[a - 25 lines; b - 50 lines]
1)[line 1]דמדייתיD'MIDAISEI- [glazed vessels] sweat; i.e., they sweat from the liquid absorbed in their walls
2)[line 6]כל דתקון רבנן כעין דאורייתא תקוןKOL D'SAKUN RABANAN K'EIN D'ORAISA TAKUN- every enactment that the Rabanan made, they enacted in the manner of a d'Oraisa law. When the Rabanan enacted a Takanah, they made it parallel a similar law in the Torah.
3)[line 11]לא הוה בידיהLO HAVAH B'YADEI- he did not know how to answer the question (lit. in was not in his hand)
4)[line 12]ימי המלואים שבעתSHIV'AS YEMEI HA'MILU'IM
(a)The first seven days during which the Avodah was performed in the Mishkan were called the "Shiv'as Yemei ha'Milu'im." The word "Milu'im" means "filling," and refers to the fact that during these days the position of Divine servants was finally "filled" by the Kohanim (RASHI to Vayikra 8:22). These seven days began on the 23rd of Adar and lasted until Rosh Chodesh Nisan, which was the eighth day.
(b)During these Yemei ha'Milu'im, the Kohanim as well as the various components and utensils of the Mishkan were anointed with Shemen ha'Mishchah (see Background to Shekalim 16:6). Many Korbanos, termed Korbanos ha'Milu'im, were offered. Moshe Rabeinu officiated as the Kohen Gadol during this time, demonstrating to Aharon and his sons how the Avodah should be performed. On each of the seven Yemei ha'Milu'im, Moshe assembled and dissembled the Mishkan; on the eighth day, he left it standing. On that day, Aharon was officially appointed as Kohen Gadol and the Shechinah descended to permanently dwell in the Mishkan (RASHI ibid. 9:23).
(c)Bnei Yisrael were commanded to separate themselves from their houses and camp in front of the Ohel Mo'ed for these seven days. Following this, Moshe was commanded, "As you have done on this day, HaSh-m has commanded you to do to atone for yourselves" (Vayikra 8:34).
5)[line 18]אימראIMRA- a hem
6)[line 20]החרצניםHA'CHARTZANIM- the grape seeds
7)[line 20]והזגיםVEHA'ZAGIM- and the grape peels
8)[line 24]דורדיאDURDAYA- wine lees, sediment
9)[line 24]תריסר ירחי שתאTREISAR YARCHEI SHATA- twelve months of the year
10)[line 1]אבתא דטייעיAVTA D'TAIYEI- (a) a thick leather pouch of non-Jewish travelers (RASHI); (b) a food made with flour, spices, milk and wine (ARUCH)
11)[line 2]פורצניPURTZANEI- grape seeds
12)[line 4]שחימי ואוכמיSHECHIMEI V'UCHMEI- red and black (jugs)
13)[line 7]חילק אומןCHILAK UMAN- a species of fish known as sultanis from a professional [fisherman]. When this fish is young, it lacks fins and scales, but it develops them in time. The Mishnah later prohibits eating Chilak sold by an idolater, because similar non-Kosher fish are often found together with them and it is difficult to identify them. If the idolater is a professional fisherman, then it is permitted, because he has the expertise to remove the non-Kosher fish, and it is in his interest to do so since the non-Kosher fish has an unpleasant flavor.
14)[line 11]דנפיש שומנייהוD'NAFISH SHUMNAIHU- that their fat is abundant
15)[line 13]ארבאARBA- a boat
16)[line 13]לנמילא דעכוL'NEMEILA D'AKO- to the port of Acco
17)[line 14]נטורי בהדהNETUREI BA'HADAH- [he put Jewish] guards with it
18)[line 17]קיסתא דמורייס בלומאKISTA D'MORYAS B'LUMA- a certain measure ("Kista") of Moryas (fish oil mixed with bits of fatty fish innards and sometimes wine) sold for a Luma (a coin worth a Zuz in that place). A Kista is the vessel used when selling Muryis. The capacity of this measure was the Greek sextarius or xestes, a unit nearly equal to a pint.
19)[line 20]עיקולי ופשוריIKULEI U'FESHUREI- the sea bends there and melting snow raises the water level
20)[line 29]מיעותה דמיעותא לא חייש[UL']MI'UTA D'MI'UTA LO CHAYISH- and for a minority of a minority, he (Rebbi Meir) is not concerned
21)[line 35]מחשבין מעבודה לעבודהMECHASHVIN ME'AVODAH LA'AVODAH
A Korban is disqualified if the Kohen offering it performs one Avodah properly while intending to perform a future Avodah improperly (such as for idolatrous purposes). Since he intends to serve idolatry with this animal later (such as by pouring or burning it to an idol), his present act of Avodah (such as slaughter) is also considered to be for the sake of idolatry.
22)[line 37]תרמינך שעתךTERAMINACH SHA'ATACH- (a) may your fortune be raised for you (RASHI); (b) may you merit in the future to ask well, as this time you did not ask well (RABEINU CHANANEL)
23)[line 39]בפרשB'PERESH- with the excrement of
24)[line 39]שור הנסקלSHOR HA'NISKAL
The term Shor ha'Niskal refers to any animal or bird that is stoned to death by Beis Din. Such an animal is Asur b'Hana'ah after the death sentence is issued. One of the instances of Shor ha'Niskal is an animal that killed a person, as described in Shemos 21:28-31. (See Background to Kidushin 56:8.)
25)[line 43]בנפחיהB'NIFCHEI- [he is pleased] with its being fattened (with its increase in volume)