îðà ãìà ùåé çáéìéäMANA D'LO SHAVI CHAVILEI- a utensil not worth the damage it causes
56)[line 43]àééúå îøé ñéúøåäAISU MARI SISRUHA- bring a hoe or a pickax and break open the wall
57)[line 45]àîø ìéä ìñôåðà, ùøé ñôéðúê!AMAR LEI L'SIPUNA, SHARI SEFINEICH- he said to the captain of the ship, "Unfasten the ship; [let us travel]!"
58)[line 45]ù÷ì òôøà îòôøééäåSHAKAL AFRA ME'AFRAIHU- he took dirt from their land